Parenthood Sims 4 | New in Game | Interactions | Character Trait


With the introduction of "The Sims", the process of creating a family and expanding it by adding new members was one of the most important in the game. Initially, the game did not have any special stages of development from an infant to an adult character, but with the release of each new part, more and more attention was paid to this process.

The fourth part of the game was no exception because the developers have tried hard to make the process of life of the baby more exciting and versatile thanks to the released fifth game set.

The game Suite became available on May 30, 2017 for the computer version of the game and on June 19, 2018 for the PS4 and Xbox.

And it is about this game set and will be discussed further.

Parenthood Sims 4

New in Game

The most popular question when releasing game sets and add-ons always concerns innovations added by developers. In this part of the game, the main focus was on children and their interactions with the world around them and their parents.

"New items" added to adult characters:

  • Added a new parenting skill that can be developed to level 10;

New Item: Added a new parenting skill

  • Sims-parents can put the child to sleep;

Sims-parents can put the child to sleep

  • Collecting lunch bags for children at school (you can put any dish in the bag);
  • Parents can give tasks to children and perform joint actions with them (cleaning the room, homework, sending the child to sleep on their own);
  • Parents can help Sims-school children if they had a bad dream by calming and putting the child back to sleep;
  • Another interesting addition was the ability to destroy the monster under the bed;

New addition was the ability to destroy the monster under the bed

  • Parents can help cope with emotions by talking to their child;
  • Parent Sims can encourage certain behaviors and, in accordance with them, punish and encourage them to repeat them if this applies to positive actions;
  • New life goal "super parent".

This is part of what was added to the adult characters, but also to the child Sims added a new functional range:

  • New character traits and added the "character advantages" tab, which displays positive negative results of the character's actions;
  • The ability to take food to school with you;

Now you can take food to school with you

  • Your feelings, emotions and experiences the child can write in a personal diary (which can affect the mood of the character);

Your feelings, emotions and experiences the child can write in a personal diary

  • Students receive additional homework assignments, the purpose of which is the implementation of the project. It can be done independently or with adults;
  • Adolescent Sims may experience mood swings.

Also included in the game set are additions to clothing for Sims of any age, furniture and construction. As in any game set, this creates a certain personality for the game.

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In the game set are additions to clothing for Sims of any age

New clothing for teens in this additional

New clothing for adults in this additional Parenthood

New clothing for everyone in Parenthood Sims 4

Another equally important additional feature of this set was the ability to work as a volunteer for the whole family. This helps not only to prepare the child SIM for adulthood, but also gives the opportunity to improve the skill if the work is done properly.

Additional feature of this set was the ability to work as a volunteer for the whole family


The life of the little SIM has changed a lot in this set. Now he and the world around him are supplemented with new features. A child can perform various actions with objects and adult characters, just as adults can with a child.

The child can do crafts, play with toys and a tablet, as well as learn something new from the parent: walk, talk, use a pot, eat, etc.

The life of the little SIM has changed, now he and the world around him are supplemented with new features

Now a child can perform various actions with objects and adult characters

A student can do housework, learn lessons, and do additional homework and research projects (experiments with electricity, robotics, creating a solar system, etc.). Write down your emotions and experiences in your personal diary, and at the right time read what you have written to cope with the emotional state that has arisen.

A student can do housework, learn lessons, and do additional homework and research projects

A teenager can experience different stages of their life and become a completely different character (restraint, fastidiousness in food, bullying, etc.). In this connection, his attitude to others and parents will change.

In his youth, the character can begin to help parents earn money to support the family and in addition to studying at school, get a job outside of the regular time and weekends.

A teenager can experience different stages of their life and become a completely different character

This and much more has been added to each child's life cycle, which has brought the process of creating and developing a family in the game to a completely new and more emotional level of life in contrast to the games of its predecessors.

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Character Trait

The main focus in this part of the game was on working with the character traits of the younger generation. The whole process of the child's life will give positive and negative effects on the "Dignity of character" block.

The main focus in this part of the game was on working with the character traits of the younger generation

"Virtues of character" refers to traits and features five stages for the development of this:

  • Manners;

1 manners Sim can Increase by friendly introduction

  • Responsibility;

2. Responsibility - doing Schoolwork and get good grades

  • Conflict Resolution;

3. Conflict Resolution - Sims can positively their Conflict Resolution

  • Empathy;

4. Empathy Sims can increase their Empathy by Volunteering

  • Emotional Control.

5.Emotional Control - Sims who can redirect their negative emotions can build Emotional Control

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Each trait can develop in both positive and negative ways.

Positive action:

  • Teaching parents the correct words: "thank you", "please", " sorry»;
  • Good school performance;
  • Help around the house;
  • Entries in a personal journal;
  • Games with toys, etc.

All this can develop the best qualities in children, but there are also negative actions that can negate all the efforts of the player:

  • Pronouncing "forbidden words" by a child;
  • Lack of manners (belching);
  • Poor school performance;
  • Failure to comply with parents ' punishments (violation of curfew);
  • Creating a mess;
  • Disputes and fights;
  • Shouting, biting and pushing other characters, etc.

These "Character Strengths" are influenced by the main character traits of the character, so initially the child's table can have both a positive and negative start to its development.

These Character Strengths are influenced by the main character traits of the character

A sufficient amount of work done on these character traits as a result gives additional character traits in this direction to the SIM who has reached adulthood. They will remain with him for the rest of his life and will remain with him throughout his life.

That is why you should not neglect these characteristics in the process of educating your SIM.

Character trait

As you can see from the above, the Sims in this set have become more emotional and lively, which makes them more interesting during the game. Therefore, the developers have made changes to the character traits and added new ones.

Positive character traits have become:

  • Intermediary. It adds the ability to positively resolve conflict situations;
  • Good manners. Allows you to make polite actions and reduces the risk of making negative actions in the presence of other characters;
  • Sympathy. Allows you to help other Sims cope with negative emotions that have arisen;
  • Control over emotions. Allows you to perform actions aimed at calming the character: running, writing a blog, playing a musical instrument;
  • Responsibility. Affects productivity in work and the ability to teach responsible actions to other characters;
  • Role model. This trait belongs to the "super Parent" life goal and has an impact on toddlers, children, and teenagers.

Negative features include:

  • Lover of argue. A conversation with such a character can not always end well, since the dispute can be on any topic and is not always correct, but despite this, the arguing character will prove his case;
  • Bad manners. Characters with these traits behave indecently in society, can say "bad words" and do not like to wash dishes for themselves;
  • Indifference. With this trait, Sims can make fun of others and provoke negative emotions;
  • Uncontrollable emotions. Having this character trait is very difficult to cope with the emotions that have appeared and control them, because of this there is a possibility of getting a " nervous breakdown»;
  • Irresponsibility. A character with this trait does not like to work, pay bills, and it can often happen unpleasant situations in professional activities.

Such interesting features can correct the future life of the SIM in society and significantly simplify his life and career in the future.

As you can see in this Supplement, the developers have done a tremendous job on the interaction of the child and the world around him. Adding new features, features, and activities. This made it possible to "live" the family's life in a new way.

Such interesting features can correct the future life of the SIM in society and significantly simplify his life and career in the future

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