The Witcher 3 Quest «Bloody Baron» (Ciri's Story/Family Matters)


Location: Velen/Crow's Perch

Type: Main quest

Suggested Level:6

Reward: 200 ОО

After passing the quest "The Nilfgaardian Connection", at the end of which we received notes of a certain Hendrik, begins one of the most important sets of the main quests in Velen-this task "Blood Baron" and related "Ciri's Story: The King of the Wolves" and "Family Matters".

So, realizing that the Blood Baron may have extremely important information about the whereabouts of Ciri, Geralt goes to the fortress of Crow's Perch.

The Witcher 3 Quest «Bloody Baron»

The inhabitants of the fortress of Crow's Perch, depending on the decisions made in the last quest, can either simply ignore the Witcher, or meet Geralt with a sword. If in the task "The Nilfgaardian Connection" you did not go the pacifist way, then near the fortress you can find an old man who will tell you a different entrance.

Meeting Geralt and the inhabitants of the fortress of Crow s Perch

In any case, Geralt will get to meet the Blood Baron, who already knows who we are and who we are looking for.

Having overturned several glasses of vodka (or not), it is worth listening to the story of the Bloody Baron, who will tell us about the adventures of the Swallow. This will start a new quest "Ciri's Story: The King of the Wolves".

Geralt listening to the story of the Bloody Baron

Geralt and Bloody Baron in quest

Walkthrough "The King of the Wolves"

For the first time taking over the management of Ciri, you can appreciate the skill of young witchers.

The quest is a linear level, and given the skills of Ciri, there should be no problems in its passage.

Ciri in quest: The King of the Wolves

Ciri trying to escape from the pursuit of Wild Hunt falls into a ravine, to get out of which with her injuries would be problematic. Moving along it, she discovers a pack of wolves that drove a little girl into a tree.

Ciri discovers a pack of wolves drove a little girl into a tree.

Having dealt with the wolves, Ciri has earned the trust of a girl named Gretka, who is lost in the forest and is trying to find her way to her parents.

Ciri has earned the trust of a girl named Gretka

Ciri decides to help Gretka and on the way again met wolves. Their journey might have been an ordinary walk, had it not been for the torn corpse in the boat. Gretka will also tell a little story about the "Wolf king", which together with the found body will seriously annoy Ciri.

Ciri decides to help Gretka and on the way again met wolves.

Realizing that Wolves will be difficult to defeat without a silver sword, the Witcher decides to prepare a special oil, but to make it you will need to find 2 units of Fool's parsley leaves and 3 units of Wolfsbane.

Having prepared the oil, Ciri continues to follow the tracks towards the "Wolf king", where in his lair he is already preparing to kill his new victim.

Ciri continues to follow the tracks towards the "Wolf king"

Ciri s Story: The King of the Wolves

Ciri in Quest: ciry s story

Having sent the monster to the next world, the rescued man will not remain in debt and will conduct Ciri to his master, which will be the Bloody Baron.

The rescued man will conduct Ciri to his master, which will be the Bloody Baron

Conversation Bloody baron and Ciri

It is clear that for more accurate information about Ciri, the Blood Baron will ask the Witcher about a certain service.

the Blood Baron ask the Witcher about a certain service

The Baron will tell Geralt about the loss of his family-his wife and daughter (by the way, leaflets about the loss can be found at the entrance to the fortress), which will need to find the Witcher in exchange for information about Ciri.

This completes the quest "Bloody Baron" and begins the task "Family Matters".

Geralt - start quest: Family matters

Search for Clues

It is necessary to begin the search with the rooms of the missing women, where there must have been traces that could point to the events preceding the disappearance.

Geralt start search for Clues

Geralt in quest: "Family Matters"

Carefully inspect all red-lit items: paintings, candlesticks, traces of spilled alcohol. Also in the wardrobe of the Baron's daughter, you can find a key and a doll, which will give more ideas about the girl. In addition, here you can perform an additional quest "Ciri's Room".

Carefully inspect all red-lit items: paintings, candlesticks, traces of spilled alcohol

Next, after finding traces of spilled alcohol, you need to go through the left smell, which will lead Geralt to a strange amulet.

Go through the left smell, which will lead Geralt to a strange amulet

Taking the find to the Blood Baron, who would tell him that his missing wife might have gone to a local Pellar who lived nearby.

