Till Death Do You Part The Witcher 3 | Walkthrough | Reward

“Till Death Do You Part” is an additional task in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which can be found in the second major addition, “Blood and Wine”. The task is available immediately, as you get to Toussent, but you can get it in different ways. From your actions depends on the ending and, of course, the reward for the task. In the quest you can meet Easter eggs from the developers and find new maps for Gwent! What cards? How to get? This is what you will learn in the course of the passage.

Quest "Till Death Do You Part" - detailed walkthroughs, endings and awards

How to get the quest "Till Death Do You Part"

As I said above, the task can be obtained in three different ways. Let's quickly go over them:

  • Go to The Gran'place and take a note “Order: cemetery discord” from the bulletin board. You will still collect notes from the board, so why not grab this one. We read the description of the note and go to the Lees Heathrolis tavern, on the second floor of which our customer sits.
  • The second way is to drop directly into the Lees Heathrolis tavern without checking the billboard and immediately talk to the customer, whose name is Charles Lanzano, and usually he sips alcohol on the second floor at the table.
  • Well, the third option - go straight to the crypt and “stumble” on the problem, which describes Charles.

Getting the quest (Till Death Do You Part)

Decide for yourself which option you like more, I personally used the first one, just collecting all the notes from the board. Let's not waste time, go to the tavern! The building is inconspicuous, relatively large bars and brothels, and the staircase to the second floor is even more inconspicuous, I even got lost at first. It is located to the left of the entrance in the corner of the building, and on the second floor you are already guided.

Till Death Do You Part - family crypt

From the customer the witcher finds out that he is not satisfied with the roar that regularly comes from the cemetery, which is located across the road. Despite the noise, no casualties were noticed, nothing terrible happened at the cemetery, just noise. The authorities are inactive, people do not pay attention, so Charles decided to take matters into his own hands and look for the witcher. As a reward we are promised 50 crowns, but you can bargain for 58.

Passage of quest Till Death Do You Part in the game The Witcher 3

So, we cross the road and find ourselves at the cemetery. There are a lot of people, nothing supernatural is noticed. We use witch's flair and begin to run around the territory of the cemetery, bumping into all sorts of finds. Here, for example, someone's tracks.

Family crypt in the quest Till Death Do You Part

Having passed on them, we will find ... someone's pantaloons. It seems that at night someone was very impatient in the toilet and the tree in the cemetery turned out to be the place of “crime”. Go ahead and notice the excavated grave (you can pick up loot from the skeleton).

Quest Till Death Do You Part Witcher 3 Blood and wine

Our third clue will be the food left, apparently, after some party. After that, Geralt will conclude that there is nothing to look for here and it is necessary to wait for the night. To skip time, as always, meditate.

Explore the cemetery in the quest Till Death Do You Part

As night falls, Geralt will finally hear the noise complained by the resident of Bockler. And he will comment on this very funny quote.

This is the third option, how could you get the task - to be at the cemetery at night, hear the rumble and go to the crypt in search of the source of the sound. The room we need will be found immediately after descending into the crypt, but it will be completely empty. Witcher sure that the sound came from here, so you should look around.

Family crypt Witcher 3

So what can we find here? We will first examine the left bowl and find out that this is the refuge of Louis de Corentin, who rested on the day of Saint Bender. The bowl is quite fresh, so it was recently. The right bowl belongs to Margot de Corentin, most likely to his wife Louis. It seems to be a family crypt, but such a mess is going on in it. In addition to these items you can find broken dishes, which, apparently, was a source of noise and a gold-plated candlestick. But then who made the noise, who to track down? They were definitely not thieves, because they would not have missed the gilded thing.

Perhaps an already old White Wolf has let the ears down? Let's go out of the room and look at the others ... but no. As soon as Geralt leaves the crypt and takes a couple of steps, the same noise will be heard again from behind the wall. And not just noise, but a very loud female cry. But here is a surprise, the crypt is empty again and no trace or clue. In order to somehow understand the situation, Geralt decided to hide behind the statue at the end of the room and wait until something happens.

And it worked! Because Geralt will wake up a couple of quarreling ghosts. Margot and Louis de Corent staged another family showdown and began to sort things out. Even after the death of their souls could not find peace, so family squabbles in full swing..

Who to take out of the crypt - Louis or Margot

Margo nags her husband for the fact that he loves gvint even more redmen. Actually, it was the card game that caused his death - at the tournament he lost a large sum, could not pay, and got a dagger in the back for it. Wisdom is clearly not his forte. And the reason for his loss was the fact that the loving wife stole and hid his cards, which would play an important role in the winning game of her husband. Therefore, he believes that it is Margot who is to blame for his loss and not once again quarreling with her. In addition, the husband accuses the spouse of excessive faith and scolds what the world is worth. There is only one way out - you need to settle them.

Who to evict from the crypt

At this stage of the job you will have to decide which spouse to evict from the family crypt, and which one to leave. The reward you receive from ghosts depends on your choice, therefore we will consider both options. Whom to choose? Whose urn to endure? This we now analyze.

