The Witcher 3 «Count Reuven's Treasure» | Henckel's House | Quarters | xGamers


Location: Novigrad

Type: Main quest

Suggested Level:12

Reward: 400 ОО

Witcher Geralt of Rivia purposefully goes to his goal-to find Ciri and save Dandelion, who once again got into trouble.

The task "Count Reuven's Treasure" will become available after passing the quest "Broken Flowers", where we are made aware of a bold, but rather stupid adventure Dandelion - robbing the Treasury of a hitherto unknown Sigi Reuven.

Delicate conversation

After learning where to find this mysterious Sigi Reuven, Geralt goes to the baths, where he is met by a voice (Happen) behind closed doors.

The Witcher 3 «Count Reuven s Treasure»

Geralt goes to the baths and a voice behind closed doors

After a brief persuasion, the Witcher is allowed in, but is warned that Rowan is having an important meeting, and if Geralt wants to join him, then it is necessary to change the outfit for a proper steam room.

After a brief persuasion, the Witcher is allowed in

Following Happen past women who make jokes below the belt, Geralt finally gets to meet Sigi Reuven, who was accompanied by Carlo Varese and the King of Beggars.

Following Happen past women who make jokes

This meeting brought new bursts of surprise, because Sigi Reuven was none other than Sigismund Dijkstra, former head of redan intelligence and part-time old, but not a good friend of the Witcher.

Sigi Reuven was none other than Sigismund Dijkstra

One way or another, the task will have to continue. Having explained to the Carlo Varese, who is not familiar with the Witcher, you should get to the point of the conversation…

Walkthrough - «Count Reuven s Treasure»

But at this moment, the bath decided to attack the people of the Whoreson Junior, and a member of the "secret circle" will have to send to the light in some towels unlucky thugs.

At that moment the people of the Bastard the Younger decided to attack the bathhouse

Having dealt with the attackers, Geralt will dispel the doubts of Carlo Varese about his role in this attempt, and finally begin a personal conversation with Dijkstra.

Having dealt with the attackers, Geralt will dispel the doubts of Carlo Varese about his role in this attempt

Personal conversation Geralt with Dijkstra

The dialogue will allow you to remember the history of Dating the Witcher and the redan spy, as well as their difficult relationship. Dijkstra, from "purely friendly motives" will advise personally to deal with The Whoreson Junior, without involving in this business of people of Carlo Varese .

The dialogue will allow you to remember the history of Dating the Witcher and the redan spy, as well as their difficult relationship

After exchanging useful information, Dijkstra will also Express his suspicions/assumptions about the future of Dandelion, but will try to get more accurate information, if Geralt will do him a favor.

Dijkstra will also Express his suspicions/assumptions about the future of Dandelion

Geralt and Dijkstra in the quest: Count Reuven s Treasure


Following Dijkstra into a secret passage, Geralt finds himself in a dungeon where the former scout's treasures were kept.

Following Dijkstra into a secret passage, Geralt finds himself in a dungeon

As a guard will present a clearly restless Troll, who is very worried about something.

As a guard will present a clearly restless Troll

The Witcher 3 «Count Reuven s Treasure»

It turns out that the intruders somehow managed to punch a huge hole in the wall, also disarming the Troll, letting into the dungeon evaporation of mold pop, or as the guard put it "Head foozz".

It turns out that the intruders somehow managed to punch a huge hole in the wall

Dijkstra said that he had already sent his men to search for evidence, but the poisonous fumes had left them no chance, so Geralt must go in person, armed with an antidote.

So, having passed into a hole of impressive size, you should immediately begin to use the Witcher's instinct, which will allow you to find the remains of a ruptured pipe, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the epicenter of the explosion.

Geralt finds the remains of a ruptured pipe

Also nearby you can find the remains of the lattice.

Nearby you can find the remains of the lattice.

After an initial search for clues, you should take the antidote and go further, focusing on the marked areas on the map.

After an initial search for clues, you need  go further, focusing on the marked areas on the map

Don't forget that the antidote is temporary and be prepared for frequent encounters with level nine Drowner.

Be prepared for frequent encounters with level nine Drowner

Move further along the blue line without turning off the Witcher's sense, which will allow you to find some of the jewels lost by the robbers.

Geralt would find several corpses, one belonging to Dijkstra's man, the other to one of the thieves.

