The Witcher 3 quest «La Cage au Fou» | Mère-Lachaiselongue Cemetery | How to Remove the curse from a Wight | Tesham Mutna
Location: Mère-Lachaiselongue/Trastamara Estate Ruins/Tesham Mutna Ruins
Type: Main quest
Suggested Level:39
Reward: 1000 ОО
In addition to "Blood and Wine", we got a unique chance to plunge into the colorful adventures of Toussaint, this beautiful and bright world, which is so different from the locations from the main storyline of "Wild Hunt" and the Supplement "Hearts of Stone".
So, the meeting with the high vampire Dettlaff van der Eretein in the quest "Blood Run", which almost killed Geralt, provided us with a lot of food for thought, and most importantly allowed the Witcher to meet again with his old friend Regis.
This meeting created a lot of questions and significantly complicated Geralt's execution of the order to find and kill the Beast. In an attempt to get answers, the Witcher accepts Emiel Regis invitation to meet at the Mère-Lachaiselongue cemetery, where the high vampire has found refuge and a new home.
With that invitation, and starts the main quest "La Cage au Fou".
Mère-Lachaiselongue Cemetery

This location is a vivid example of how scrupulous CD Projekt Red is in developing the game.
The cemetery itself deserves the time spent studying it, because the developers have placed a lot of interesting references there, for example, inscriptions on tombstones:
- Antoine de Faint-Exuperly - famous French writer;
- Jymm Morrisonn -a reference to Jim Morrison, the leader of the American rock band The Doors;
- Martin Pshybylovi'ch;
- Urshulla Chapnic;
- Sebastien Callemby.
This list can be continued further, but it will be more interesting to study the tombstones yourself and compare the names and epitaphs with real people and characters of the Game and the Witcher universe.
On the way to Mère-Lachaiselongue, you can meet a lot of monsters, such as Archespore and Ghul, the murder of which will bring a lot of experience points and help to raise the level.
Having entered the territory of the cemetery and sent the ghouls into oblivion, Geralt approaches the door of the crypt and is faced with the fact that it is closed and apparently no one is going to open it.

To meet Regis, you will have to find a new entrance, which is located to the left of the crypt, you could not miss it, since it was next to one of the Ghul.
Having descended, the Witcher meets a Kikimore with a clutch of eggs, which it is better to burn before they decide to hatch. Kikimore – this is a dangerous type of monster, so prepare the elixir "White honey".

Following the signs, Geralt finally meets Emiel Regis, with whom he has something to discuss.

Initially, it all boils down to the fact that Dettlaff is extremely difficult to find if he does not want to. The only clue that old friends have is a severed hand that Geralt found in the cellars where Bruxa lived.

This would give Regis the idea of using Covinarius research, which claimed that even a small portion of tissue could reproduce recent events.

For such a "flashback" requires the elixir "Resonance", extremely difficult to manufacture and dangerous to use.

Despite the complexity, Regis has almost all the ingredients, except for the component that will cause visions in the person who took the elixir.
The saliva of the Spotted wight, the eye of the Kobold, and the glands of the Mamun have a similar property, but according to Geralt's assurances they are almost impossible to get, including the fact that some of these creatures are considered extinct by the witchers.
Another excellent quality of Regis will help in the search – it is the power over the crows, who will order them to go on a search.

While waiting, Regis will offer the Witcher a couple of drinks, preferably to agree, because Emiel has always been a great conversationalist, in addition, he will tell a lot of interesting details about the higher vampires.

After a brief sleep Geralt, the ravens return with the news that they managed to find wight that will be perceived as a witch with great skepticism, but anyway – it's the only lead so you'll have to head East into the woods Carobert.

The Curse Wight
Meeting with Wight is a very interesting task, since its "good" passage is possible only with a detailed and deliberate approach.
Wight lives in the ruins of the Trastamara estate, which is guarded by a pack of ghostly Barghest dogs. You can just run past them to the estate, but one way or another you will have to fight with them, because it's better before. Use the "Quen" and "Irden" signs in battle.

Reaching the estate, Geralt sees confirmation that the crows of Regis did not lie – the house is just full of various spoons, and the wall of the manor / estate is covered with the words of a curse.

