Broken Flowers Witcher 3 | Review and walkthrough


“Broken Flowers” - the plot task in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which you will meet, moving along the plot of Novigrad. The mission begins automatically after the completion of the story quest “Novigrad Dreaming”. In the course of the assignment, you will learn about the love (and not so) adventures of Dandelion during the absence of Geralt, references to books and past games will also occur. During the mission, you will have the opportunity to spend the night with one of the ladies and enjoy the bed scene, take part in horse racing and listen to an incredibly beautiful song of a bard still unfamiliar to you.

In addition, many players are faced with the fact that they can not get into the villa Var Attre - we will also consider this in the course of the quest. Well, let's get started.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - the passage of the plot task “Broken Flowers”

After completing the “Novigrad Dreaming” quest, the quest “Broken Flowers” will start automatically. We will be told to go to “Rosemary and Thyme” in search of the bard Dandelion. Arriving at the appointed place, focusing on the map, instead of Dandelion, we met an old friend of the Zoltan Chivay. And they found him at the very moment when he was throwing some vagrants out of Sage by the scruff. No sooner had the witcher and the redheaded say hello, when a new party of rags appeared, and the redheart suggested to Geralt to recall the good old days of massacre. You cannot use swords and signs, but Zoltan will help you, so there should be no problems. After a couple of cuffs, the vagrants still got out of Sage, and we again returned to the conversation with the redheart.

Unfortunately, Zoltan does not even imagine where Dandelionis now. He stayed away for a while and hoped that upon returning to Sage, he would have a delicious lunch and cold beer waiting for him, and found only devastation and tatters. Friends came to the conclusion that it is worth exploring Sage, and maybe they can find some clues that will lead them to Dandelion.

The subject we need will be highlighted with or without a witch's instincts.

Passage of the quest Broken Flowers

A kind diary of the owner of the institution will be located near the emergency exit on the window. Geralt is surprised at the fact that a poet friend can keep a diary, but still decides to read. In the diary, in addition to the latest purchases of products and other information, there will be interesting entries about the girlfriends of Dandelion. But the Dandelionis a poet, so the records are, of course, in verses! So, Zoltan and Geralt had a brilliant idea that he would ask about the last girlfriends of Butter, maybe he let out about where the gulf was going. Dividing the girls among themselves, the witcher and the red men decided to separate.

Important! Before you go to the girls, you can and should talk to Zoltan about them. By doing this and asking about the girls, especially Rosa Var Attre, you will greatly facilitate your task and during the quest you can easily get into the house of Var Attre. Finding out about the other girls is not necessary for the assignment, but if you are interested, chat with the old-time redhead.

Harlots witcher 3

So, Geralt has 5 beautiful ladies on the list:

  • Vespula Laundress;
  • Teacher Marabella;
  • La Valette Molly family maid;
  • Mysterious Elihal;
  • The daughter of a Niltaphard diplomat Rosa var Attre.

We have to go around all the girls, and it does not matter in what order we will do it. Let's start with Elihal and Vespula because they are not far from Sage.

Having reached the designated place, instead of the mysterious girl Elihal we will find an ordinary elf, and a male. Having said that we were sort of looking for Elikhal, the girlfriend of Dandelion, the elf would ask to wait a minute, after which “a little” would be transformed.

list of harlots - Elihal

No, this is not a joke, this is exactly the Elihal we were looking for. However, further we will learn the details of an elf's acquaintance with Dandelion, and, as far as his tastes are specific, he will simply be a fan of changing images. And also a tailor with his own studio. With Lyutikom, they somehow met in a bar and often talked. However, Geralt decided not to ask him in more detail, and simply found out if Lyutik had said nothing lately. Elf replied that he didn’t, only ran his coat with a hem or attach a button. Optionally, you can ask Elikhal what he was talking about with Dandelion, and hear the story about the fate of the alchemist Kalkstein, whom you may know from the first Witcher. An interesting and rather sad story.

But about the location of Dandelion Elihal knows nothing, so it's time to go to the next girl - the laundress Vespoule.

The laundry is also located outside the walls of Novigrad, not far from Elihal’s tailor, and we will go there. We arrived at the laundress just at the moment when some gangsters demanding a monthly fee came to press her. There are several possible answers, and it depends on you whether everything will be decided peacefully or by fights. Consider the options for replicas and their consequences:

  • I'll pay for it - Geralt can pay for the laundress from his pocket. After receiving 200 crowns, the gangsters will calm down and leave.
  • Get out of here - “combat” version of the answer. The bandits will not tolerate such arrogance from some passer-by and draw their swords. With potions and marks the fight will not be difficult, but the protivivnik 4 - be alert.
  • Vespula has a new security - by choosing this option, you have the opportunity to solve everything peacefully. Bandyugans will be interested in what a new washer had for the new roof. The answer "My" will lead to a fight with swords, but the "King of the Beggars" will make them resign and leave home.

