The Sims 4: «Discover University» | Student City | Specialties and Scholarships | xGamers
Fans of the game "The Sims" with nostalgia remembered the student years lived in the game "The Sims 3". Noisy student parties, tons of homework, sessions and finally the long-awaited release, the scope of which will be the envy of Hollywood movies. They created an additional charm of the third part of the game and for a long time players from all over the world expected the appearance of such an opportunity in the fourth part of the game.
The wishes of the players were heard and November 15, 2019 for players who own a computer, released the eighth addition to the fourth part of the game called «Discover University». On the console version of the game, the release of the Supplement is announced on December 17, 2019.
For those who have installed or are just waiting for the release of additions already have the opportunity to evaluate the work done by the developers, who returned the student charm to the game with anticipation.

Student City
Like any new addition to the game "The Sims 4" for the gameplay was created an additional location in the form of a town called "Britechester".

The city has several sites on which universities are located with its infrastructure, public areas and ordinary residential lots. 
There are two educational institutions in the city:
- University of Britechester;

On the territory of each educational institution there is: a hostel, a common room, where there is a dining room and a room for classes (this lot can be edited in the construction mode), a hostel for students located in the penthouse (it is impossible to edit, but you can take your favorite bed in the room), an educational building, etc.
Depending on the school complied and style student of the lot, whether it is a modern school as "Foxbury Institute" brought together in an unusual modern design or "University of Britechester" is analogous to a classical educational institution with a rich history.
On campus there are also tents with various food and paraphernalia of the University.

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Residential lots are also designed in the spirit of the town and do not stand out from the General image.

In General, the visual interface successfully resembles the familiar to many University world, which many could contemplate in many student American comedies.
How to go to University
After studying a new city, you can begin to implement the desired-it is admission to the University. It is worth noting that SIM can become a student from a "young" age. Teenagers this opportunity is not available, but becomes active five days before the birthday of the game SIM (with the established normal life expectancy).
Before you apply for admission to an educational institution, you need to study it using the computer by clicking on the "University" menu and selecting "Research Universities". After that, he will be acquainted in detail with the educational institution itself, the programs for which it works, the organizations and specialties created based on the educational institution.

Selecting the institution of interest, you need to apply for admission. To do this, you need to use a computer or mailbox on the home lot. The cost of the application for admission is 75 Simoleons. After successful mandrel, it is necessary to wait for the answer from educational institution.
Usually the next day you can get your satisfactory answer to the appeal, because regardless of the progress of the SIM in school, his life goals, aspirations and lifestyle training is available to each character, just with different conditions.

In the return letter, the SIM receives information about the programs for which it can apply, and information about additional features, if any. After that, simply select the University and specialty that you want to train your character in the entry settings menu.

It is important to remember that the choice of a particular specialty affects the future career of the SIM. As in "Sims 3", trained in a particular profession, you start your career not from scratch after graduation, but with a small start/experience. Therefore, it is worth carefully studying each direction, as there is information about further professional opportunities.
What Specialties and Scholarships
In the description of each training program, there is information about the career and skills that are studied in the chosen specialty. Learning skills more deeply you can get into prestigious training programs, it is enough to have a fifth level of skill in the program.