Taking the find to the Blood Baron

A Princess in Distress

Having reached the point marked on the map, near the house of the sorcerer Geralt meets soldiers who clearly did not come with good intentions.

Geralt meet soldiers before house. A Princess in Distress

Geralt talk with soldiers

The situation is not easy and the Witcher again put before a choice

The situation is not easy and the Witcher again put before a choice:

1. "To help the soldiers in the treatment of other"

2. "Offer them a bribe"

3. "Use the Axii sign in conversation (Deception is not lower than level 2)"

4. "Kill the soldiers."

Fight Geralt and Soldiers

Having dealt with the soldiers in one way or another, finally get into the house of the sorcerer, who as it turns out is already waiting for the Witcher.

In house of the sorcerer, are waiting witcher

Witch agrees to help, but to communicate with the spirits he needs his runaway Princess (aka goat). From this moment begins an additional task "A Princess in Distress."

Witch agrees to help, but to communicate with the spirits he needs his runaway Princess (goat)

A goat is grazing in the forest, not far from the house. But next to her near the den sleeping bear, it is better to deal with it before finding the Princess.

A goat is grazing in the forest, not far from the house

Using the bell (provided by the diviners) bring the goat home.

Having received everything necessary, Geralt finally learns the truth. It turns out that the Blood Baron constantly beat his wife, even though she was pregnant, which eventually led to a miscarriage.

Having received everything necessary, Geralt finally learns the truth

Geralt in additional task "A Princess in Distress"

It's time to visit the Baron again…

Geralt return to Bloody Baron


Once again arriving in Crow's Perch., Geralt becomes a witness to the conflagration, the fault of which was the drunken stupor of the Bloody Baron and lightning that struck the stable.

Once again arriving in Crow s Perch., Geralt becomes a witness to the conflagration

Save the groom and horses from the fire, climbing to the second floor, use the sign Фard and clear the way, going down also use Aard and save the hostages of the fire.

Next to the stables, Geralt finds a drunken Baron, whose mind can only be restored by beating him fairly in a fight.

Next to the stables, Geralt finds a drunken Baron

Then a rather long and emotional conversation will begin, the result of which will be the discovery of the whole truth of Barona's bloodiness.

Long and emotional conversation between Geralt and Bloody Baron

It was the Baron who was responsible for all his misfortunes and it was his actions that gave rise to the appearance of Botchling

After waiting for midnight, Geralt and the Baron go to the place where the child's corpse was buried, but the grave was empty and the appearance of the Botchling did not take long to wait.

Geralt and the Baron find grave empty

Geralt and the Baron see appearance of the Botchling

Geralt is once again faced with a choice:

  1. "Attack the monster." This choice will lead to the fact that Botchling will find its true form, and the ghosts will stand up to protect it. After killing all the monsters, Geralt will take the blood of Botchling and go to pellar, who will tell you where to look for the daughter and wife of the Baron.
  2. "Turn Botchling into a Lubberkin." For the conversion, you will need to give the name of the unborn child and perform the ceremony. First, it is necessary to deliver the Baron and his child to a safe place, fending off the ghosts. Use the sign of Axius to calm the Botchling on the Baron's hands, and the sign of Irden in the battle with the ghosts.

Fight Geralt and Botchling

In the end, the rite will bring results. Geralt will see a Ghost that will lead him to new clues, and eventually point out where to look for the last clues.

Geralt will see a Ghost that will lead him to new clues

Arriving at the fisherman's house, Geralt learns the last missing pieces of history and again goes to the Baron.

Arriving at the fisherman s house, Geralt learns the last missing pieces of history

In gratitude for the information provided and fulfilling this promise, the Baron will tell you what happened next with Ciri, starting a new quest "Ciri's Story: The Race".

Starting a new quest - Ciri s Story: The Race

Walkthrough quest: Ciri s Story: The Race

Task: Family Matters - will be completed

At this point, the main part of the task "Family Matters" will be completed.

For further passage, you need to find the missing mother and daughter, based on the information received from the fisherman.

The Baron's wife (aka Anna Strenger) should be sought in the crooked-Eared swamps/swamps, during the passage of the tasks "Ladies of the Wood" and "The Whispering Hillock".

And the daughter is in Oxenfurt. The Baron will give Geralt a travel certificate and a doll, if you have not found it yourself before.

The final task "Family Matters " is the choice that will be made by you in the course of the above-mentioned quests.

This is a sad story, in the course of which someone is sure to die.
