Metro Exodus: Codes, Trainers | Location | How to Use


Metro Exodus - the last part of the game trilogy, created based on the sensational novels of Dmitry Glukhovsky. The action of the "Exodus" takes place in the post-apocalyptic expanses of Russia. Heroes finally got to the surface for a long raid in search of other survivors. Of course, the indefatigable Artyom acted as the initiator of the risky campaign.

Metro Exodus Codes

With the support of Melnik and his "Spartans", a handful of desperate inhabitants of the tunnels of the Moscow metro heading inland. Since the plot is centered on the Aurora, players will be able to admire unusual panoramas of destroyed cities in their postapocalyptic beauty. Moreover, they will also dynamically replace each other, because the long outing will last for a whole year, what else can you expect from a trip from Moscow to Novosibirsk?

Metro Exodus Trainers

The creators literally stuffed the game to the eyeball with all sorts of Easter eggs, secrets and references to films, other games and even books. So we advise you to carefully look around, and not to count the mutated crows during the passage. By the way, about the very passage: the developers offer five levels of difficulty, as in the previous parts. At first, life in the universe will seem like a cakewalk, and at the last, you will have to face real difficulties and many difficult tasks. If the player still chose "hard", then pass it without cheats - a real achievement. And “hovering” at one of the stages, without “illegal” help, it will not be possible to do at all.

Where to Get Cheat Codes

Metro Exodus was released only at the beginning of the year and still has not lost the status of new items. Secret codes for easier passing of the game are hardened cheaters that have not yet been shared with a wide audience. Perhaps someone already has them: safely hidden and protected, as "treasures". The publisher 4A Games, in contrast to the same Rockstar Games, does not indulge its fans with “legal” cheats that inhibit game progress, but allow players to play around with endless ammo or endless health reserves.

Metro Exodus easy passage

When you really want to go the easy way or overcome a certain stage of the game, which causes difficulties, you can watch the video instructions. They were specially prepared by those who have already passed and tasted all the charms of the shooter. If it is no longer possible to fight the overwhelming desire to “cheat”, then you should use an alternative to cheats - trainers.

Trainers are specifically designed to change game settings. Where the cheat "does not pass", the trainer will make his way.

Change game settings using trainers

Programs work directly with the memory of the game to bypass all levels of protection, carefully installed by developers. For those who encounter them for the first time, we will clarify that the "+" in the title and the number immediately following the sign indicates the number of options that this particular program has.

Selection of trainers can be downloaded here.

Algorithm of work with trainers

  • First you need to download the program.
  • Unpack the archive and extract files from it.
  • Run the program.
  • In parallel with this open the game.

To take advantage of the proposed options, during the passage you must press the corresponding keys, the symbols for which are described in the instruction attached to the trainer. Each program focuses on the inexhaustible reserves of a resource: health, first-aid kits, ammunition.

Terms of use of trainers

Some trainers allow you to forget about the wear of the weapon with active use and workshops, where it needs to be regularly sent for cleaning.

Opportunities of trainers

It is much more fun to play games with similar bonuses, but some gamers may lose interest. Since the character is immortal, and the Mariana Trench formed in the backpack, there is no sense in such a “smooth” passage. So, before becoming an avid cheater, it’s better to think ten times: is it worth it to “smooth out” the difficulties so radically and spoil your impressions about the game?