On the way to deal with the Drowner, the Witcher discovers the remains of the bomb, which allows you to identify part of its ingredients - this is Wyvern oil and caramel.

On the way to deal with the Drowner, the Witcher discovers the remains of the bomb - this is Wyvern oil and caramel

We pass on and through the door out to the river, or rather to the embankment under the St. Gregory's Bridge. It is easy to guess that the known thieves loaded the loot into the boat.

After getting a General idea about the nature of the robbery, you can go to a meeting with Dijkstra.

New evidence

Discussion the information received, the spy and the Witcher

After discussing the information received, the spy and the Witcher come to the conclusion that the bomb was thrown directly from the steam room into the drains, after draining the water.

Dijkstra will be able to check the list of visitors, but first you need to find traces of crime in one of the pools.

Consistently check the marked areas until you find oil traces in one of the pools, and going around the pool will be found and the detail of the same bomb.

Geralt find oil traces in one of the pools, and going around the pool

The evidence we find allows us to narrow down the suspects to one-this is Margrave Henckel. But he's been dead for some time, so someone used his name to trick the Manager.

The evidence we find allows us to narrow down the suspects to one-this is Margrave Henckel

Now we need go to the house of Henckel

But this is the only significant lead, so we go to the house of Henckel.

Henckel's House

When you reach the house marked on the map, use the Aard sign to open the door, which is already short, judging by its external condition.

Task: «Count Reuven s Treasure» - Henckel s House

Using the Witcher's sense of smell, Geralt immediately discovers traces leading to the second floor.

The tracks will eventually lead the spook to a secret door, next to which there will be a note with a hint and a bottle.

The tracks will eventually lead the spook to a secret door, where you can find bottle

This bottle should be placed in a certain place in the wine rack-the cell is marked with the date 1245-1254 and highlighted in red.

This bottle should be placed in the wine rack-the cell is marked with the date 1245-1254

Inside the secret room, Geralt finds a letter from Doppler Dudu, in which he warns Ciri that Menge has taken the treasure and captured Dandelion, and advises her to quickly change her abode.

Inside the secret room, Geralt finds a letter from Doppler Dudu

After exploring the room, Geralt goes down to the bottom, where he is again waiting for a meeting – it's Sigismund in the company of Triss.

Meeting Sigismund in the company of Triss

From further conversation it becomes clear that Dijkstra guesses about the mutual feelings of Geralt and Triss, and wants to achieve their goals in every way to use it.

In this dialogue, Geralt is faced with a choice of what to tell the spy.

The first option will result in the indictment of the witch in a lie.

Dijkstra guesses about the mutual feelings of Geralt and Triss

The first option will result in the indictment of the witch in a lie

The second option will also not appease Sigismund.

But one way or another, the Witcher will get some information about where to look for Menge.

IMPORTANT! Your next words will affect the relationship between Geralt and Triss.

Dijkstra will opaquely hint at the tension between the Witcher and the sorceress, which will force you to respond:

Dijkstra will hint at the tension between the Witcher and the sorceress

  1. "Triss and I – that’s all in the past" - this will cool the sorceress's feelings, which will be a hindrance if you plan to develop a romantic relationship with her, and not with Yennefer.
  2. "You're using us" - the use of such an answer Triss will take as a hint that all is not lost.

In the end, Triss will tell you that she is not interested in the former spy's gold, she got involved in this case only with the desire to help Geralt in the search for Ciri and Dandelion. And for further discussion of the plan of action offered to meet at the chapel of the Eternal flame at midnight.

Triss got involved in this case only with the desire to help Geralt


When we meet Triss again (at midnight), it turns out that the sorceress has already thought everything out for us. The essence of her plan was a rather dangerous adventure – they had to play a scene where Geralt allegedly leads Menge most wanted sorceress Novigrad.

Midnight meeting Geralt and Triss

Geralt in quest: «Count Reuven s Treasure»

The plan, frankly, is not perfect, because even if you do not plan a romantic relationship with Triss, it will be very difficult to pretend to be an insensitive Witcher when there is danger for the sorceress.

it will be very difficult to pretend to be an insensitive Witcher when there is danger for the sorceress

Triss will be tortured

IMPORTANT! Further choice carries consequences!

So, having reached the barracks where Menge is hiding, the Witcher and sorceress, shackled, meets the guards, who are extremely unfriendly to the "captive" - one of the guard’s dare to raise a hand on Triss, your actions:

Having reached the barracks where Menge is hiding, the Witcher and sorceress, shackled, meets the guards

  1. "Wanna talk to Menge" - ignoring the blow will allow you to continue the conversation.

