Witcher 3 Whispering Hillock | Best choice
"Whispering Hill" - one of the main quests in the game "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt", associated with the search for Ciri. His passage is closely intertwined with the tasks "Family matters" and "Ladies of the Wood" in Velen.
Options for the quest Whispering Hillock
This task is not the easiest in terms of moral choice. The consequences are closely related to the further fate of key figures and minor characters:
- Philip Stenger, he is the Bloody Baron;
- His wife Anna and daughter Tamara;
- Children from a shelter on Crookback Bog;
- Residents of the village Downwarren, serving as the Hostess of the Forest;
- Black Mary, the mighty witch.
To get rid of "light fright" this time will not work - in any case, one of them will die. There is one version of the passage that allows you to survive all the positive character. However, for its successful implementation it is necessary to pass intermediate quests and interact with the characters in a certain sequence. How exactly, you will learn from this guide.

Black Mara and Mistress of the Forest in The Witcher 3
About the Mistresses of the forest, the witches named Whispess, Brewess and the Weavess, Geralt learns from Keira Metz after helping her find the magic lamp and search with it the Mouse Tower on Fyke Isle. The girl will hand the witcher a book, which tells about Velen's patroness. Presumably, Ciri visited their paws, so one should definitely visit the orphanage on Crookback Bog - interesting details can be found out from the local inhabitants.

During the wanderings, you can accidentally find another book - "The one that knows." It tells about Black Mar, an even more powerful witch who used to be Vela's sovereign. Whispess, Brewess and the Weavess, her daughters, overpowered the mother and detained her spirit in a tree on the Whispering Hillock.

Where is the Whispering Hillock on the map in The Witcher 3
This place is marked on the world map as Ancient Oak. Unlike many quest locations, you can learn about it randomly or find a map during research even before completing plot tasks. It is impossible to miss it - a mighty tree on top of a huge mountain is clearly visible if your character travels around the neighborhood. Be careful: next to the place where the entrance is located, there is a strong wolak of the 6th level, who very quickly recoils near the hill.

The spirit in the cave is harmless in appearance: it is just a stirring rhizome of a tree with nasty processes. Getting to know him before accepting the Whispering Hillock quest is a prerequisite for saving all the positive characters. Only in this case, in a dialogue with Mara in response to a request to release her, a replica “I have to think” appears. After meeting Anna at the shelter on Crookback Bog , Mara will tell Geralt that the children from the shelter are in danger, but she can help.

Options for completing the quest "Whispering Hillock" in the game The Witcher 3
If you don’t bother so much and explore the world according to the order in which the plot tasks arrive, then the outcome will be disastrous for some characters. After receiving the assignment "Ladies of the Wood" Geralt will find a shelter on Crookback Bog, children living there and sbrendiluyu elderly woman who looks after them. This is none other than Anna, the wife of Philip Stenger, who needs to be found on the instructions of "Family matters." Regardless of the order in which these missions are completed, the Bloody Baron and his people will go to the orphanage to save her.
In order to gain confidence, you will have to take the help of children. They have little entertainment - there are no dolls or toys, so playing hide and seek with the witcher is great fun. For this, the children will help find an outfit named Iwasik living in the swamps that will convince Anna to talk to Geralt. The woman will also call the Masters of the forest, who will give the next mission to the Witcher.
Which option to choose during the passage of the quest "Whispering Hillock"
The Witches will send our hero to the Residents of the Steiger Village, who have been doing poorly lately. They will be asked to explore the hill and find out what causes illness and death. As we already know, this is Black Mara. The witch, although motionlessly chained to a tree, has not completely lost its power and is still able to tamper. In the dialogue, the spirit will ask Geralt to spell him, and in return he will release the children with whom Sheptukha, Spinach and Cook are going to feast.
What will happen if you kill the witch
Although Mara herself cannot fight, she will call for help several Endrega. In the breaks, after killing them and while new insects are crawling up, it is necessary to attack the root itself.

If you do this, the elder of the Steigers will cut off his ear - this is the payment for the patronage of the Hosts of the forest. Children will be eaten, and Anna will be even more moved by the mind. If the Bloody Baron succeeds in reconciling with Anna and Tamara, he will take his wife to Zerrikania, where she will be treated by local healers. Hunters on the sorceress will execute several residents of the Downwarren, but in general the village will not suffer.

Instead of Philip, the power will go to his Centurion, a not very pleasant type. People of the baron will periodically rob the surrounding villages. There is a chance to stumble upon such an event during further wandering through Velen. You can stand up for the peasants, but then you have to kill the robbers.
How to kill a witch on Whispering Hillock using deception
You can kill the witch, using the trick to not fight with the endriagami. To do this, you must agree to conduct a ritual, and having found all the components, say that you change your mind. In this case, the spirit will shout "Treason" and die. The outcome will be the same as in the previous case.

What happens if free Maru
To do this, you will have to perform a ritual, finding the necessary ingredients: a raven's feather, its bones, and a black mare. At this point, the pen should be in the inventory of the character, as he found it during the performance of Johnny quest. If there is no pen, then you can find it using the hint on the map. There will also be no difficulty in searching for bones.
Horses graze South of Whispering Hillock. You can tame a horse with the help of the Aksy sign. After the ritual, Mara moves into the body of the mare. Breaking free, she will go to the orphanage on Crookback Bog and save the children, not forgetting to run to Downwarren along the way, kill all the inhabitants and burn the village.
Angry witches for not seeing, they will kill Anna, and the bloody Baron hangs herself from grief. The power in this case will also go to the centurion, and the inhabitants of Velen will again be subjected to looting. At any outcome of Taramar, if you manage to find it, it will remain to serve in the witch hunter detachment, as it has already taken the oath.
How to save Anna and children in the task "Whispering Hillock"
To do this, perform the passage correctly, which affects the order of delivery of tasks:
- Find the Whispering Hillock on the map before meeting the Mistress of the Forest. In response to the offer of Mary to release her promise to think.
- After the request of the inhabitants of the Downwarren to deal with the curse to go to Mare and agree to conduct the ritual.
- Meet the witches and tell you what you did with the Black Mara.
- Tell the Bloody Baron that you discovered Anna, and go to the Crookback Bog to set her free.
An important condition: finding Tamara in Oxenfurt follows before the start of the quest "Return to Crookback Bog". In this case, the girl will appear together with a detachment of Hunters for sorcerers and will help the people of the Bloody Baron to fight with utopians, watery women and demons, who will be called upon by the Mistress of the Forest. During the final dialogue you need to maintain the Baron or take a neutral position. Only in this case, Tamara and Anna will be able to forgive him.
Consider that the developers themselves recognized such a favorable ending variant as a bug and fixed it in one of the patches. Whether you will be able to play such an ending depends on the version of the game client.
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