Walkthrough of the mission Broken Flowers

After the departure of the gangsters, the girl herself will speak to the savior, but we cannot learn anything new. Yes, Dandelion visited her and for some reason was interested in how the local baths are arranged, how long they work, etc. We also learn that Vespula caught Dandelion with some girlfriend who is not in his diary - a blonde with a beautiful figure. Or an artist, or a prostitute, who will understand them. Goodbye Vespoula, it's time for us to go to the next young lady.

The estate of La Valette and the villa Var Attre are close by, so let's first go to the teacher Marabella. Geralt will declare at the appointed place right during the lesson. The teacher will ask to wait for the end of the lesson, but we can insist on a conversation right now. I recommend the second option, it opens funny questions about the profession of children witch. The lesson about the profession of the witcher will not last long, but you will have the opportunity to answer how lustful the witches are, whether they kill the kings and listen to the beautiful story about the witches and knights.

Buttercup Search - list of harlots

After a few questions, Marabella will announce the lesson as finished, and we will have the opportunity to talk about the missing friend, Dandelion.

List of harlots - The Witcher 3

However, here we also do not know anything worthwhile. In addition, during the last date, Dandelion was more interested in a mushroom textbook than a girl. And when he removed his hand from her knee to the page of the book about mold, the girl realized that they could not do anything. From that moment on, she no longer saw Dandelion.

We have only two girls left - the maid Molly or Rosa Var Attre, who is in a villa that is difficult to reach. For starters, go to Molly, to leave the most difficult thing "for dessert".

The mansion of the family of La Valette (with which we have already met in the game The Witcher 2: The Assassin of Kings) is located on the square opposite the villa of the Nilfgaard lawyer Var Attre. Approaching the door of the estate, a cut-scene will begin, in which the guards already wanted to drive the witcher away, but the conversation itself would be interrupted by Baroness La Valette.

Next, the game presents us with dialogues, which will differ depending on which plot decisions you made during the passage of The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings.

If Geralt killed Ariana La Valletta, the eldest son of the Baroness, then she certainly would not be happy to see the murderer of his son. Mme. Geralta will meet coolly and even change her plans for today.

Looking for Molly - list of harlots

If Geralt spared Ariana, then the Baroness would happily meet the witcher and even introduce him to General Voorhis, who left the estate with her.

In any case, we will further find out that their maid Molly is no longer Molly, but Mrs. La Attard. For she got all the dividends, after which she married the nephew of La Attard family and is now the lady of high society. On weekdays, she constantly spends time with her friend Patricia Vegelbud on her estate, watching the jumps. It is there that we can find her and talk about Dandelion. General Voorhis will be friendly towards the Witcher and will say that he was going to go to the manor just now to watch the races. In addition, from the offer to go together. There is no point in refusing and choosing the second answer, we will immediately transfer to the estate of Vegelbuds along with the general.

Passage of the mission Broken Flowers

As it turned out, Morvran Voorhis loves horse racing and horses very much and happens regularly here. After a short dialogue about elite horses and Roaches, the general will offer the witcher a ride, a horse for the race is given a choice. If you agree and win - get a better general saddle. To agree or not - your business, the task “Broken Flowers” will continue even in case of loss. The general rides well and the whole race will be behind you, so do not relax. And in case of victory, enjoy the well-deserved prize!

Horse racing in the quest Broken Flowers

At the end of the race, we will finally have the opportunity to talk to Molly and the general (or baroness) will tell you on which platform to find a girl. In a conversation with Geralt, Molly will complain about the new obligations of the mistress who fell on her lately, and will also confirm the existence of a blonde troubadgeress whom we have already heard from the laundress Vespoula.

However, Dandelion represented the blonde as his sister, and Geralt knows perfectly well that Dandelion has no sisters.

Search for buttercup - list of harlots

We also learn that Dandelion borrowed money from Molly before disappearing. And besides money, he was going to hire a boat. Laundries, mushrooms, mold, boat. What did the bard plan? We will not find out yet, for Molly has not seen more Butterfly. After that we say goodbye to the girl and it's time to return to Novigrad. The fastest option is to talk to General Voorhis again and say that you are already going to return to the city.

So, it's time to talk to the last girl, Rosa Var Attre.

