The Witcher 3 quest «Novigrad Dreaming» | Sarah | Corinne | xGamers
Location: Novigrad/Hierarch Square
Type: Main quest
Suggested Level:7
Reward: 100 ОО
At the end of the first main quest in Novigrad ("Pyres of Novigrad"), the sorceress (and also a very good friend of Geralt) Triss Merigold points the Witcher to his familiar oneiromancer, who can help in the search for Ciri.
The oneiromancer in question is a certain Corinne Tilly, who is currently in the old and rather well – known house of Sarah in Novigrad, located on the Bank of the canal to the southeast of Hierarch Square.

Find the location is not difficult, going to the point marked on the map, you will be met by banker Rudolf de Jonkheer, who is quite pathetic talk about his recent acquisition of this house, turned out to be cursed.

It will also become clear from the conversation that Rudolf is a descendant of the founders of the city and the owner of one of the largest Novigrad banks.
Geralt will tell you that he is looking for a certain Corinne Tilly here, and when he hears this name, Rudolf will tell you that he has hired an oneiromancer to find out all the details of this house, because some terrible things are constantly happening in it.

It turns out that Corinne Tilly, who is interested in Geralt and us, has been sleeping soundly for several days – this is a task for the Witcher, which the banker immediately agrees to.

Immediately from the doorway, we hear erie children's laughter and the voice of a clearly exhausted woman, which comes from the second floor.

Up in the bedroom, Geralt sees an unusual child hovering over Corinne, writhing in agony on the bed.

Seeing the spook strange creature hiding under the bed, where it disappears without a trace.
Attempts to Wake the oneiromancer will not be successful, all she can say is "doll" and "attic", because her dreams have become one terrible nightmare.
It's time to start searching for clues to find out what kind of creature it was and how to deal with it, and whether it should be done?!
Search for clues
While in the room, use the Witcher's instinct, and pay attention to the stairs that lead to the attic.
The further ascent is blocked, but in this case the Aard sign will help as always.

When Geralt finally reaches the attic, he discovers the doll and the drawing of the cradle, which is beginning to clarify the situation.

Once again, in the bedroom, go through the door located to the right of the bed, where you will find a baby cot. After Geralt puts the doll in it, the door will close and another clue will appear – a child's drawing of the stove.
Go down to the first floor, and using witcher senses find the descent to the basement.

The implications of the choice
Going down Geralt will see the same stove, the drawing of which he found earlier. Also, do not rush to leave the basement, as there is a hidden room, to get into which will help the sign Aard and witcher senses.

Here suddenly and obviously deliberately, there will be a little girl, and as Geralt already guessed she godling, and her name is Sarah.
It immediately becomes clear that Sarah is not dangerous, and the suffering oneiromancer only participates in the game of godling, because she herself likes to watch nightmares, and tries to share her passion with others.
Geralt's explanation that the house does not belong to Sarah, results will not bring and she refuses to finish with their "games", and here the Witcher is faced with a choice:

- "To get rid of godling". Sarah will get angry, and she will hide in the depths of the house, covering the spook with curses. Geralt is known a method which will help to get rid of godling is burning burdock. It is enough to buy a burdock from the nearest herbalist, put it in the oven and set it on fire with the sign of Igni. Sarah will start swearing at the spook again, but she will be forced to leave the house, and Corinne will finally Wake up.
- "To negotiate with godling". Geralt offers Sarah a compromise-he tells the owner of the house that he could not cope with the curse, thereby leaving the house entirely in the possession of the girl, and she in turn lets go of Corinne.
This offer will suit Sarah, Corinne will Wake up, and on the Bulletin Board, you can find a new quest - "Haunted House".
Also, this good deed will remember another godling, which the Witcher will meet in the quest "Skellige's Most Wanted ".
Conversation with a Corinne
So, choosing one of the two options, Geralt goes to the bedroom, where he sees that Corinne is already recovering.

By sharing information about the latest events, and telling that it was sent by Triss Merigold, Geralt will earn Corinne's gratitude and desire to render a reciprocal service.
For obvious reasons, Corinne will not be able to use her talent every minute and will offer to meet later in The Golden Sturgeon tavern.
Leaving the house, you will meet the banker again, choose what to say to him, remembering the agreements with Sarah:

- "If you do not have to drive godling":
- We can say that we could not remove the curse-the banker will not be very upset, and later sell the house;
- You can tell the truth about godling -the banker will also resell the house, and you can meet Sarah in one of the final quests of the main storyline "Bald Mountain".
- "If you banished godling" - the banker will thank you for your work and promise a reward that you can get during the passage of the task "Novigrad, Closed City".
Further, it should go in the "The Golden Sturgeon", which is already waiting for you in Corinne.
The dreamer will ask Geralt to tell more about his life and what exactly led him to it.

The order and openness of your answers will not affect the passage of the task, they are intended solely for a deeper immersion of the player in the life of the Witcher.

Having fallen into a dream, Geralt will see a swallow and ..... Dandellion's.

Corinne (after waking the Witcher) will tell you that she does not know the bard personally, but she has heard that he is worth looking for in the brothel "Rosemary and Thyme".

Visiting this institution will be Geralt's new goal, and this will start a new task "Broken Flowers".