The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt quest «The Isle of Mists»
Location: Undvik / Isle of Mists
Type: Main quest
Suggested Level:22
Reward: 4000 ОО
After completing the main quest "Va fail, Elaine", during the passage of which Yennefer was able to cast a spell on Uma, we finally became aware of the same elf who accompanies Ciri when fleeing from the Wild Hunt, and we could observe him in the quest "Wandering in the Dark".
This elf was none other than Avallac'h from Aen Elle, known to us also from the main books of pan Sapkovsky – «The Tower of the Swallow» and «The Lady of the Lake».
So, after getting all the necessary information, Geralt is sent to the "Isle of Mists", where Avallac'h hid Ciri from warriors of the Wild Hunt. We will also refer to the entries from the diary, which will remind us of the current situation in General:
«After a long search Geralt was at last a step from his goal. Avallac'h had hid Ciri from the Hunt on the magical Isle of Mists, which could only be reached if fate deemed one worthy - or by following a magic firefly, which was decidedly the easier option. Geralt thus readied himself to sail to the isle and bring back Ciri.
Finally. After years of separation, weeks of searching, dozens of false trails and endless worry, Geralt had found Ciri. They were not given long to celebrate their reunion, however. As soon as Ciri awoke from her magic slumber the Wild Hunt picked up her trail and began to attack. Geralt and his adopted daughter thus had no choice but to use Ciri's special abilities to flee to Kaer Morhen and face their attackers there»
But, before you finally go to Ciri, you need to gather friends for a battle with the Wild Hunt, as soon as the Witcher leaves the Island, her location will become known to Eredin Bréacc Glas.
Upon completion of these quests, the fateful task "Isle of Mists" begins.
Last but not least, starting the passage of the quest in question will not be possible to perform the following tasks:
Complete them and move on to the main storyline.
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Islands Of Mists
Start searching for " Islands Of Mists" from the location "Skellige" and "Undvik", where the starting point of the search will be located.

When you reach the marked area, you only need to get into the boat and move along the guide on the map, performing the initial stage of the task - "Find the island of Mists".
Please note that Geralt will have a long voyage, and if you haven't prepared your equipment properly yet, it's time to do it, because when you get to the rocks in the form of an arch, the game will warn you about the need to save, due to the importance of further development of the plots.

After passing this control point, Geralt will release a Firefly/light, which will point the way to the "Islands of Mists".

Try not to deviate much from the course set by the Firefly, otherwise you may become victims of attacks by monsters, for example, Ekhidna level 19.

Saving the Dwarves
Finally, having reached the Island, having sailed between the remains of dozens of sunken ships, Geralt will set foot on solid ground, but there is no time for respite.
After just a few steps to meet the Witcher, level 19 Tangalors, a more advanced type of Fogs, will be released.

After sending the monsters to where they should be, Geralt will continue to follow the light, which will eventually lead him to a lonely house.
At first, no one will answer a knock on the door, but at the very last moment, "voice" will be heard inside the house.

From a conversation with the residents of the house (the Dwarves), it will become known that they have hidden inside and are not going to come out of there, since they believe that Geralt is a Demon.
Wanting to demonstrate their good intentions, the Witcher will offer to save three of their friends who disappeared in this God-forsaken place.

It is worth starting the search from the nearest point – this is the supposed location of the Ivo dwarf .
On the way, Geralt will have to fight level 19 Harpy and Swamp.

When they reach the marked area, the Witcher will see Ivo climbing to the top of the cliff.
As soon as you get close to him and tell him that the danger is over, he will fall off the cliff and crash to his death. There are no ways to save him or avoid his ridiculous death.

Further searches will lead Geralt to the lighthouse where the second missing person – Gaspard-is hiding.

Climbing to the top of the lighthouse, the Witcher will find Gaspard dozing, and next to him you can find a chest full of various Runestones.
From a conversation with him, it will become known that Gaspardd suffers from a rare disease – narcolepsy, which causes him to constantly fall asleep, regardless of the circumstances surrounding him, and has no power over it.
Promise to take care of him and start accompanying Gaspardd to his companions.
But it is only necessary to move away from the lighthouse for a few steps, as the red camel will fall into a dead sleep, and Geralt will have to fight off monsters. Fortunately, it will not be difficult to Wake Gaspardd – you only need to talk to him a little.

Get ready for a meeting with a large pack of harpies and deliver Gaspard to the house.
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The last missing red camel went to the sunken ship in an attempt to repair it.

Unfortunately, after reaching the marked area, Geralt finds that Ferenc is dead from the clutches of a level 22 Fiend, which the Witcher will have to fight.
Returning to the house where dwells the dwarves, including the only survivor Gaspard.

They will tell you what they know about Сiri, but they will tell you that She is apparently dead…
Then a very emotional scene will begin, which does not require additional comments.
Taking a breath from the long-awaited family reunion, with the help of Geralt, ask Ciri about her adventures, that the last pieces of the puzzle have finally formed.

The joy of the meeting will be spoiled, since the dwarves "stolen" Geralt's boat, and the wild Hunt warriors found their way to the island.

Ciri and Geralt have no choice but to teleport to Kaer Morhen, leaving a clear trail behind them.
This will end the passage of the main quest "Islands of Mists" and begin a complex, dynamic and no less emotional quest "The Battle of Kaer Morhen".