Witcher 3 School Armor (Cat, Griffin, Bear, Wolf, Snakes, Manticore)


Every fan of the Witcher game universe in each of its countless wanderings in the vast virtual world pays special attention to the selection of Geralt"s armor, trying to achieve the best balance and efficiency from the selected ammunition.

In the “Wild Hunt”, a choice of players is provided with an abundance of possible combinations of “outfits” of the main character, which allows the maximum images to personalize Geralt's armor to suit his style of play.

In this article, this important part of our favorite game is subject to a detailed analysis! Here you will find answers to such questions as:

  • What kind of armor are there
  • How are they classified
  • What characteristics do they have

There will be a lot of information that you will definitely need in the continuation of the study of this “boundless” World of the White-Haired Witcher!

What are the Armor in Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Immediately it is worth recalling that the game has three main categories of armor:

  1. “Lungs” - accelerates energy recovery;
  2. “Medium” is neutral in this criteria;
  3. "Heavy" - increase the recovery time of energy.

Among the majority of the proposed ammunition should be allocated sets of four schools published in the main version of the game - these are the "Armor of the Cat School", "the Armor of the Griffin School", "the Armor of the Bear School" and "the Armor of the Wolf School".

Plus, with the release of updates, the Snake School Armor (DLC “Stone Hearts”) and the Manticore School Armor (DLC “Blood and Wine”) were added.

That is, only six of the most powerful sets, on which we dwell in more detail.

Cat School Armor

They look like this:

“Armor of the Cat School” refers to the category of “Lungs”, where rapid strikes and evasions are the priority. As you can see, gathering "Workshop Armor" Geralt will receive:

  • 399 units armor;
  • + 50% damage;
  • + 22% resistance to thrust;
  • + 30% to the resistance of chopping blows;
  • 30% resistance to monster damage;
  • + 70% Resistance to All Elements.

Cat School Armor - Location

It will not be a secret for anyone that the “Armor of the Cat School” can only be made at a blacksmith of the appropriate level, giving him the drawings found, but you can get them as follows:

Gryphon School Armor

This type of armor belongs to the medium type of armor, which will be an excellent assistant for players who prefer to use the signs of strength in battle.

When collecting "Master Equipment" Geralt will receive:

  • - 399 units armor;
  • + 50% damage;
  • + 30% to resistance to strike;
  • + 40% to the resistance of chopping blows;
  • + 50% resistance to monster damage;
  • + 40% Resistance to All Elements.

Gryphon School Armor - Location

Bear School Armor

This type of armor belongs to heavy type armor for players who prefer to use powerful attacks in battle. When collecting "Master Equipment" Geralt will receive:

  • - 399 units armor;
  • + 50% damage;
  • + 40% resistance to strike;
  • + 50% to the resistance of chopping blows;
  • + 70% Monster Damage Resistance;
  • + 25% resistance to all elements.

Where to find them

Wolf School Armor

This type of armor belongs to medium type armor, for players who prefer to combine fast and powerful attacks using signs.

When collecting "Master Equipment" Geralt will receive:

  • - 432 units armor;
  • + 20% resistance to strike;
  • + 40% to the resistance of chopping blows;
  • + 50% resistance to monster damage;
  • + 40% Resistance to All Elements.

Wolf Schools Armor - Location

Snake School Armor

As already mentioned at the beginning of the article “The Armor of the Snake School” was added with the addition of the Stone Hearts supplement, which dates back to October 13, 2015.

Snake School Armor - Location

In contrast to the equipment of the four main schools, the Armor of the Snake School has only one set (but which one!) For which the minimum level is 40.

Finding equipment is quite simple, for this you only need to do the following: (for convenience, we divide the passage into several basic steps)

Mark on the map where the Snake School s armor is

  • Drawings can be obtained by completing the task “Witcher antiquities: equipment of the Griffin School;
  • Visit the Dragonmaw Grotto; the mark on the map will become available after reading the letter in the room next to the harpies" nest;
  • Visiting the "Grotto" go to the impasse and break the stones with the sign "Aard";
  • Kill Ekim in the main hall;
  • Find the chest and get the drawings of armor and the Diary of the Witcher George;
  • To exit the cave, use the "Eye of Nahalena";
  • Go to the Lonely Rock and dive into the water;
  • Find a cave under the water near the "Place of power";
  • After passing the cave you will fall into the tower, where upward it will be required to kill wyvern 14 level;
  • It remains to pick up the artisan"s records and the last drawing.

Snake School Swords

Manticore School Armor

Location - Armor of the School of Manticore

This is a truly unique set of medium type, which initially refers to the level of the Grand Master, and, therefore, can not be improved.
With the search for equipment, of course, you have to sweat, as the elements of the armor are scattered over a vast territory.


Both the book and game universe of The Witcher is truly enormous, which applies not only to locations, but also to equipment, which the real article is a direct proof!

Forward Geralt, for the desired armor!

p/s The grandmaster armor will be discussed in a separate article.

p/s If you find inaccuracies in the description, write comments or contact the administration in any convenient way!
