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Games like Mass Effect


Everyone who played Mass Effect has surely fallen in love with it at a certain point of its course, its characters, the storyline and combat scenarios have etched a permanent mark of contentment and wonder. The was for many the entrance to the world of RPG and its shooter based elements made it a one of a kind experience that was hard to recreate or feel. The game helped us set a standard on what a shooter based RPG should be like. Since its release in 2007 fans have searched far and wide in order to experience a game which gives the same vibe as the original game, although nothing gives the same nostalgic sense of enjoyment as the first Mass Effect installment, we have managed to gather the most likely contenders which will put an end to your search.

Star wars: The knights of the old republic

Star wars: The knights of the old republic

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Although this was released almost a decade and half ago depicting a storyline that is set before the timeline of the movies, the star wars game follows the same good and evil stereotypes seen in Mass Effect. Before Mass effect popularised the whole idea of playing a character in space, it was Star wars that innovated the concept. If you are a fan of the RPG element, then the age old game is sure to bring delight for any gamer who is into the whole Space based RPG game style. The game allows players to start their journey from a different class of their choosing, allowing them to rank up and ultimately giving them the hand of decision, whether they want to fall in the dark or the dark side. The game manages to harmoniously combine different aspects and elements of the RPG style with the star wars theme to bring a unique sense of progressive gameplay.

The outer worlds

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Released in 2019 for the Playstation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch The Outer Worlds was similar to a breath of fresh air for Space RPG enthusiasts, although the game follows a different progressive storyline when compared to Mass Effect the game gives the same vibe as the original Mass Effect, its dialogues, the decision making and even the aspect of humour is coincidentally similar in the two games. At the first glance it looks a bit comedish, but as you progress the game’s darker side comes into play with its slaves and the death of children. The game is quite short when you compare it to some of the major gaming titles but it has some DLC content ready allowing you to juice up some extra hours from the game. This is probably one of the best games from the year of 2019 so it is best if you check it out.

The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt

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Yes, this is not space themed, nor is it set in the distant future with galaxies swirling around, but The Witcher 3 is probably the definition of RPG in gaming. The game can give Mass Effect a run for its money when the aspect of RPG elements are taken into consideration. The world of Witcher 3 is filled with content galore, with a massive world filled with countless options to branch out from. Th game has a increasing difficulty allowing hardcore players to get into the action without any dissapointments. The deep and engaging storyline, the massive world, the combat styles all make it a must play for any gamer who is into the RPG genre of gaming.

Bioshock Infinite

Bioshock Infinite for PC

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Most games in the list or RPG games in general are meant to be in third person, allowing the gamer to lie back and take in the world they engage upon. However, Bioshock Infinite does not follow this generic trait, the game is a first-person shooter that is heavily influenced by the decisions the gamer makes during the progressive areas of the game. Small decisions can eventually snowball to create entirely different scenarios giving the game a large sense of replayability. Instead of mindlessly blowing the guts out of monsters or aliens players have to pause and take into account the consequences of their actions contemplating on the direction they are progressing. The game also has an immersive storyline that has an interesting prequel which was regarded as one of the best games of its time which many players swear upon, so if you are looking for a new gaming title to spend some time in this will probably be a good choice.

Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3

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Borderlands is an attractive game for a larger community of gamers thanks to the addition of the multiplayer aspect into its arsenal. Borderlands 3 is a sequel to its previous installments 1 and 2 which rose to popularity at the start of the decade. Borderlands 3 allows players to go on co-op missions which take loot as its primary goal, its NPC’s dish out tons of quests giving players loads of playable content. The fun part of the game is not limited to the shooting and combat as the vast number of collectibles, weapon upgrades and diverse skill tree allow players to customise their character to a surprising degree. Borderlands 3 allows its players to enjoy the game in many different aspects when compared to a more one-dimensional traditional shooter.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

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The Deus Ex series has always been a controversial topic in the world of gaming, its creative aspects always brought awe and wonder to its fans. The newest installment of the Deus Ex series is “ Mankind Divided” and it is a banger just like its prequels. The game is in first person narrative posing a strict focus on the aspect of stealth. The game allows players to witness the conflicts in Prague through their own eyes. The game has hundreds of side quests and missions provided by NPC’s throughout the course of the game. The game’s focus into stealth gives players a new approach similar to Hitman where they have to think out their combat scenarios instead of going in guns blazing avoiding potential dangers when necessary. The different customisation options provide the RPG aspect of the game to the players and the experience gained from completing quests provide a path for the player to progress forward.

Dead Space

Dead Space a revolutionary title that brought upon a whole new point of view

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While most space based games usually involve aliens or monsters and truckloads of action sequences, Dead Space was one of the first games to introduce horror into it. Dead Space was a revolutionary title that brought upon a whole new point of view, instead of the game being a traditional space-blaster action game the game was a horror/thriller based shooter where anything can pop out to make your day go bad at any given time. The game allows players to feel the suspense with its gripping storyline and atmosphere, something which none of the galactic games to date has succeeded in doing. The graphics of the game maynot be top notch as it is a bit outdated but it is still good enough to convey what is required without fail.

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition

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From the same developers that came up with the concept of Mass Effect comes a new heavyweight into the genre of RPG gaming, Dragon Age: Inquisition is a more medieval take when compared to Mass Effect. The game revolves around battling different types of enemies that have appeared during the chaos, players are given the task of controlling a team of characters into combat. The act of controlling multiple characters may seem a bit complex at the first glance especially due to the fact that different characters in your arsenal react differently to your commands allowing you to build up complex strategies in order to nullify threats. The action RPG allows in depth customisations in both skill and cosmetics, even the fabrics and boots of your characters can be freely selected. The game has a good progressive timeline which allows for some cool upgrades which do not get tangled up as you progress further in the game.

Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV

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Final Fantasy was added into the list not because of its action but because of its in depth role playing aspect. The game is more suitable and is geared towards a player base that is more interested in the role playing section of the game. Although we say that the game is more centred around the RPG aspect, by no means is its combat simple; the game’s combat takes a lot of skill to maneuver around and gets frustratingly difficult at times. Players can take their time as they explore the vast areas of land that dominate the games explorable terrain, its large number of new and interesting locations provide players with a constant change of environment preventing any potential boredom. Developers have managed to combine the two vastly different aspects of magick and technology so well that even J.K Rowling would be impressed at how well everything is weaved together in this masterpiece of a video game.

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Elder scrolls is a game that is as old as the genre itself, years and years of existence has yet to dampen its popularity among players. Elder scrolls released in 2015 managed to gather a large crowd of dedicated gamers that are devoted to the series, swearing on the idea that it is the best RPG game to date. The game has one of the biggest explorable lands out there with loads of playable content, the game is so diverse and free to the player that the storyline and progressing becomes secondary. The large number of side quests and NPCs allow players to navigate around the path that is suggested to dip back in when needed. The game is a true legend as it set the path for many of the games that followed its release in the past years. Here concludes our list of the best games that come close enough to compete with the void that is left after the Mass Effect series. Some of these games are not directly related to Mass Effect nor do they have the same context or setting but it provides the same vibe along with the ability for players to experience the genre which Mass Effect was set in; but in a more different light. While we do expect more games to be released this year we hope to update and make this list grow bigger, inking their names into the legacy left behind by Mass Effect, one of the greatest RPG games to ever grace gaming platforms.