Whose urn to carry out from the crypt - Louis' urn or Margo's urn

If Geralt decided to take out the urn to Margot, his wife Louis would calmly react to the decision of Geralt and ask to carry her urn with ashes to the mother's grave. My mother's name is Micheline Belroz and she is buried in a cemetery outside the walls of Bockler, under a chestnut tree, not far from the crypt. It is enough to go outside the city cemetery and walk to the left side until you find yourself outside the walls.

But this is not just a graveyard, this is a graveyard of easter eggs and references! In the cemetery you will find many tombstones and names, inscriptions, be sure to read them. What we are pleased with the developers? Here you can find the grave of Patrick Mulins, who spoke to death himself and is a reference to Peter Moulinier, the head of Lionhead Studios, who likes to hang noodles on the ears of Fable fans. Next we see Christophe Chuu from Tedas and Amelie Kolat from Azeroth (the first, respectively, from Dragon Age and the second from Warcraft). There is also the grave of a criminal, Arnaud Hapenik, who was imprisoned and rotted there due to non-payment of debts (referring to the well-known gangster Al Capone). Jean-Luc Picard is also here, the main character of the current Star Trek series: The New Generation and many other names!

But back to the task itself. The chestnut tree we need can be found in the depths of the cemetery. You will not miss it for sure - a huge, sprawling tree in the southeast. Look at the grave under it and, as Margot said, it will belong to Micheline Belrose, her mother. It remains only to put the urn and it's done, it's time to go back to Louis for a reward!

We carry out the urn with the dust of Margot

But the old card player does not want to give anything to Geralt and generally pretends that he is not in the crypt. It will appear only after Geralt threatens to break the urn with ashes. But bad luck, in fact, he absolutely does not know where his wife buried the happy cards for Gwint. But instead, he can reward Geralt with a sword that won a gunsmith in gwint. They say this is almost the best sword from the master's collection, you should definitely look in and pick it up.

The blacksmith's shop is located in the northeast of the Nilfgaard Embassy. After a short conversation Geralt will convince the blacksmith to give him the Forged in Fire. A sword of average quality, of course, but what to do. In addition to the reward, you can also play a gvint with a blacksmith for 50 crowns. His life does not teach anything.

Cache with cards for Gwint

As you understand, in this case the witcher does not have the cards promised by Louis. If you are interested in gwint and are not satisfied with the fact that they did not give the cards, then it is worthwhile to ship and relocate Louis instead of Margot.

If Geralt decided to take out Louis the ballot box. An avid gambler will not be happy with such a development of events, but he cannot choose, therefore he will ask Geralt to transfer him to the crypt of the society of Gwint lovers. He could not join the club during his lifetime, so at least now he will realize his dream. Margot, for Geralt resettles her husband, not her, promises to tell the witcher about the location of maps for Gwint. Take the ballot box and Louis forward.

You leave from the family crypt and get down into the catacombs, further directly. You will pass a large hall, get into the corridor and at the very beginning you will see a door on the right - you will go there! True, in the crypt there will already be unexpected guests in the form of tomb raiders.

Bug in the mission "Till Death Do You"

In the earliest patches, some players ran across a bug in which the door to the Gwint club was closed. All they had to do was load back and carry Margot. Now the bug has already been fixed.

The thieves are armed with daggers and do not wear armor at all, so Geralt gets rid of them in a matter of seconds even at high difficulty. Now you just have to put Louis on the tombstone (on the one on which the book “Odes to Gwint” lies) and that’s it, you can return to Margo for the promised cards.

The wife, unlike the husband, did not lie to us and in fact will tell about the cards. The card treasure is buried near the old house of the spouses, in the garden, immediately under a rose bush. The Korentenov House, and now the school, is located near the Bocharny Gate. We focus on the label on the map and get to the desired place. But in the garden we will have to wait for an unpleasant surprise - archespore.

We have already met them, so the tactics are familiar - Igni, poison against the damned, Quen for protection, and everything, the monster must die quickly. Next, we use witch's flair and find the necessary bush and dig up the cache. The hidden box contains two cards - “Barclay Els from the deck of elves and “Vampires: Brooks” from the deck of monsters. In order not to climb over the roofs again, we find the key to the garden, which lies in a chest near the close of the lattice.

No matter which path you choose, Charles Lanzano will pay the witcher for getting rid of sources of noise. Hearing the good news that now he can get enough sleep at night, Charles will be very happy. At the end of the dialogue, the customer will ask what kind of monster was making a lot of noise in the cemetery. An additional reward depends on your answer:

  • No, family quarrel. If you confess honestly, then you will not receive any additional reward, only the stipulated 50-58 kroons, which bargained at the beginning. But at the same time, the item “To show virtue” will be reckoned for the side task “The Way of Destination”.
  • It was a very difficult task. The customer will believe Geralt and decide to award the Witcher with a bonus of 100 crowns.

At this mission, "Till Death Do You" is completed.

Video of the passage of the mission "Till Death Do You"

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