Skyrim cheat Codes | General | Enhance Skills | Study Tuums | Get Items
In this article we will examine all the cheat codes in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Surely, many of you still remember by heart codes for such old games as GTA: Vice City, San Andreas, and so on. Many wrote cheats on a piece of paper, someone memorized. Skyrim, fortunately for gamers, contains a huge number of cheat codes that allow you to have fun as you please, or to get yourself out of a bug or some other gaming problem.
Why do we need Cheat Codes in Skyrim
As we know, no game is complete without bugs. Unfortunately, no matter how many patches and patches would come out, this cannot be avoided. The character has failed in texture, or the NPS is not responding according to the task, the necessary door does not open. Sometimes bugs are trivial and are corrected by a banal reboot or exit from a location, but there are also some serious ones that can spoil your progress.
For example, having stopped during the passage of plot tasks, you will not be able to continue them, and therefore you will have to start all over again. Or use a saving cheat code, which will assign you a task in a second and allow you to move on.
In addition to problems with tasks, cheats, you can open any door, get an infinite number of skill points, gold, levels, dragons souls. You can call near any NPCs and monsters, and even arrange a battle in the spirit of “100 giants against 200 frost spiders”. Cheat codes also help gamers set up and install mods, which are thousands for Skyrim. In general, even if you want to play the game “honestly”, you will still come across one day with cheats.
How to Enter Cheat Codes
Before proceeding to the codes themselves, let's first figure out how to enter them in the game. In many games, cheats are used by pressing the necessary keys, or by typing a word in the main menu or in the game itself. Skyrim in this regard is more advanced - for all codes, namely console commands, there is a special window - the in-game console.
Attention! The console with cheat codes is available only for the PC version of the game. On Play Station 4 and other consoles, unfortunately, it is impossible to open it.
On which platform you would not play (Steam, GOG, others), by default the game console will open on (tilde ~).

A large, dark menu will open at the bottom of the screen. The game itself at this moment will “freeze”, so do not worry that someone will kill you or something will happen.
Note! Enter commands need only in English
How to change the Language in the Console
There are several ways, we consider each separately.
- The easiest way is to change the language of the game to English. All replicas of characters, descriptions, abilities will change, but problems with the console will disappear immediately. Many people don’t like this option, because players prefer to play in their own language. But, if you are satisfied with the English localization of Skyrim, I advise you to use this method as the easiest.
- The second way is to change the main input language to English in Windows. Thanks to this, when you open the console and begin to enter a command, it will immediately be entered in English. If you have a Windows version up to 10, then you can change the input language in the “Control Panel”, or by opening the languages menu in the “Start” panel. In Windows 10, everything is much simpler: click on the language icon in the “Taskbar”, select the desired language and click the “Use as Primary Language” button. In my screenshot, the icon is grayed out because the language is already selected as the main one. This should fix the console problem.
Whatever way you use, congratulations, you now have access to the endless world of commands and cheat codes for the fifth Scrolls! It's time to go to the codes themselves.
General Cheat Codes
There are many teams in the game like “add certain weapons to inventory” or “raise the level by a given value”, but there are also common ones that we will first consider.
Cheat code |
Description |
tg |
Enable or disable the display of grass. |
tfc |
Enable free camera mode. To cancel tfc 1 |
tfow |
Display of unexplored sites on the minimap. |
tgm |
Enable the “God” mode. You will receive infinite health, stamina, mana, weight, weapons, arrows, etc. |
tim |
Mode "Immortality". A bit different from the past. Health decreases, and you can not kill. Weight, mana and everything else remains as usual. |
tm |
Enable / disable all menus on the screen, such as compass, phrases, subtitles, etc. Most often used for beautiful screenshots. |
tt |
Enable / disable display of trees. |
tws |
Enable / disable the display of water if you are not under water. |
tmm # |
Enable / disable markers on the shared map. # need to be replaced with a specific value: 0 - disable all, 1 - enable all. |
tdetect |
Enable / disable detection. Does not work during pickpocketing. |
tai |
Enable / disable the “intelligence” of monsters and NPCs. All creatures will stop moving and perform any actions. |
tcai |
Enable / disable aggression by monsters or NPCs. They can move and act, and attack Dovahkiin not. |
tcl |
Very useful code in case stuck in textures. Allows you to pass through any obstacles and just fly. |
tc |
Ability to control the selected character or monster. To get control of the Dragonborn again, use |
rm |
Enable / disable running mode. The Caps Lock key is responsible for the same command, so cheat is not usually used. |

