Twitch has blocked the US Army from sending viewers to Recruitment Page

A Twitch spokesperson gave a statement to Kotaku explaining that a promotion from the US Army was removed. The statement says that “Per our Terms of Service, promotions on Twitch must comply with all applicable laws. This promotion did not comply with our Terms, and we have required them to remove it.”.
The promotion in question was a controller giveaway which redirected users to a military recruitment page. It was for an Xbox Elite Series 2 controller where the giveaway could be entered by clicking on a link which reportably led users to a recruitment form with no mention of a contest or details about when it concludes. The Nation has uploaded a detailed report looking at the issue of the US Army attempting to recruit gamers through Twitch.
Previously, the US Army Twitch account also made the news for banning users asking about war crimes in the chat. The US Army later released a statement to different gaming media companies about this.