The Sims 4 Doctor Career | How to Start | Levels | Awards | Cheats


« Health is not valued till sickness comes»

"Sims 4" pleases its fans the opportunity to treat the work not as an abstract object, where «sim» goes every day and returns with different levels of productivity and increases. Now open the possibility of playing in the hidden professional areas. Opening access to new specific professions and actions associated with them.

“The Sims 4: Get to Work” released on March 31, 2015 in the US, Russia and UK. And only from March 2 became available for all countries of the world. The developers went to meet the basic needs of fans and gave them the opportunity to control the character in the mode of professional activity. In addition to active professions, there were various business opportunities, there were aliens.

Have you ever thought about a career as a doctor in a modern center? Did you dream to save people, to see this joy and gratitude in the eyes of your patients?

If you answered Yes to these questions, then "The Sims 4: Get to Work" and a career as a doctor – this is exactly what you need.


"The Sims 4: Get to Work" opens up many scenarios for self-realization of your character.

In addition to the announced career for the doctor, you have the opportunity to try on the role of "Detective" and stand up for your city, or become a "Scientist" and glorify yourself all over the World!

Your possibilities are almost limitless!

Each profession opens up new opportunities activities, treatment characters, the search for criminals, the creation of various kinds devices and mechanisms.

How to get a Job

In order to choose the career you are interested in, you can use the functionality of your phone or computer by clicking on the "Find a job" button and in the pop-up window complete the registration of employment.

How to get job and Start Doctor Career in Sims 4

Find a job Sims 4

You can also simply press the "J" key or the corresponding icon/icon on the control panel.

You can Join to Career

After going to the job search section, a list of available professions, interactive and not only. You need to choose the specialty of the doctor and click on the check mark.

List available professions

Doctor Career

Choosing a doctor's career is necessary to study the work schedule and required for productivity tasks. They are signed in the column "Promotions Task", and their performance directly affects the further development of your career.

Medical intent - Promotion Task

Having studied your work schedule, you need to wait for the work shift, there will be two options for the work of the «Sim». You can join the work of the character and go with him by clicking "Join", or send it yourself to work using the button "Send yourself".

In this case, as in previous parts of the Sims game, the character will go to work alone. Progress from its independent activity can be insignificant, and the tasks set by a profession will not be carried out. Therefore, it is better not to ignore the community and not to abuse the independent work of the character.

The main gameplay will take place on a hidden location of the hospital.

Main  Hospital building- Sims 4

By itself, the hospital building consists of several rooms in which «Sim» will spend most of the working time. In reception is reception Desk and turn from sick Sims. They can be placed on free and vacated couches.

The hospital also has three wards for two couches, two operating rooms, a laboratory room, an x-ray room, an office with medical treadmills. A coffee shop and a gym are available for employees.

There are two ways to visit the hospital:

  • it's becoming a doctor and visiting her as a way of working;
  • or by seeking medical attention.

Have a pregnant character, when labour starts, you have several options: to give birth at home or in the hospital. Choosing "Have Baby at Hospital" «sim» will go to a hidden area for medical help.

Consider a hospital visit on behalf of a working character. The beginning of the profession comes from the character of the lowest level to feel the complexity of the career and feel the process of the hospital.

At the initial stage, «Sim» is engaged in maintaining order in the clinic, as long as it does not go to the levels where it will be possible to treat patients.

To have a successful career you need to perform daily tasks that arise when you go to the location in the upper left corner.

Everyday tasks - list task

The more tasks performed during the day, the higher the probability of transition through the hierarchy of the profession to a new level. If the working day is coming to an end, but the scale is not fully filled, you can increase the working day by clicking on the clock and selecting the "stay late" button.

Stay late after work day

Tasks on the first day are more exploratory in nature, becoming more complicated in the process of raising the level of career.

Career Levels and Awards

Professional growth of the game character is gradual, each stage requires certain skills and tasks set in the graph of work.

Performing all job descriptions “Sim” reaches career growth, changing his clothes and he gets a nice bonus, you can see that in the "Luggage of the family" going into construction mode.

There are 10 career promotions. More details can be found below:

It is also worth noting that in the process of increasing the work will change the appearance of the active character, from the medical form to the white coat. Employees who are in the shift with the character will also change in position and their appearance in the workplace.

Daily business

Treatment of patients is not the main job of a medical institution employee. During the working day you need to have time to chat with colleagues, greet and distribute patients, feed patients, read reports on the Internet, clean up the clinic, go to lunch.

Greeting patients/colleagues

During the first working day there is an acquaintance with the specialty. Therefore, to increase the scale of productivity there is a requirement to greet a particular character. This task occurs at the beginning of a career, and in the future will appear very rarely.

First working day there is an acquaintance with the specialty

Communication with patients/colleagues

Has itself many different options activities.

