The Kayran Witcher 2 | The Kayran: A Matter of Price | Walkthrough | Review


“Kayran” is one of the tasks in the game The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings, which you will meet almost immediately upon arrival in Flotzam. In the course of completing the mission, the Witcher will meet one of the very powerful sorceresses and will even fight side by side with her. And besides the sorceress, he will meet a huge monster that terrorizes the city and the whole neighborhood. Fight with the boss is very difficult, even at the “Easy” level of difficulty, so you have to sweat. Also this task includes 3 different tasks - “Kayran”, “ The Kayran: A Matter of Price” and “Kayran: tenekost”. The second and third tasks are not even missions, but sub-points of the main quest. All this, as well as tips on how to kill a monster, you can read in this passage. Let's get started!

Quests "Keyran" - a detailed walkthrough of missions

Quest “Kayran” will begin automatically after you talk in the tavern with friends who were saved from execution - Zoltan and Buttercup. The conversation in the tavern will be interrupted by a man who has run in, shouting that a monster has attacked Flotzam. Triss, who was next to you, also adds that she feels like someone is applying magic nearby, and you need to urgently find out what's wrong.

Leave the tavern through the door that leads to the harbor, and immediately cut-scene will begin with how a huge tentacle emerges from the water and hits the pier. In addition to him there will be a woman who fights with this very monster.

Attention! If you carried out the task “Indecent Proposal”, then you already know that the magic name is Sheala. If not, I still recommend that you first complete this quest before you fight the monster. For what? In the course of the assignment, you will meet a person from whom you will learn how to make a trap for Kayran, which will greatly simplify the fight with the boss. Seeing Sheala, immediately run to her. The monster will retreat, and now you need to go to a group of people and start a conversation, or wait until they start talking to you. A group of peasants surrounded by Sheala will make trouble, and one man will even blame the magic that she did not help his friend, whom the monster almost dragged into the water.

Our conversation with the indignant is short: you can offer him to kill the monster himself, to intimidate him or to charm Axiom. In general - any option is suitable. The peasant will quickly lag behind our company, and Ludwig Merce will approach him instead, who will propose to Geralt to kill the monster. You will need to negotiate with the merchants at the pier. After this dialogue, you will receive the first sub-quest “Kayran: a Matter of Price”, which will help us earn some money and take the shell of Kayran, but more on that later.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the walkthrough of the A Midnight Clear quest.​ When this resident of the city is finished, Triss will introduce the White Wolf Sheale. After discussing the plan, you will learn that one of the elves, Cedric, who has useful information, can help us in killing Kayran. At this Sheala will be removed, and Triss will offer to go straight to the elf.

Quest Keyran: a Matter of Price

Since we are on the pier, let's “without departing from the ticket office” solve the issues with the merchants at the pier. We approach the merchant we need and begin a dialogue about Kayran and the award. The miser, of course, does not want to pay the witcher for help, because the enchantress promised to do everything herself.

Getting the Kayran quest: a Matter of Price

The reward for the task depends on your choice and answers. And it depends a lot, so let's go through all the points. Options for action:

  • You can ask for a deposit for killing monsters. In this case, you will immediately receive 200 Oren, and another 1,300 after the murder itself.
  • If you say that in this case you leave, then the merchant will stop you himself and, so be it, will agree to pay for the work. You will receive 200 oren if asked for a deposit, and another 1300 after the assignment.
  • In order to double the reward, you need to either intimidate the merchant, or use Axius. In this case, upon completion of the assignment, you will receive 2000 oren, which is a very impressive amount.

At the negotiations with the merchants completed, after killing the monster will return for this award. Now we go to Cedric.

Immediately outside the gates of the city, a dialogue will begin with our red-headed companion, who will try to dissuade the witch from killing Kayran and warn that Sheala should not expect anything good. But this conversation will not change anything, so we go further to the elf.

Passage of quest Kayran the Witcher 2

Cedric is on a viewing tower in a tree. Unfortunately, he will not be able to help us in battle, but to help with advice is easy. From him we learn important information about the whereabouts of Kayran, and Triss immediately teleports there, but Geralt will have to run himself.

Hunting for Kayran

Attention! Remember, I mentioned the task “Indecent Offer”? That is exactly Cedric, who sells a drawing of an object that can help us in a battle with the boss. Buy from him the “Drawing of a trap on Kayran” and make it with the help of an iron frame, which you received exactly in the task “Indecent Proposal”. This is useful to us later. Geralt is not a fan of teleports, so you have to go on foot. On the way you will meet the camp of bandits, and, in fact, everything. Triss will already be waiting on the spot: having met her, go down the ledges, but be careful! As soon as you find yourself in a large open area, a flock of utopians will attack you. Triss will help you in battle, which will greatly simplify the task. In battle, use Quen, Igni and Axius, so as not to get once again on the head and quickly deal with monsters.