"None shall sit and dine with you at your table, no spoon you have shall sate you, never again shall you wish to spy your reflection in the mirror"
This riddle, at first glance, is extremely confusing, but if you come literally to its interpretation, the first two parts are extremely clear, but more on this later.
So, the Wight lair is just littered with spoons, but there you can find various books, and other traces of life. Explore everything that is highlighted, especially the diary in the oven and the pismo – this is extremely important to get the opportunity to remove the curse from the wight. Also, find a spoon in the form of a key that will open the task "Spoontaneous Profits".

Spotty himself is located in the basement, going down to which Geralt finds an empty cauldron. The absence of the necessary saliva wight, the Witcher decides to wait for the monster and hides in the closet.

Wight will not take long to wait. He will begin to approach the closet where the Witcher is hiding and you will see a fateful choice:

1. "Attack the monster" - despite its rarity, the wight in battle is no more difficult than a water woman, so it is not difficult to kill it and take away the salivary glands.
2. "Try to lift the curse."
How to Remove the curse from a Wight
This is the main interest of the game.
Remember the words of the curse and approach their interpretation literally:
- "None shall sit and dine with you at your table" - Geralt invites Wight to sit down at the table and start eating. If he gets a chair in the spotty one and sits down, Geralt will notice that Wight is repeating his movements.

- "No spoon you have shall sate you" - accordingly, it is pointless to try to eat with spoons. At the moment when the game prompts you to choose a Cutlery, refuse spoons – "Let's eat, not using the spoons";

- "Never again shall you wish to spy your reflection in the mirror" - the mirror will not help here, but after eating the entire plate, the Poet will be able to see himself in the reflection of the metal. Accordingly, Geralt must also take the stew.

After performing these actions, the painful process of removing the curse will begin and the Pirate will try to escape. Geralt, using the Witcher's instinct, set off on the trail and not far from the estate and find an old haggard woman.

It turns out that Wight is a woman named Marlena, who was cursed because of her ignorance. Whether or not you deserve it, Geralt will take her to Corvo Bianco, where the Butler will take care of her.

Why is it so important to remove the curse from the Cult? Choosing a peaceful resolution, Geralt will perform one of the items in the task "The Paths of Destiny" - this is "Show wisdom". In addition, an additional task "Hunger games" will appear later.
Tesham Mutna

Geralt will return with Wight saliva to Regis, who has almost prepared the "Resonance", but is faced with the fact that he lacks another important component – blood of the same species as the subject, collected at the moment of the excited state.

Regis will have to take on the burden of insanity, for this you need to visit a monstrous place- Tesham Mutna, where previously kept and tortured vampires.

On the way down, explore everything you can and collect a full set of armor consisting of 6 elements.
The plan is simple enough:

- Geralt closes Emiel in an iron cage and fastens him with special handcuffs that will not allow the vampire to get free;
- The Witcher will lure the Necrophage;
- The mass extermination of a monster – this slaughter will provoke victory will lead him into a rage.
What could be easier than killing a few Necrophage? And as it turns out, everything is not so simple.
Having scattered four baits, also using "Aard", prepare elixirs to restore health.

Instead of a couple of Necrophage, Geralt will be attacked by a whole pack of various monsters. Use all your skills of possession of the ball, signs and elixirs and destroy all the "waves" of monsters.

Having dealt with this task and brought Regis to the edge of madness, the Witcher will take the last component of "Resonance" - blood obtained in an excited state.

It remains to let the vampire catch his breath and go to his crypt to complete the preparation of the elixir.
Under the influence of "Resonance"
Of course, who better than Geralt to try the actions of the prepared elixir "Resonance".

The elixir will show us some of the last episodes of Dettlaff's life.

It doesn't make sense to retell the events you saw, the only thing worth noting is that Dettlaff' is not as bad as it may seem. He is disgusted with his way of life, because of this he cut off the very hand that killed Louis de la Croix, with whom the high vampire managed to make friends.
Also, this friendship was promoted by the Shoe cleaner, to meet with whom Geralt will go in the next quest.

And the task "Resonance" finished at this moment. The next quest "Where Children Toil, Toys Waste Away".