The Witcher 3 quest Capture the Castle
Location: Count de la Croix's Mill / Dun Tynne Castle
Type: Main quest
Suggested Level:47
Reward: 3000 ОО
In the final part of the quest "The Man from Cintra", we witnessed a very interesting meeting where Anna Henrietta and Dettlaf met at the same table.
Also, the Princess told us about the fate of her sister, which has already become a kind of spoiler for the next quest "Capture the Castle".
In search of the mysterious cintrian, who is known to be hiding in the castle of Dun Tynne, Geralt must meet at the mill of the late count De La Croix with the captain of the guard Damien de la Tour and develop a plan of attack.
IMPORTANT! This task will begin the development of events that will lead to the completion of the entire main storyline of the Supplement "Blood and Wine".
This will affect the fact that Geralt will be limited in movement and will not be able to pass other minor quests. Agreeing with the warning of the game itself, some quests will automatically fail, for example, "The Warble of a Smitten Knight".
Take care of this in advance and prepare more food, potions, oils, and repair kits.
Development of the Plan

The meeting at the mill is scheduled for closer to midnight, which Geralt will inform you about if you come earlier.

Damien de La Tour has already developed a plan of attack that fully meets the tasks set by the Princess.
The essence of the plan is simple and the Witcher will need to take advantage of the distraction of the soldiers, making their way behind the castle wall.

There is no way back, only the road leads to battles.
The Storming Of Dun Tyne
It is worth warning that the further development of events is a lot of battles with the castle guards and with the people of the "cintrian".
Prepare the "Swallow", "Repair kits", and it does not hurt to keep a potion on hand against animals.
So, Damien will start performing his role, and Geralt will climb over the wall and immediately face an armed guard.

Level 47 opponents will abound, combine quick attacks, evasion, and "Quen" and "Igni" signs.

Having overcome the first line of defense, Geralt will finally face Roderick, who owns the castle of Dun Ty ne, only recently returned to his native land and restored the surrounding area.

After receiving a fatal wound, Roderick will answer several questions from the Witcher, the main one of which is that he does not know about any kidnapped girl.

Geralt can spare Roderick by giving him minimal, but still help, or leave his fate to the will of the gods and chance.

Next, the Witcher is expected by the people of the cintrian and a difficult battle with the big man Borg Iron. Keep your distance in the battle with it, as evasion may not be enough. Combine quick attacks and the "Igni" sign.

The next opponents are a pack of guard dogs and two soldiers. "Aard" and "Igni" will be good helpers in the battle with them, here will also help the potion from the animals.

Moving forward, Geralt will send crossbowmen to the forefathers and climb to the terrace, where a new cut scene will begin.
Regis and Detlaff will appear, who will demonstrate the full power of the higher vampires by simply chopping dozens of cintrian fighters into mincemeat.

Geralt can only follow and silently watch as the vampires deal with already "defenseless" enemies.

Next, the Witcher, accompanied by vampires, will still reach the tower, where Detlaff's beloved is expected to be imprisoned.

Yes, there was a girl, but as you probably already guessed by this point, Rhena and Sianna are the same person.

Detlaff will be furious at the betrayal of his beloved, and will give her three days to come to him in Teskham Mutna and tell the whole truth, otherwise he will level Beauclerk with the ground.

So how was all this trouble in the style of "Beast of Toussant" tied sister Princess, she won't think to look sensibly and will continue to shield the sister no good in the end will not.

Anna Henrietta will not accept the truth and orders the Witcher to finish what he started by killing Detlaff.
Regis and Geralt will not cope with the task set by the Princess (but they did not really want to) and will come to a meeting with a high-ranking person empty-handed, which will enrage her.

But it is she who will eventually put her subjects in a dangerous position, since her refusal to let Sianna go to meet Detlaff will force Him to demonstrate his strength and send hordes of vampires to Beauclair.

This ends the quest "Capture the Castle" and begins a new episode called "The Night of Long Fangs".

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