With patients, you can talk about their health or just chat on a free topic.

With colleagues there is an opportunity to discuss: work, complain about the difficulty of work or just find out how the day of a character.

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Feed the patient

Feed the patient in The Sims 4

This task falls at the beginning of the profession. To perform it, you need to select the patient and click on it. Choose the action feed on the couch.

Reading the report

This action involves reading published articles on a medical topic. To perform the task, it is enough to find a free computer and select the desired action. It is also marked with a medical symbol when you click on the actions of the computer.


Keeping the hospital clean is the main task of those who start their careers. It includes: washing the floors of periodically occurring puddles, laying couches already discharged characters to prepare them for the reception of new patients.

Lunch break

Lunch break - Sims 4

Work at the clinic involves breaks. During the day, the task drink coffee may occur. Do not neglect it because it brings no less productivity.

Hand washing

This task is also in the list of daily professional needs. Since working with patients can carry certain risks.

Examination of the patient

This opportunity becomes available at a higher career level. Involves performing a specific sequence of actions for diagnosis.


After the diagnosis and diagnosis, the patient is treated. This task appears in the daily to-do list.

Diagnosis of Disease

Growing up as a specialist, «sim» begin to open up the possibility of diagnosing patients, in the form of the following actions:

  • Swap for Sample

Diagnosis of Disease patient

  • Check Eyes

Check Eyes patient

  • Check Ears

Check Ears patient

  • Scan Body

Scan Body patietn - Sims 4

  • Take temperature

Take temperature of patient

Doctor career - Sims4

Depending on the reaction to diagnostic manipulations, the diagnosis is made.

It is worth noting that the blue icon above the patient means that he is at the stage of diagnosis. Red means diagnosed and requires only treatment and discharge.

Blue icon above the patient means that he is at the stage of diagnosis

Red means diagnosed and requires only treatment

The above methods of diagnosis are not the only possible, sometimes for diagnosis it is necessary to use additional equipment. For example, a chemical analyzer.

Chemical Analyzer

Having learned to use a chemical analyzer (you will need to bring the skill of " logic "to the maximum possible value,"sim" will be able to successfully analyze the patient's sample on the analyzer, which will bring it closer to the diagnosis.

Chemical Analyzer - Doctor Career Sims4

The analyzer may break down during operation, it may get dirty. In this case, you will have to work to troubleshoot the equipment.

After receiving the results, the sample will need to be entered into the database, using a free computer.

This is worth considering, as many players are faced with the inability to make a record emergency analysis data. Analyze your patient's data and only then proceed to data entry.

Make a record emergency analysis data

X-Ray Scan

In addition to the chemical analyzer “sum” can use the radiograph. To do this, select the desired action in the patient menu. The disadvantage of the procedure is that the device may break during operation or be poorly calibrated, then the diagnostic process will have to be repeated.

Work with X-Ray Scan in Sims 4

To use the device you will need to calibrate it, and only then invite the patient to the office.

Preform Treadmill Test

Also one of the additional methods of diagnosis of the disease. Often in a situation where all the methods have already been carried out, and there are still two possible diagnoses, the treadmill can play a crucial role in the diagnosis. Although the same as the x-ray, there may be difficulties if the device in the process of diagnosis breaks down.

Treadmill Test - check patient

The completion of the diagnostics

In the case of a successful diagnosis of all arising items «sim» not having a doctor's specialization should transfer the patient to the doctor. The game will give a hint in the form of a daily task.

When the career milestone will be reached «sim» alone will be able to voice the diagnosis of the patient and carry out the necessary treatment. But it is important to remember that an erroneous diagnosis will not save the patient and he will leave the clinic as sick, and the scale of productivity of the game character will fall.

If the «sim» is confident in the diagnosis and has already voiced it to the patient, he lights up a red symbol above his head. Then it is necessary to make treatment.

There are three ways to treat characters:

  • Treatment with tablets;

The diagnosis of the patient and carry out the necessary treatment

  • Injection;

Treatment with Injection

  • Operation.

Treatment with Operation

Having diagnosed the «sim» becomes available only the kind of treatment that can cure a specific disease.

Availables only the kinds of treatment that can cure a specific disease

In the profession of the doctor it is worth noting that the character may be in the treatment of the patient to face the fact that he is an alien. From what «sim» can feel discomfort in work, but treatment will continue.

After treatment, the patient leaves the clinic, and "sim" can begin to treat another patient.

During the game shift, with a good combination of circumstances, you can cure from 1 to 3 people.

Unforeseen Situation

In the gameplay may be abnormal situations. The usual time they occur is 11: 00 local game time. If no additional tasks have arisen, the «sim» is waiting for a normal weekday without incident.