Quest “Kayran: tenekost”

After killing the attackers, head to the right of the ledges and use the medallion, which will highlight the desired item. Triss will interrupt the witcher and decide to use a diagnostic spell, which will help us a lot in the future. From the spell, the enchantress realized that the monster was already dying, and indeed she was sick. He still has 10 years to live, but we cannot wait that long, so we will have to fight. Kayran also proved to be very poisonous, and to avoid poisoning during the battle, Triss will give Geralt an elixir formula from Tenecost that neutralizes poison. At the same time, the second sub-task will open - “Kayran: tenekost”.

The Witcher 2 Kayran Tenekost

So, now we can go and fight with Kayran, but it is better to first prepare the elixir from Tenekosta, which will protect against poison in battle. The difficulty of the elixir is that Tenecost is a very rare component, and ordinary merchants, of course, are not for sale. Tenecost can be replaced by another ingredient, for example, the essence of death, but for this you need to complete the quest “In the claws of madness”, or the embryo of the endriage under the contract “Endriag Contract”. But this is all too long, so it will adhere to the original plan - go in search of tenekost!

An elf already familiar to us, most likely, knows where to get rare moss, so we ask him. From the dialogue we learn that, if this is found around Flotzam, then in the south of the forest there are caves. It is said - done, forward to the caves!

Passage of the quest: Keyran: tenekost

The cave is located behind a waterfall, and, I warn you right away, there are a lot of poker here. You will have to make your way deep into the cave through the crowds of both ordinary and experienced warriors, who have no end. Go forward until you notice the necessary moss on the wall.

Tenekost for making an elixir - The Witcher 2

We return to the city and make the necessary elixir. The task “Kayran: tenekost” is over, which means that all the preparations have been made, it’s time to fight the creature!

Getting ready for a fight with Kayran

Sheala lives on the second floor of the tavern. We inform her that all the preparations have been made, and all the information that has been collected, after which the game teleports us to the place where Geralt and Triss collected mucus. One, without Sheala, the task can’t be passed in any way, so the choice is small. It's time to learn how to get through Kayran.

Attention! Many players had a bug, because of which, after the teleport, the fight with Kayran was not activated, nothing just happened. If you are faced with this, you will have to ship back and teleport again.

How to kill Kayran - The Witcher 2

Be sure to make the save before the fight, and also use elixirs in advance, including the newly acquired Mongoose. Otherwise, you can be moved to a battle on the lower ledge and you can no longer use elixirs. After completing the final preparations, go down the ledges until the cut-scene begins using Sheala and the appearance of Keiran. The bait worked perfectly, to call Kayran turned out, only a little remains - to win!

How to kill Kayran

The tactics of the battle are quite simple - we use Quen to defend ourselves from the blow, after which we put Yrden on the ground and wait for the monster to hit the trap with a tentacle. As soon as the tentacle falls into the trap, we quickly run and start chopping it until we cut it off. After that, it will start to brawl, you have to use all the knack, rolls and of course Quen. Repeating this process will need to be done three times, the “trap on Keyran”, which you scrapped in advance, can help us with. She will immediately cut off one of the monster's tentacles. Without a trap, you can also win, just take a little longer. If the monster is not killed, try to boot before the battle and reduce the complexity of the game.

How to stay at the end of the battle

Having lost three limbs, Kayran will start to make a big deal so much that he will drop a bridge over himself. At this point, the QTE scene will begin, in which Geralt needs to jump onto one of the tentacles and hold on (very quickly pressing the left mouse button), then jump off the tentacle, being near Keyran's head. If the scale is not filled, then you have to ship to the battle with the boss and remove the QTE complexity in the game settings, which will greatly simplify the battle. Now it remains only to run along the collapsed bridge to the head of Kayran and “feed” Kayran with a bomb that will kill him. This will end the battle, and Sheala will congratulate the witcher on the victory and offer to pick up valuable materials - for us this is the trophy and the skin of Keyran.

Taking with Sheala everything you need, we return to the city. On this task, “Kayran” is completed.

The Witcher 2 Keiran - Sheala

Now it remains only to return to the merchants, to receive the second part of the money for ridding the city of the “curse” and, importantly, the drawing of the shell of Keyran. This is a very good armor, I definitely advise you to forge it, because even the “assassins of kings” need good equipment. Congratulations on winning!

Video walkthrough quests Kayran

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