Below are the following types of prestigious programs.
Foxbury Institute
Training program
Art history
Painting, writing, charisma
Arts critic, patron of the arts, trend setter
Charisma, writing, logic
Charity organizer, journalist, management, public relations
Culinary arts
Chef, food critic
Charisma, comedy
Actress, comedian, internet personality
Fine art
Painting, photography, violin
Floral designer, freelance artist, freelance fashion photographer, master of the real, musician, stylist
Charisma, logic, research & debate
Judge, officer, politician
Language & literature
Charisma, research & debate, writing
Author, freelance writer, private attorney
University of Britechester
Training program
Fitness, gardening, logic
Bodybuilder, botanist, doctor, marine biologist
Computer Science
Programming, robotics
Computer engineer, freelance programmer, oracle, start-up enterpreneur
Charisma, logic, research & debate
Administrator, Environmental manager, investor
Handiness, robotics, rocket science
Mechanical engineer, scientist, space ranger
Charisma, logic, research & debate
Covert operator, detective, diamond agent, professor
Fitness, logic, mischief
Boss, interstellar smuggler, villain
Another of the bonuses in the study is the possibility of obtaining a scholarship. It can significantly save the family budget when enrolling in a particular specialty.
There are several types of scholarship:
- Scholarship for honors. Assigned to the character who received a prestigious place in the educational program. The amount of the scholarship in this case depends on the number of prestigious programs offered. Therefore, before applying for admission, it is better to tighten the necessary skills as much as possible.
- Scholarship for professionals. It can get Sims with different practical skills, the only limitation in obtaining it is the age of Shem. He must be young.
- Sports scholarships. Available to those who are engaged in extracurricular activities, namely football or eSports.
- Scholarship for low-income characters. Characters with insufficient number of funds family budget can qualify for obtaining "especially" scholarships for Sims caught in a difficult life situation.
- Scholarships for specialists. This type of scholarship is designed for those whose experience has already been used in the labor market, and it is offered to them for promotion in the profession.
- Resident scholarship. This type of scholarship is available to Sims depending on the region of residence.
To apply for a particular scholarship is simple; just use a computer or mailbox.

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Before applying, the character can get acquainted with all possible scholarships specifically for him and make an application. It can be applied for several scholarships, but whether one or several will be approved, you can already find out only after the application is considered by the educational institution.
The status of the submitted application can be found using a computer or phone, but the result will be known only the next day and will come to your mailbox.
What is the cost of Training
After the approval of the admission of the SIM to educational institutions, the required registration points are selected, namely: one of the represented universities, specialty, place of residence and, accordingly, the cost of training.
The tuition fee includes: the number of subjects studied by SIM, accommodation in the case of living on the territory of the University in a hostel.
If the scholarship of the game character is enough, it can fully cover the costs of the family budget, but if the funds are not enough, you can use the lending option. It must be paid at the end of the University or repaid early in the course of training, through the phone menu.
Having completed all the required registration points, SIM becomes a full-fledged student and can plunge into the world of knowledge. 
The learning process itself is quite banal and consists of doing homework according to the number of subjects chosen at the stage of admission.

The schedule is in the menu of the character, there is also indicated the status of the homework done by him and the requirements for moving to the next course. It is worth carefully studying the schedule to perform tasks on time.

The ideal place to do homework is definitely the common room of the University, as doing work there SIM makes it more concentrated because of the characteristics of this type of site. It is also possible to communicate, play and of course eat in the dining room, which works during the day. Food for students in the educational institution is free!

In addition, depending on the chosen specialty in the SIM's Luggage, you can see an additional task of the course. It is different for each chosen specialty for exams and term papers/presentations.

Each semester lasts for five working days, to obtain a diploma you need to study 12 courses. During each semester, you can take from 1 to 4 classes in the specialty, while the more classes are held at the SIM the faster he will graduate from University.
This DLC also added additional extracurricular activities in the form of electives, where you can participate in debates, create or engage in robotics, depending on the choice of educational institution electives have differences. You can also try to join a secret society, but it is not easy.

What is worth paying Attention

Each University holds a number of social events, information about their passage comes a separate notification for the SIM. Visiting this or that building, you can witness the event, even if you do not want to participate in it.
In the game were added as well in accordance with the new part of the game additional ways of movement in the form of bicycles. The character can now move around campus with the help of a two-wheeled friend. Simply purchase the option you like in the shopping menu and add to the Luggage of the character.

In addition, the creators of the game pleased the players with new clothes, hairstyles, tattoos, etc.

Making it possible to create unique student images regardless of the gender of the selected character. Since self-expression is the main and important part of life in students, a great emphasis was placed on the external images of the characters created by the players.

This is not a cunning way the game developers allow players from around the world to plunge into student life and feel the new atmosphere of the life cycle of their characters.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Supplement "at the University" has a few rough edges and flaws, for example, this statement refers to the desire of some players to send several characters to study.
The key nuance is that admission to the University is an individual task that is solved for each character separately, that is, one character arrives, then the player returns to the family and sends a second character, but the first one is already trained.
Somewhat inconvenient and we hope that in future patches this nuance will be corrected.
In the rest, the game "The Sims 4" continues to be replenished with additions and develop in its diverse approach to the gameplay, which cannot but please us.

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