Ignoring the blow will allow you to continue the conversation

In order to meet the leader, Geralt must continue to ignore the danger to Triss.

Geralt must continue to ignore the danger to Triss.

The only way to get to Menge is to let the sorceress handle herself, even Axii will not help in the dialogues.

The only way to get to Menge is to let the sorceress handle herself

Triss will be tortured...but if you choose this option, then follow through.

The Witcher 3 «Count Reuven s Treasure»

The Witcher 3 «Count Reuven s Treasure»

Menge is not so simple, and you should choose your words carefully.

Menge is not so simple, and you should choose your words carefully

Conversation geralt with menge

Option 1: Witcher do anything for Gold

Free my friend Dandelion

  • If you stick to the first answers, you can find out the location of Dijkstra's gold, using the phrase " I'm looking for a certain Treasury...»;
  • If you ask about the fate of Dandelion, Menge will tell you that he has prepared for him an exemplary execution. At this point, the screams from the torture room will stop. Wanting to know the reason, Menge will fall at the hands of Triss, who will be furious at the ordeal she has endured.

If you ask about the fate of Dandelion, Menge will tell you that he has prepared for him an exemplary execution

Triss in quest: «Count Reuven s Treasure»

  • If you bring Menge ourselves, it will only kill all, to find a letter from one Yamurlak (and several books) and burn the barracks.
  1. "Hands off" - you will ignore Triss requests not to pay attention to the behavior of the guards. There will be a fight, where you have to kill the insolent and Menge himself. Digging in his study also reveals a letter from a certain Yamurlak and books (they are important).

"Hands off" - you will ignore Triss requests not to pay attention to the behavior of the guards

Will be a fight, where you have to kill  Menge himself

Digging in his study also reveals a letter from a certain Yamurlak and books (they are important).

Triss and Geralt in quest: Count Reuve s Treasure

All that remains is to get out of the barracks, but only to meet the man sent by Dijkstra.

You need get out of the barracks to meet the man sent by Dijkstra.

Final choice and ambush

Once in port, Dijkstra will start a serious conversation, the nature of which depends on your choice when meeting with Menge and his people:

Final choice and ambush

1. If you found out the location of the Treasury, the former redan spy will be sincerely happy and the Witcher will be awarded later.

2. If you know where to look for Dandelion, the quest will be completed – as a reward, Geralt will receive 90 crowns;

3. If you find a letter from Yamurlak, then Dijkstra will indicate where to meet him.

If you find a letter from Yamurlak, then Dijkstra will indicate where to meet him.

After a conversation with a former spy, Geralt goes to the altar of Eternal Fire, where he should put the "Sacred book of Caleb Menge" in a secret place, which is a message with a desire to meet the mysterious Yamurlak.

The meeting is scheduled for the Eastern edge of the village, in a small house at midnight.

But at the specified time, Geralt meets not an informant, but Triss, who was sent again by Dijkstra to help the Witcher. And for good reason!

But at the specified time, Geralt meets not an informant, but Triss

Yamurlak was surprised when he arrived at the meeting, but he tried to be as bold as possible, and given Triss condition, it was a huge mistake on his part.

Yamurlak was surprised when he arrived at the meeting

Triss will apply a painful spell to him, and you should not stop the sorceress by asking her to soften her rage. Trust Triss and Yamurlak will tell you everything that you need. It remains only to choose what to do with an already unnecessary informant-kill or pardon.

Triss will apply a painful spell to him, and you should not stop the sorceress

Trust Triss and Yamurlak will tell you everything that you need

It remains only to choose what to do with an already unnecessary informant

Before parting, Triss will ask Geralt to visit her to resolve an important matter, and then use the portal.

Before parting, Triss will ask Geralt to visit her to resolve an important matter

Overall results

So, at the end of the quest, it becomes clear that to save Dandelion will need the help of Doppler, who will have to play a live Menge. But where's the tune? This is to be found out later, after talking with Priscilla.

This is the end of the task "Count Reuven's Treasure" and begin quests "The Play's the Thingand" and "A Matter of Life and Death".

What is the main choice of this quest? Are you ready to doom Triss to torment, so that Dijkstra will receive his treasures and send you 1000 crowns from them? Choose You!
