The Sims 4 Business Career | Cheat Codes


Appeared Supplement number 9 game Sims 4 released December 16, 2014 opened up additional opportunities for players who want to succeed in a business career.

Despite the fact that the main profession does not have the interactivity of work, as the character is still sent to work independently, the career does not cease to be interesting.

Fans of action also did not remain without attention of developers as further there were additions having an opportunity to create the shop, restaurant and even veterinary clinic.

Let's focus on these areas of career in more detail to make it easier to choose a profession.

Business profession

In order to start the main gaming profession in the business enough to get a job using the phone, computer or game menu (button "J").

Find j job with phone - Sims 4 Business Career

Find a job with pc in Sims 4

Find job with game menu - Join a career

In the career menu that opens, select the profession "Business".

Select profession: Business

Next, getting a job you need to study the schedule and the list of requirements for productive work. It can be seen in the lower right corner of the screen.

Study the schedule and the list of requirements for productive work.

Fulfilling the requirements of the employer and improving the skills of "logic" and "charisma" (as they are the main skills of the profession) SIM begins his career success.

It is worth noting that, in the career of a businessman, two specializations were added that become available when you reach the 7th level of career. This is "Vice-President “or”Futures Trader".

Such bifurcated professions have become a new feature of the game, if previously it was impossible to change the direction of their activities, it is now possible to change the final career.

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Career advancement

As in any profession of the game Sims character waiting for professional promotion with changes in the working week and their attendant career rewards in the form of awards and additional accessories.

The maximum career level is 10, but given that during the game you can choose one of two career paths, respectively, awards and the name of the profession varies depending on the choice.

The main requirement in this profession is the preparation of daily reports is from their performance and will mainly depend on the productivity of filling the scale "performance". You must run them on your computer.

Career advancement - Sims 4

Fill Out Reports

Also, productivity is affected by the mood with which SIM goes to work, perfect condition for this profession is "energized". To achieve this state, you can Take Brisk Shower or drinking coffee before work.

Going to work, you can also control the process of labor SIM by clicking on its "icon" and selecting the desired action.

Increase Work Performance - Sims 4

Consider each branch of career promotions separately.

Mailroom Technician

Mailroom Technician - Business Career Sims 4

Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Payment per hour: 17 Simoleon

Requirements for improvement:

  • Fill Out Reports.

Office Assistant

Office Assistant - details description

Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Payment per hour: 22 Simoleon

Requirements for improvement:

  • Fill Out Reports;
  • Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill.


  • 130 Simoleon;
  • Desk Nameplate (Stolen);
  • New Clothes;
  • Make Fun of Corporate Goons interaction.

The Sims 4 Business Career

Assistant to the Manager

Assistant to the Manager - 25$ per hour - Sims 4

Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Payment per hour: 25 Simoleon

Requirements for improvement:

  • Fill Out Reports;
  • Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill;
  • Reach Level 2 Logic Skill.


  • 156 Simoleon;
  • S.A.L.E.S Award;
  • Imitate Boss interaction.

Awards - Assistant to the Manager

Assistant Manager

Assistant Manager - Full Information

Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Payment per hour: 38 Simoleon

Requirements for improvement:

  • Fill Out Reports;
  • Reach Level 3 Charisma Skill;
  • Reach Level 2 Logic Skill.


  • 187 Simoleon;
  • Brag About Job Title.

Regional Manager

Business - Regional Manager

Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Payment per hour: 58 Simoleon

Requirements for improvement:

  • Fill Out Reports;
  • Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill;
  • Reach Level 2 Logic Skill.


  • 281 Simoleon;
  • Pie Chart Presentation;
  • New Clothers;
  • Offer Career Advice interaction.

The Sims 4 Business Career: Regional Manager

Senior Manager

Senior Manager - Business Sims 4

Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Payment per hour: 82 Simoleon

Requirements for improvement:

  • Fill Out Reports;
  • Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill;
  • Reach Level 4 Logic Skill.


  • 527 Simoleon;
  • Tiny Tranquility Zen Garden.

Senior Manager - Workplace

The next promotion that the character receives has two career directions, chosen at will. You can continue your career in the role of Vice-President or Futures Trader. Choosing one or another direction change the types of awards and the final result of the career ladder.

 Choosing one or another direction change the types of awards and the final result of the career ladder.

Select a Branch for Sim

It is important to note that by choosing a particular profession to cancel the existing choice of specialty is impossible, even after resigning from the profession character in re-employment will return to a career level 7. At the moment, it is not possible to start the passage of this choice at first, even using the cheat codes of lowering the profession.

