The Witcher 3 Gwent Cards | Locations | Types | List Cards


«The Witcher» - relate to those games that can be played dozens of times and still find something new. Someone goes through the game time after time in search of the best ending, someone goes through the game, wanting to pump Geralt as much as possible, and someone is ready to spend a lot of playing time searching for cards for the best card game - “Gwent”.

It is worth saying that the last option is one of the most difficult strategies for the gameplay, since it can only be implemented taking into account the most accurate approach to passing, given that some cards are not repeated and there may be no other chance of getting them.

And this is exactly what will be discussed in the framework of this guide.

What is Gwent and What Cards Exist

For starters, it’s worth touching on the basics. Card game «Gwent» - a game that replaced the dice, which pleased the Geralts in previous parts of the game universe.

For those who are familiar with both the book universe and the game one, they know that the book version of Gwent has little to do with the game, if only because there are four games in the book at the table (instead of two), the cards have the usual appearance poker deck, and the essence of the game is more like familiar poker than collectible from the game.

But perhaps this makes Gwent from The Witcher 3 a more interesting interpretation of Sapkowski’s creation.

Before you start searching for a map, you should familiarize yourself with their types and characteristics, which you should do next.

Types of Cards

In «The Witcher 3», taking into account all the released additions, there are 6 types of card decks, each of which has its own leaders with a certain set of skills.

In addition to leaders, a special place in the game is played by squad cards (since their minimum number for a party must be at least 22 pieces). Units are divided into three categories - melee, long-range and siege.

It is also worth noting the presence of neutral cards that are not tied to fractions, including special cards that should be attributed to them.

All this will be discussed later.

Northern Realms Gwent deck

Each deck has its own unique ability, the "Northern" - is to obtain an additional card after each round won.

Among the advantages of the " Northern Realms "the best medic (but a clear minus that he is only one) and the overall balance of the deck with the presence of the abilities"Tight Bond "and"Spy" stand out especially vividly.

A full deck consists of the following cards:

«Nilfgaardian Empire Gwent Deck»

Among the bright advantages are the best siege map, the presence of as many as four doctors and many cards with the feature "Tight Bond", and the main drawback can be noted too strong" Spy", which is difficult to kill by obtaining two new cards.

«Scoia'tael Gwent deck»

Except that "Scoia'tael" have the right first move, their deck is there are multiple doppelgangers and hybrids and have the best cards with the ability "burst of energy".

There are no "Siege maps" (except for one), but there are hybrid maps that open the possibility to use a more interesting strategy game.

«Monsters Gwent Deck»

In addition to saving one random card at the end of the round, the "Monsters" extremely strong performance melee squad and leader, but there are no doctors and spies, which affects the effectiveness of the deck and the choice of strategy.

«Skellige Gwent Deck»

The key feature is manifested in the key round, in the third, two random cards are returned to the game.

Here it is worth highlighting the presence of special cards and a lot of characters with a strong connection.

«Neutral cards»

These cards, as it is clear from the name, can be used together with 5 other factions.

Where and How to Find Gwent Cards

Considering this question, it is necessary to repeat that if you set yourself the goal to find all the existing cards for gwent (more than 200 pieces), you should pay maximum attention to solving this problem from the very beginning of the game. Cards can be obtained in various ways: they can be found in chests, they can be won, they can be bought, they can be obtained for completing quests. Options many.

«Northern Realms Gwent deck»

«Nilfgaardian Empire Gwent deck»

«Scoia'tael Gwent deck»

«Monsters Gwent deck»

«Skellige Gwent deck»

«Neutral cards»


It should be noted that these are not the only options for obtaining cards, but (according to the author) the most optimal.

If you find a bug or you have a reasonable comment to the guide on finding maps for Gwent, describe them in the comments or send an e - mail info@xgamerss.com.