Important! Before using any command, I advise you to save first. You never know that you have time to mess things up with cheats. To use a command, you need to press Enter on the keyboard, and to repeat the last command, you should use the arrows or the Page Up / Page Down keys.
Cheat codes for character leveling
There are many codes for the complete improvement of your character: health, mana, endurance, weight, level, skills, words of power, etc. Consider them.
player.setav invisibility # |
Enable / disable invisibility of the main character. You will not be noticed by both allies and enemies. Replace # with 1 to turn on and 0 to turn it off. |
player.setav speedmult # |
The team allows you to set the running speed in percent. The default is 100. |
setgs fjumpheightmin # |
And this command to adjust the height of the jumps. Initially set to 100. |
player.setav attackdamagemult # |
The command allows you to change the weapon damage multiplier. In other words, the damage itself. |
player.setav leftweaponspeedmult # |
Code to increase the speed of the attack weapon in his left hand. Replace # with the value you want. |
player.setav weaponspeedmult # |
The same team, only for the weapon in the right hand and for the two-handed weapon. Replace # with a number to increase the attack speed. |
psb |
Dangerous code that gives Dovahkiin all the skills, abilities and words of power. Departures often occur, so I do not advise to use it. Skills can be learned in another way. |
So, with the speed of running, the height of the jumps and the speed of attack figured out. We now turn to the characteristics of the Dragonborn - maximum health, mana, stamina, level, etc.
showracemenu |
Opens the player's character appearance menu, which you saw in Helgen. Attention! There is a chance that after this command all your character's skills will be reset, so save in advance. |
player.advlevel |
Increase the character level by 1. If you want to increase a lot of levels, then the following command will suit you better. |
player.setlevel # |
Raise your character to the required level. Replace # with the level you want to get. |
player.setav health # |
Change the maximum amount of health. Replace # with the desired maximum health number. |
player.setav magicka # |
The same, only for magic. |
player.setav stamina # |
And the same team, only for endurance points. If you set a large number, you can run almost endlessly and never get tired. |
player.modav carryweight # |
Very useful command to change the maximum weight of the character. Replace # with the number you want to get. |
player.setscale # |
Funny command to change the growth of the character. The default is 1 (100%), replace # with 0.6 to get 60% growth of your character and 1.5 to increase it one and a half times. |
After increasing the stats of the character, it's time to move on to skills. There are two options: add a certain amount of experience to the desired skill or immediately set the skill level to the desired one. The first way will allow you to gain ability points, so I advise you to use it.
advskill onehanded # |
The first team adds experience to the chosen skill branch, in this case One-Handed Weapon. Replace # with the amount of experience you want to add. |
player.setav onehanded # |
The second team sets the skill level of the One-Handed weapon to the one you specify. Replace # with the amount of experience you want to add. |
advskill twohanded # |
Add experience to the Two-Handed Weapon skill. |
player.setav twohanded # |
Set the skill level of Two-Handed Weapon. |
advskill marksman # |
Add experience to the shooting skill. |
player.setav marksman # |
Set the skill level shooting |
advskill block # |
Add experience to blocking skills. |
player.setav block # |
Set skill level Blocking. |
advskill smithing # |
Add experience to the Blacksmithing skill. |
player.setav smithing # |
Set the skill level of Blacksmithing. |
advskill heavyarmor # |
Add experience to the skill Heavy Armor. |
player.setav heavyarmor # |
Set skill level Heavy armor. |
advskill lightarmor # |
Add experience to the skill Light Armor. |
player.setav lightarmor # |
Set the skill level Light Armor. |
advskill pickpocket # |
Add experience to the Pickpocketing skill. |
player.setav pickpocket # |
Set the skill level Pickpocketing. |
advskill lockpicking # |
Add experience to hacking skill. |
player.setav lockpicking # |
Set the skill level Hacking. |
