Fortnite Tips and Tricks to Win | Easy tips to help you win | xGamers


Do you want to win battles in Fortnite? Then you should have a clear understanding about the tips, which can provide you with the opportunity to go ahead and secure your victories in the game. From this article, we are planning to cover some of the most important Fortnite tips and tricks to win. Any person who is playing Fortnite will be able to take a look at these tips and proceed with the game.

Fortnite Tips and Tricks to Win

Fortnite is a popular multiplayer game that you can find out there in the world. Primary objective of the game is to beat all your opponents. Once you do it, you will be able to secure victory in the game. However, securing a victory in the Fortnite game is never an easy thing to do. That’s because you will need to have lots of skills to ensure survival and proceed with the game. For example, it is important for you to have patience, good aiming skills, survival skills and ability to think strategically. If you don’t have any of these skills, you will struggle to secure your victories in the game. Therefore, you should keep the fact in mind and proceed with playing the game.

Fortnite tips and tricks

If you are aware about Fortnite tips and tricks, you will be able to overcome most of the struggles that you will come across when playing the game. Hence, securing a victory in the game can be done with ease. That’s why we will be sharing the most useful tips and tricks along with you.

Be mindful about the shield potions

Be mindful about the shield potions in Fortnite

As the very first tip, you need to understand that shield potion in the Fortnite game are extremely important. When you are playing Fortnite game, you will be able to see a blue orb-looking thing. Once you see it, you should go ahead and grab it. This will be the shield potion.

A shield potion has got the ability to increase maximum damage that you will be taking to the next level by 100 points. In case if you can survive twice longer than your opponent in a given shootout, you will be able to secure a win. This is why you should not ignore shield potions that you will come across when playing Fortnite game.

Pick the fights carefully

You need to be careful at the time of picking your fights in Fortnite game. This can deliver the chance for you to proceed with the game and increase your chances of winning the battles that are sent on your way.

If you want to understand how to pick the fights carefully, you are encouraged to take a look at some of the YouTube video gameplays from pros. Then you can get to know about the strategies that they use in order to pick the fights carefully and secure victories at the end of the day.

While watching YouTube gameplay videos, you will notice that most of the experts tend to go ahead with looking for trouble. This is one of the most counterproductive strategies available for you to secure a victory in Fortnite game. In here, you need to understand that it is perfectly fine not to run away after an encounter has gone sour. You need to understand that your primary objective in this game is to survive. You shouldn’t rack up a ridiculous kill to death ratio. You are not playing Call of Duty. The gameplay is completely different and it is important for you to get used to it and play accordingly. It can deliver a perfect gameplay experience out of Fortnite to you at the end of the day.

Never get caught in the storm

Messing with the storm is one of the biggest mistakes done by people who play Fortnite. You need to understand that this is one of the biggest mistakes that you can do. You should never get caught in the storm or mess with it.

The storms in Fortnite are equivalent to beast. You will not be able to take control over the storms. Hence, you can even think about considering it as the biggest enemy in the game. There is nothing scarier in Fortnite game when compared to a storm.

When you are approaching top 10, you will notice that your safe zone is getting smaller along with time. In such a situation, you will have to go through more hassle when dealing with a storm. In fact, life will become difficult for you to deal with a storm.

When you encounter this kind of a situation, the only thing that you should do is to run away from it as soon as possible. Then you will be able to make sure that you are safe on the game. In here, you will notice that there is no possibility for you to run away with your feet and survive from a storm. In such a situation, you can think about seeking the assistance of a golf cart. Then you will be able to get to a safe location and keep yourself protected from the storms without any difficulties. You will fall in love with this method of providing enhanced protection to you against the storms that you will come across in the game.

Shoot and loot

Fortnite Tips and Tricks to Win: Shoot and loot

All the players who engage with Fortnite are encouraged to shoot first. Then only you need to go ahead with looting. When playing Fortnite, you are continuously on a struggle to collect the tools and items, which can help you to secure a victory. However, you need to understand that these tools and items will not be able to benefit you when you are dead. Therefore, you need to make sure that you are shooting all the opponents who are lingering in the area before you loot. When you see someone, you should go ahead and fire your gun. Once you make sure that there is no one around you, you will be able to loot.

Never remain one-dimensional

You shouldn’t remain one-dimensional at the time of playing Fortnite game. For example, you cannot take a knife for a gunfight and secure a win. You need to apply that knowledge when you are playing Fortnite game as well.

You should only get into battles available in Fortnite game after you get equipped. Then you will be able to adapt according to the different challenging conditions of the game and secure your victories in a convenient manner.

In the meantime, you should have a basic understanding on how to use your weapons carefully as well. For example, you shouldn’t use a sniper in order to shoot an enemy who is closer to you. On the other hand, you will not be able to use the shotgun and kill a person who is located few hundred meters away from you. This will be one of the most important skills that you need to keep in mind when playing Fortnite game. You need to use that knowledge and make sure that you are securing victories in the game at all times.

It is better if you can proceed in Fortnite game along with a perfectly balanced loadout. Then you will be able to adapt according to different situations that you will come across in the game and make sure that your chances of winning are increased at all times. When it comes to a well-balanced loadout, you need to take a sniper rifle, an assault rifle and a shotgun with you. In addition to that, you should take the other two slots of the inventory that you have with items that can help you to heal. You shouldn’t follow this as a rule. You have the freedom to change it as well. However, it is better if you can use this as an inspiration to identify how to locate a perfectly balanced loadout when you are playing Fortnite game.

Carefully use the surroundings to track your enemies

Fortnite: Carefully use the surroundings to track your enemies

You need to be mindful about your surroundings to increase the chances of winning Fortnite game. That’s because it will help you to locate your enemies in a convenient manner. If you had acquired tracking skills when you were working as a boy scout, you need to apply those skills in here.

