The Witcher 3: Letho of Gulet | Historical Figure | Appearance | Participation in the Witcher 3


Everyone who played the second part of the Witcher knows about such a character as Letho from Guleta, also known by the nickname "Kingslayer".

He was the main antagonist of the game "The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings" and became one of the most notable characters in the entire game universe.

Few people know what kind of Letho of Gulet can find in the third part, if you choose to continue the storyline based on the decisions made earlier. But more on that later.

Historical Figure

Witcher: a character as Letho of Gulet

Summer from Guleta is an exclusively playable character who, along with the Witcher School of the Viper, was invented and introduced into the narrative of the second part of the game by the developers.

"Kingslayer" is not only the nickname of Letho, but also the unspoken nickname of the witchers from the School of the Viper, United in a group and sponsored by Nilfgaardian Imperator Emhyr var Emreis since 1271 according to the chronology of the game Saga.

As many know, the purpose of their creation is to prepare the North for invasion. To do this, they had to wreak havoc by killing as many of the kings of the North as possible.

Without going into the details of their activities – this can be found in detail in the game "the Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings" - they were one of the decisive factors that allowed Nilfgaard to achieve such success at the beginning of the Third Northern war in 1272.

A particularly significant contribution to the account of their leader – Letho of Guleta, who personally killed Demavend III of Aedirn and Foltest of Temeria. In addition, it was his skillful (in many ways) political game that allowed him to discredit the wizards and the Chapter, unleashing a witch hunt in Redania that lasted from 1272 to 1276.

Letho is a very interesting and mysterious character. Despite his apparent simplicity, which is inherent in many people similar to his appearance, he is endowed with a sharp mind, calculating and cunning, and most importantly, he is an extremely capable strategist.

He skillfully uses his appearance, creating a certain atmosphere/entourage around him, but always calculates his steps for many moves ahead.

His skills as a strategist and manipulator can give a head start to the skills of the most famous wizards, which provided his group with such success, although (optionally) short-lived.

Letho of Gulet always adheres to his own code (credo), which has nothing to do with altruism, but still deserves praise for being faithful to his own principles, which in those years could not be found often.

Despite his desire to restore the greatness of the School of the Viper, it is difficult to attribute him with full confidence to Geralt's colleague, since taking on the burden of a mercenary, Letho stopped hunting monsters. But, again, as we have all seen more than once, in this world, not only monsters by origin, deserve the brand of a monster and death.

His amazing weapons skills are largely confirmed by the fact that Letho became one of the two opponents who were able to defeat Geralt in battle. Yes, with the proviso that Geralt still had a sword, but still he could not put up a decent resistance.


Letho of Gulet: appearance in Witcher

As mentioned earlier, the appearance of Letho of Gulet does not correspond to his skills.

Like all his colleagues in the Witcher shop, he has distinctive yellow eyes with vertical pupils.

He is muscular, tall, very broad-shouldered, with a large bald head and stubble on his cheeks.

When you see him, you immediately notice a huge scar on his forehead, as well as an abundance of battle marks all over his face, which support the atmosphere of danger created by him.

Around his neck, Letho wears a medallion in the form of an entwined snake, which is a sign of his belonging to the already mentioned School of the Viper, and he is dressed in a white undershirt and a red upper shirt-sleeveless and a leather cuirass over them.

His main weapon is not quite typical of a Witcher. He wears two crossed short daggers on his stomach, but also uses a huge two-handed sword called the Espadon, which in its time gave/will give a lot of difficulties to Geralt.

It is also worth noting that when you meet Letho of Gulet in the third part of the game, the Espadon will be replaced by the usual eye bundle of two swords behind your back – steel and silver.

Participation in the game Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Participation in the game Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

So, if you start the passage of the game Witcher 3 from scratch, without thinking about the decisions made in the last part-to meet the Letho of Gulet Geralt will not be fated.

To participate in the events of "Wild Hunt", you need to import saves from the second part or when creating a new game, select the item "Influence of decisions made in the Witcher 2" and answer the question in the affirmative whether Geralt saved the life of the Kingslayer.

If these conditions are met, during the passage of the quest "The Fall of the House of Reardon", instead of the house with monsters, Geralt will meet an old friend Letho.

As it becomes known, Letho is hiding from the nilfgaardians, who have declared a hunt for him and from a gang led by Arnout Vester.

"An old friend" turns to Geralt for help, which is worth agreeing to.

We have already said that Letho is very cunning and does not lack strategic thinking. In this, he will convince everyone again, since during a skirmish with the mercenaries, Letho will be "fatally" wounded by an arrow with Zangvebar poison and in order to help him, Geralt will be forced to either kill the mercenaries, or give them a medallion with a snake as proof.

But this was exactly what Letho was counting on, since He had bribed the crossbowman in advance, and there was no arrow with poison, and this was done solely for the purpose of faking his death. Thus, with the hands of Geralt, Letho of Gulet will once again fulfill his plans.

Geralt's help will not go in vain, and Letho agrees to go to Kaer Morhen to help in the battle against the Wild Hunt.

He will survive this difficult battle and even accept Geralt's invitation to stay in the fortress, but anyway – this will be the last meeting of the two "friends".


Letho of Gulet is one of the few conditionally negative characters whose actions can be accepted. His motives are quite clear and logical, his thinking and commitment to his own principles are fascinating.

It is extremely unfortunate that the developers did not devote more time to him in the third part of the game, because he could become as interesting a companion as, for example, the high vampire Regis.

"Spooks never die in bed."

- Summer from Guleta

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