Consider each branch of the career separately.


Vice-President - Details information about career

Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Hours: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Payment per hour: 99 Simoleon

Requirements for improvement:

  • Make Business Calls;

Vice-President - workplace

The Sims 4 Business Career: Vice-President

  • Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill;
  • Reach Level 5 Logic Skill.


  • 746 Simoleon;
  • Executron Executive Desk Throne;
  • Make Business Calls interaction.

Leather chair - Vice-President


Business Career: President - details information

Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Hours: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Payment per hour: 147 Simoleon

Requirements for improvement:

  • Make Business Calls;
  • Reach Level 8 Charisma Skill;
  • Reach Level 6 Logic Skill.


  • 1074 Simoleon;
  • Executron Bookshelf;
  • New Clothers.

Book rack - President company: Sims 4


SEO - Sims Business Career - full details

Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Hours: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Payment per hour: 221 Simoleon

Requirements for improvement:

  • Make Business Calls;
  • Max Charisma Skill to Level 10;
  • Reach Level 8 Logic Skill.


  • 1612 Simoleon;
  • Executive Guest Chair.

Chair spec - Sims 4

Business Tycoon

Business Tycoon - Sims 4

Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

Hours: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Payment per hour: 412 Simoleon

Requirements in work:

  • Make Business Calls.


  • 2417 Simoleon;
  • Executron Executive Desk.

Executron Executive Desk.reward Business career

Also in this branch of the career when achieving maximum career success, the player is given the opportunity to buy a career room.

When achieving maximum career success, you are can buy a career room

Personal career room

We have reviewed the career branch on behalf of Vice-President, now consider the career growth and achievements of Futures Trader.

Futures Trader

Futures Trader - details information about career

Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Hours: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Payment per hour: 112 Simoleon

Requirements in work:

  • Research Stocks;

Futures Trader - work place

Futures Trader - work process

  • Reach Level 5 Charisma Skill;
  • Reach Level 6 Logic Skill.


  • 746 Simoleon;
  • Executron Personal Stock Ticker.

Executron Personal Stock Ticker - reward for Futures Trader

Hedge Fund Manager

Hedge Fund Manager - details information

Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Hours: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Payment per hour: 145 Simoleon

Requirements in work:

  • Research Stocks;
  • Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill;
  • Reach Level 8 Logic Skill.


  • 1343 Simoleon;
  • Executron Desk Pen Set;
  • New Clothers;
  • Give Fake Investment Tips interaction.

Hedge Fund Manager - work place

Corporate Raider

Corporate Raider (investor) - business career details information

Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Hours: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Payment per hour: 218 Simoleon

Requirements in work:

  • Research Stocks;
  • Reach Level 8 Charisma Skill;
  • Max Logic Skill to Level 10.


  • 1746 Simoleon;
  • Chronos Magazine (Framed Collector’s Edition Issue).

Investor Rewards: Chronos Magazine (Framed Collector s Edition Issue).

Angel Investor

Angel Investor - details information

Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Hours: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Payment per hour: 406 Simoleon

Requirements in work:

  • Research Stocks.


  • 2619 Simoleon;
  • Executron Executive Desk.

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Executron Executive Desk for a career: Angel Investor

Reaching a maximum in this career, the character becomes available to buy a room.

Reaching a maximum in this career, the character becomes available to buy a room

You can decorate the house by buying a separate Cabinet

Having received the latest awards, you can decorate the house by buying a separate Cabinet, or create your own atmosphere with the help of the inventory set already available in the family Luggage.

The working process - Sims 4

Cheat code

Business career is no exception for the additional features of the game. As with all parts of it, there are ways to "help" a character achieve success more quickly.

In order to enter the code, you need to call the console using the keys: Shift+Ctrl+C.

In the window that appears, enter the developer code: Testingcheats true

With this universal code, you can also maintain a good mood and needs of the SIM at the maximum level. Hold down the Shift key and click on the mailbox to select the desired option.

Cheat code: The Sims 4 Business Career

Using cheat code in Sims 4 - Business Career

After the introduction of the "developer code" you can use the codes to improve career growth.

It is important to remember that abuse or use this kind of tricks should not be unnecessarily, as the consequences of the introduction of such cheat codes can be both positive and negative. After all, it is impossible to exclude systemic situations that can provoke a complete loss of existing progress.

Summing up, we can definitely say that this type of career is very interesting, but it is not the maximum possible, since this is only one part of the career that we open the game developers.

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