The Witcher 3 - The Last Wish | Amos Ship Location | Consequences of Choice


Location: Skellige

Author: Yennefer

Reward: 20 experience + love line denouement

The task called "The Last Wish" will be available for completion after the quest "Nameless", but before the task "Ugly Baby".

As you know, in the course quests "Nameless" Geralt found out the availability of seats in this history for strange beings "Mind" that should play an important role in fate Ciri.

It was to this conclusion that Geralt and Yennefer came.

After enough emotional conversation (and between this a couple of other and not case) Yennefer hints at very important (for them) deal, which not undergoes a delays.

Important! In itself, this task is important if you are actively developing a love line or love triangle between Triss, Geralt and Jennifer.

If you start to perform the task "Ugly Baby" or refuse to help Yennefer, "The Last Wish" will automatically fail!

Yennefer will make an appointment at the Inn in the village of "Larvik", where the progress of the task will begin.

At the entrance to the tavern, we witness the usual skirmish between the sorcerer and the commoner, who rashly made a statement to Yennefer, for which he paid.

Witcher 3 - Last Wish: The usual skirmish between the sorcerer and the commoner

Starting a dialogue with the sorcerer, Geralt learns that Yennefer is very interested in the fate of a certain sorcerer named Amos, about whom she read in the Imperial library.

Amos had chosen "Jinn" as his specialty, and one of them was under the sorcerer's command, which could play a key role in finding Ciri.

The only thing that was known about the fate of Amos is his last known whereabouts – the island Hindarsfjall, accompanied by a storm of tremendous power, after which the fate of the magician remains a mystery.

Geralt learns that Yennefer is very interested in the fate of a certain sorcerer named Amos

Having agreed to help Yennefer, Geralt goes in search of the crashed ship of Amos, on the boat, which will be successfully bewitched by the sorceress, for finding fragments of the searched ship.

Yennefer will take the tiller, and Geralt can only be satisfied with the passenger seat.

Yennefer will take the tiller, and Geralt can only be satisfied with the passenger seat

After a brief but pleasant conversation, the boat sails to the supposed place where the ship of the sorcerer Amos was wrecked.

The boat sails to the supposed place where the ship of the sorcerer Amos was wrecked

Yennefer with a spell will make it so Geralt did not need oxygen in the water, and send the witch on the search for the Drowner.

At a sufficiently considerable depth, Geralt will indeed find the wreckage of the ship, which is guarded by several Germans.

But the find has nothing to do with the task, since the ship found belonged to the Trumond clan, not the sorcerer Amos.

Geralt can find more interested under water

In the second point, on deck sunken ship Geralt discovers enormous shield, which will tell history about already long oblivion these the wreckage of the.

In the second point, on deck sunken ship Geralt discovers enormous shield

The third point will lead Geralt to a huge crater, which, as believed the Witcher, was left after the fall of the meteorite.

But, at joint research of a bottom (it is necessary to dive very deeply) Geralt will notice a strange subject in which Yennefer will be interested. As it turns out in the end, this fragment of the seal, which is required by the sorceress.

The third point will lead Geralt to a huge crater

Climbing aboard the boat, Yennefer thanks to the wreckage will find the second part of the seal, and with the help of the portal to move to it with Geralt.

Yennefer thanks to the wreckage will find the second part of the seal

The couple will be on top of the mountain, where he will find the same ship sorcerer Amos.

The couple will be on top of the mountain, where he will find the same ship sorcerer Amos

But, Geralt is not satisfied with the reasons that allegedly appeals to Yennefer and in the course of a Frank dialogue, it becomes clear that the desire of the sorceress is quite selfish.

Geralt is not satisfied with the reasons that allegedly appeals to Yennefer

Yennefer and Geralt had encountered the Genie once before, and in the course of this encounter the white-haired spook wished them to be together forever.

Precisely about this and is experiencing enchantress, assuming, that the entire feelings between them, only a consequence manifestations of someone else's magical will, and Genie, destroying enchantment can open truth…

Precisely about this and is experiencing enchantress, assuming, that the entire feelings between them, only a consequence manifestations of someone else magical will

Once on the ship, Geralt explores the hold. With the help Witcher Senses discovers the fallen cupboard and traces, indicating possible finding Amos.

Once on the ship, Geralt explores the hold. With the help Witcher Senses discovers the fallen cupboard and traces

Lifting the Cabinet, Geralt and Yennefer actually found the remains of the sorcerer and the second fragment of the seal.

Geralt and Yennefer actually found the remains of the sorcerer and the second fragment of the seal

Rising on deck, Yennefer connects the wreckage of the seal, thereby causing the Genie, which was not glad, this meeting.

Rising on deck, Yennefer connects the wreckage of the seal

To defeat the Genie, Geralt had to constantly move, using rolls and use the shield "Quen", which was the key to the capture of the Genie.

To defeat the Genie, Geralt had to constantly move, using rolls and use the shield

Yennefer, after the imprisonment of the Genie in the ball, offers him a deal, the essence of which was voiced above – this is the destruction of the "love spell" that the prisoner will perform, having no other choice.

Yennefer, after the imprisonment of the Genie in the ball, offers him a deal

After a small but sensual cast scene, Yennefer confesses that her feelings for Geralt remain the same…

Yennefer confesses that her feelings for Geralt remain the same

Further actions depend on whom exactly you prefer in Geralt's love line having made a certain choice

"I still love you, to" - thus you recognize the reciprocity and sincerity of your feelings for each other. There will be no bed scene, but there will be enough sensual kiss of "true love".

If Geralt says: I still love you, to - thus you recognize the reciprocity

There is also an important point here. If before "The Last Wish " task you completed the "Now or never" task and confessed your love to Triss, then in the future you will have to face the "It Takes Three to Tango" task, but that's another story…

The Witcher 3 - The Last Wish. Consequences of choice

"Sorry, but I don't want to be with you anymore" - in fact, this will finally put an end to their relationship, especially if Geralt has already confessed his feelings to Triss.

If Geralt says: Sorry, but I dont want to be with you anymore- in fact, this will finally put an end to their relationship

After a largely fateful decision, Geralt and Yennefer will be transported to the sorceress's room in Kaer Trolde, and discuss future plans.

To whom did you give Geralt's heart"? Share your passage in the comments!

P/S On October 15, 2019, there was a long-awaited news for all fans of mobile gaming - The Witcher 3 became available for Nintendo Switch users. The fan segment of the Witcher universe has become even bigger! And it's beautiful!