advskill sneak # |
Add experience to the Stealth skill. |
player.setav sneak # |
Set the level of skill Stealth. |
advskill alchemy # |
Add experience to Alchemy skill. |
player.setav alchemy # |
Set Alchemy skill level. |
advskill speechcraft # |
Add experience to the skill of Eloquence. |
player.setav speechcraft # |
Set skill level of Eloquence. |
advskill alteration # |
Add experience to skill change. |
player.setav alteration # |
Set skill level Change. |
advskill conjuration # |
Add experience to the Sorcery skill. |
player.setav conjuration # |
Set the spellcraft skill level. |
advskill destruction # |
Add experience to the skill Destruction. |
player.setav destruction # |
Set the skill level Destruction. |
advskill illusion # |
Add experience to the skill Illusion. |
player.setav illusion # |
Set skill level Illusion. |
advskill restoration # |
Add experience to the Recovery skill. |
player.setav restoration # |
Set the skill level Restore. |
advskill enchanting # |
Add experience to the Enchanting skill. |
player.setav enchanting # |
Set the Enchantment skill level. |
Tu’um Studies
Cheats also allow the player to learn all the cries of dragons instantly. To do this, you do not even need to hunt for the souls of dragons, because you can also add them directly to your inventory.
player.teachword # |
The team allows you to learn the word strength. The first, second and third parts of the word will have to be taught separately. Replace # with the tu’um ID to study it. |
player.modav dragonsouls # |
This cheat allows you to determine how much Dovahkiin absorbed the shower. Replace # with the desired value. |
player.forceav dragonsouls # |
Set the number of souls not spent to study all Screams. Replace # with the right amount. |
player.forceav shoutrecoverymult # |
Cheat code to change the scream reload speed. Replace # with 0 to remove reloading; 1 - normal recharge time; 0.5 is half the standard time of the Scream rollback. |
Receiving Items
Using the in-game console, you can add absolutely any item to your inventory if you know its ID. Armor, weapons, quest items, spell books, master keys, food, money - all this can be yours in a second! Let's find out how to do this.
player.additem 0000000F # |
Add gold to your inventory. Perhaps the first team that you need when enriching inventory. Replace # with the amount of gold you want to receive. |
player.additem 0000000A # |
The code for one of the most popular consumables - the master key. Replace # with the number of master keys you want to receive. |
player.additem 0003A070 1 |
A cheat that allows you to get a unique endless lock pick - “Skeleton key”. One of the must-have items for every traveler. |
player.additem 00063B27 10 |
The team that will add you to the inventory Star of Azura - an endless stone of souls, with which you can load as many weapons as you like. |
player.additem ID # |
The code with which you can add to the inventory any item in the game (armor, weapons, consumables). Replace the ID with the data of your item, and # with the amount you want to receive. |
Advice to Beginners
In addition to common teams and teams for Dovahkiin, there are a number of useful cheats that will greatly help you during the study of Skyrim.
For example, if you encounter a closed door or a chest and cannot open it at all, then you need to do the following:
- Open the in-game console (~ on the keyboard).
- Click on the closed door or chest.
- Write the unlock command in the console and press Enter.
- That's all, you can pass!

And if you stumbled upon an opponent that you cannot defeat even on light difficulties, I advise you to use the kill command. The sequence of actions is exactly the same as when opening the door. Opened the console - clicked the mouse - wrote kill - it's done. Works on any creature in the world. True, the characters important for the plot will not die, but simply fall on their knees.

If you accidentally killed an NPC or a creature that did not want to kill, then do not rush to boot, everything can be fixed! Repeat exactly the same thing, only this time enter the resurrect command.

As you can see, our character is alive and well! I hope these tips will help you during your journey through the cruel world of Scrolls, full of monsters, riddles and dangers.

This guide cheat codes ends. Experiment, add various items to your inventory, summon creatures and have fun properly and be sure to leave comments)!