How to get to the villa Var Attre

Back in Novigrad, if you teleported along with the general, the witcher will be right in the square where we can see the villa Var Attre. It"s time to talk to the last girlfriend, the daughter of a Nilfgaard lawyer.

get to the villa Var Attre Witcher 3 - not allowed

There are 3 ways to enter the villa Attre:

  • Through the main entrance is the easiest way. Remember, at the beginning of the assignment, I said that you need to talk with Zoltan about Rosa? We learned from the handsome man that Rosa’s father regularly hires fencing teachers for his daughter, but they don’t take it for long. This is the information we now use. We approach the door, we try to open and the guard will speak to us. We are introducing a new fencing teacher, and we are escorted inside the protected villa Var Attre!
  • If you missed this moment and did not speak with Zoltan, they will not let you through the main entrance. The residence will be closed, and you wonder where to get the key? And the key is not needed. At your disposal there are two more ways - through the sewer and through rocky ledges. There are as many as two entrances to the sewage system - one near the home of the teacher Marabella and the other right in front of the villa Var Attre. Take a closer look, and you can see the hatch between the trade tent and the stairs. We descend into the sewers and go forward. It is impossible to get lost here, because all the side passages are covered with bars. Beating off the utopians and water women, we move along the tunnel until we find ourselves at the edge of a cliff. To the left of the exit from the sewer we see stone ledges, that’s where we need to go. Climbing the ledges, Geralt is in the garden of the villa Var Attre!
  • Well, the third way - through the rocky ledges. We go around the residence on the left and find ourselves on the back veranda of a neighboring building - the brothel “Passiflora”. We see the fountain, turn from it to the right, go down the stairs and see the rocky ledges. Just as after the sewage system, we climb them and find ourselves in the garden of the villa Var Attre.

So, if you hit the residence one of the workarounds, then go to a woman's voice and meet with a young girl. Introduce ourselves as Geralt, friend of Dandelion. After that, she will introduce us to the guard as a new fencing teacher, and you will begin the lesson. If you hit the villa through the main entrance, the guard will immediately take you to the girl, after which the training with wooden swords will begin.

In the first battle it is enough to lower the girl to half hp so that she is satisfied with the lesson. Then you can talk, Geralt admits that he is not a teacher at all, but simply a witch and is looking for his friend Dandelion. Rosa will say that yes, she remembers her “teacher of rhetoric”, but instead of learning something, Dandeliontried to drive up to her. But talking to an energetic girl will be bored and the second battle will start, in which Geralt has to take down all her childhood ha. If you beat the girl both times, then she will offer to hold another private lesson tomorrow, and if you want to watch the love scene, then you must agree. You can complete the mission the next day.

Shortly after the end of the second battle, Rosa’s twin sister, Edna Var Attre, will appear, who, as it turned out, constantly wrote letters to Dandelion and tried to mix him with Rosa. Sisters Var Attre begin to quarrel and Geralt has to separate them. The witcher will ask them about the political situation in Novigrad lately, about Dandelion and at the end of the conversation Edna will mention the name of Dandelion sweetheart - Cyran from Kovir. That same girl we heard about from Molly and Verpula. With this information we have to go back to Zoltan.

Where to find Zoltan

Find Zoltan we can in Sage. He also interviewed all the girls, but found nothing interesting.

Witcher 3 where to find zoltan after the list of harlots

Having mentioned Cyranca from Kovir, Zoltan will immediately understand who Edna meant. This is Priscilla, the Dandelion of Dandelion , the troubadour, who is now in Novigrad and performing in The Kingfisher Inn. Dandelion fell in deeply into her and spent a lot of time with her. Having decided that we need to meet her, we agree with the red men to meet in Kingfisher at sunset. We arrive at the designated place on the map, meditate until 18:00, if necessary, and go to the tavern.

The scene begins with an incredibly beautiful song of Priscilla, in which Geralt and Yennefer are singing about love, although the names are not mentioned. If not laziness, you can listen to the song in other languages, it sounds very beautiful on each one.

How to pass the quest in the Witcher 3 Broken Flowers

After the speech, Priscilla will find out in Geralt the very witch and ask him to go up to a separate room with him. Here we learn that Dandelion planned to rob the treasury of Sigi Royven, one of the leaders of the underworld of Novigrad. And after that no one saw the bard. On this task, the “Broken Flowers” will be completed and two new story quests will appear - “Get Junior” and the mission of “Count Reuven's Treasure”.

The bugs that were encountered during the job “Broken Flowers”

In early versions of the game, players complained about a bug in which the guard at the estate refused to go to the basement to start training. Helped the shipment or restart the job. In the next versions of the game, the bug was fixed and now everything is working properly.

Video of the quest "Broken Flowers"