There are several types of emergency situations:

Call a doctor at home

Call a doctor at home - Sims4

This task is not so urgent so visiting patients at home can be done later. To go on a call you need to use the reception. After that, "sim" is sent to a randomly selected house, where it will be expected by patients.

Next, there is a list of other tasks, you must perform them to achieve results. Once all the tasks are completed, the game will automatically prompt you to return to the clinic.

Treatment patient in him home

Basically, work with patients at home is to conduct an examination and appointment of treatment, as well as return back to the clinic.

To make the data term Analysis

In the case of this task, it is urgent to carry out the following manipulation - you Need to click on the front Desk (a box standing on it) and take arrived to the clinic samples, then run a diagnostic on the chemical analyzer and to submit the results in database via computer.

To help a patient who Fainted

In the reception you can find a patient lying on the floor. For treatment, it is necessary to bring him to his senses and send him to the surgical table for treatment.

Deliver the Baby

The task of «sim»-the doctor in this case to meet the pregnant «sim» at the reception and accompany him to the surgical Department to deliver a baby.


Such an event occurs rarely and bears under its name something in common between calling a doctor at home and fainting.

To start, click on the registration Desk and select the action " go to deal with the epidemic."

«sim» will go to a random public area, where he will need to perform a number of tasks to bring sick Sims to life and carry out their treatment, then the game will offer to return to the hospital.

Kind of Disease

In this Supplement, there are 8 types of diseases that can force characters to seek help from a medical professional. Symptoms of the disease may be different.

!It is important to note that children can not get sick with a disease requiring surgery.

Here you can find a list of symptoms:

Do not forget that the game "sim" can also get sick from patients and not only. There are two ways to get sick:

  • Communication with a sick patient;
  • Overwork.

If for a long time the character rests, is experiencing discomfort and tension, he has a huge chance of getting sick, so it is attentive to the needs of its "sim".

If you can not avoid the disease, you can carry out treatment in any convenient place, simply order the medicine using the computer. Another good tool in the fight against the disease is orange juice and healthy sleep.

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Tips for walkthrough

It is necessary to address more broadly the situation that can be encountered in the game and how to resolve them.

Let us dwell on the following points:

  • The accuracy of the diagnosis. The accuracy of a diagnosis will depend the speed of your career growth since it directly tinted with the scale of productivity. Often there are situations when all diagnostic techniques have already been used, and the choice is still from several options, in this case it is recommended to move to another patient.

    It is necessary to understand that in the event of an erroneous decision-it will significantly affect career achievements. In the next work shift, you can return to the patient and try again.

  • Communication with the patient. Do not neglect this point, as often communicating with the patient can reveal the hidden symptoms of the disease at first glance.
  • Character in the "attentive" condition does work better, best of all it will affect is the first professional achievements. Using a treadmill, x-ray and chemical analyzer is also recommended in the state of “Focused". There are several ways to achieve this state:
  • Use a computer. I need to see Add New Studies Info to Medical Journal. This will give +2 care in during 3 hours.
  • Calibration of the x-ray machine also raises the level of care +1 duration of 3 hours.
  • The skill development of mechanics. It will help to optimize the work of the clinic, repair complex equipment and its improvement.
  • The skill development of logic. It will help in the work with the chemical analyzer, so that the results of the work are as effective as possible, and unsuccessful results become a rare phenomenon.

Using these tips, you can much faster to achieve the end result of a doctor's career. Reaching the maximum, you can continue to travel with the character to work in the clinic or leave it to yourself, do not forget to check the scale of productivity, so as not to lose the achieved increase.

Cheat Codes to change locations

As you know, the hospital, the police station and the laboratory were made by developers exclusively as additional locations that are absent in the cities. Appearing in a hidden area, many users have a desire to carry out the reconstruction of the site, as the color of the walls, lack of equipment can slow down the work of the character.

For this kind of manipulation will have to use special codes, in another way to carry out the reconstruction of the site is impossible, since this function is simply not available.

To work on a hidden area you need to be on it to call the console to enter the code. It appears after pressing the combination: Ctrl + Shift+C.

Next, enter in the line that appears: "bb.enablefreebuild", then press Enter. Below after entering the inscription will appear: "Free build mode is enabled", which indicates the success of your illegal actions.

Cheat Codes to change locations in Sims 4

Enter developer code: Testingcheats true

Now the location editing mode is available.

To disable the code, you must enter: "bb.enablefreebuild off»

There is also a set of special cheat codes, with which it is possible to increase the chances of increasing, but it works in the opposite direction.

For hanging you need to enter: «Careers.promote Doctor»

For demotion in profession: «Careers.demote Doctor»

It is worth remembering that, using such codes, you can lose the achieved process or face the deterioration of the game in this area, so you need to use it wisely and only in extreme cases.

Now having understood in detail all the nuances of the game, you can proceed to self-study career for the doctor in the game «The Sims 4».

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