When you are playing Fortnite, you will notice that there are abandoned structures. These structures can work as mile-high fortresses or ramps. No matter what, you need to make sure how to locate them and how the different elements are positioned in them. Then you will be able to increase your chances of winning Fortnite.

For example, you will be able to see a ramp that is taking you all the way to a mountain. When you see it, you need to use your tracking skills and detect that enemies have probably positioned up in there. Therefore, you need to collect information and make the decision to climb up. Then you will be able to refrain from enemies in the game.

Get to higher grounds as much as possible

This tip is somewhat related to the previous tip. Have you ever wondered why your enemies try their best to get to high grounds when playing Fortnite game as much as possible? That’s because getting to higher grounds can improve the survival skills up to a great extent. That’s how the Fortnite game has been developed. Therefore, you should keep this fact in your mind and continue to play the game.

When you are in a higher position, you will be able to cover a bigger area. Hence, you will find it as an easy task to hide and shoot as well. People who are located below you will hardly see you.

Once you start playing Fortnite game, you need to think about getting to higher grounds as much as possible. Then you will be able to increase your chances of surviving and winning the game. That’s because you will be able to take the game in your favor and experience positive results that come along with it.

Jump on tires to access hard to reach areas

All the people who play Fortnite game will notice that there are numerous hard to reach areas. If you want to access those hard to reach areas in the game, all you have to do is to think about jumping on tires. Then you will be able to get much needed assistance with accessing all the hard to reach areas in the game.

Whenever you see a tire in the game, you need to understand that the developers have positioned it for a reason. Hence, you can go ahead and jump on the tire. It will provide you with the opportunity to access hard to reach areas of the game. In fact, you will notice that the tires are in a position to secure a ridiculous height in jumps. If you want to get on top of a building, now you have a clear understanding on what you should be doing.

Learn how to knock the bases in a single hit

Some of the bases that you can find in Fortnite game will seem insurmountable. However, they are equipped with weaknesses as well. That’s because they have a foundation. If you can take out the foundation, you will be able to knock the base with ease.

In here, you will not have to worry too much about running up and hacking away with the pick axe that you have. You will be able to go ahead and separate the base from the ground. As soon as you do it, you will be able to see how the entire structure is crashing to the ground.

In the meantime, you will be lucky enough to locate some rocket launchers and grenades. They are in a position to make the life easy for you.

Understand when you should disengage

All the people who play Fortnite should have a clear understanding on when they need to disengage as well. This s one of the most important skills that you need to have in the game to ensure your survival.

You need to take a look at the health prompt while you are engage in a fight. Then you will be able to determine whether you are in a position to proceed and win the fight or not. If you notice that there is no possibility for you to win the fight, you need to go ahead and disengage. This is the right thing that you should do in order to increase the overall chances of winning Fortnite game.

Once you shoot an enemy, you will be able to see a number appearing on top of the head. This will help you to understand the extent of the damage that you have caused. If the number is blue and if it starts turning yellow or white, you need to understand that your enemy has consumed the shield potion and you have exposed the health bar.

In case if the shots that you fire are not showing blue, you will be able to make sure that you are winning. In the meantime, you need to take a look at your health car as well. This will help you to increase the overall chances that you have to win the Fortnite game and proceed.

Supply drops can be dangerous

Fortnite: Supply drops can be dangerous

Supply drops that you will come across in Fortnite game can be rewarding. Therefore, you will be interested in getting your hands on them. However, it is also important to keep in mind that they can function as death traps within the game as well.

When you are approaching the late game, you will notice that there are more opportunities for you to locate supply drops. You will be able to find some of the rarest guns within them. They include sniper rifles, rocket launchers and many other rare and precious guns.

However, you need to understand that these supply drops are sometimes laid out as bait. If you get into the trap and go ahead with the carving to get hold of the guns, you will end up killing yourself. Therefore, you need to make sure that you think strategically and learn how to deal with the supply drops in the Fortnite game.

There is no mountain that you can’t climb

You will be able to find some high mountains throughout Fortnite game. In the meantime, you should also understand that there is no mountain, which is too high for you to climb. You have complete freedom within the game to climb any mountain that you can think about. All you have to do is to figure out the strategy on how to go ahead and climb it.

When you are exploring the map, you will come across situations where you have to go around the mountain. Instead of going around the mountain, you can simply climb it. On the other hand, you will also come across lakes in the game. You shouldn’t go around these lakes. Instead, you should run across the lakes. Wooden planks will be able to provide assistance to you with doing that.

Wood is the most important material in the game

Many players who spend their time with Fortnite will feel that guns are the most important material. If you are thinking like that, you are mistaken. Instead, wood can be considered as the most important material that you can find in Fortnite game.

Always keep in mind that Fortnite is not similar to Call of Duty. Your objective in this game is not to go ahead with killing people, but to ensure your survival as much as possible. This is where wood will be able to help you with.

Wood is the strongest building material that you can find in Fortnite game. You will also notice that wood comes to you with a higher level of flexibility. Hence, you don’t need to think twice before you use wood and ensure your survival at the time of playing Fortnite game.

Switch your controls and build with ease

Building mechanics is something important that you have to deal with in Fortnite game. In here, you will also come across the need to make your life easy when you are building. This is where you should take a look at switching the control.

In fact, there is a unique and a one of a kind build-centric control mechanism available within the game. This mechanism is called as Builder Pro. Along with this mechanism, you will be able to place all the build buttons as shoulder buttons. Then you will be able to build your structures without taking off your finger from the other buttons. This is a safe and a fast building technique available in Fortnite game for you to consider.

Eat nature’s bounty and boost your health

Throughout Fortnite game, you will come across a large number of consumable items. You will be able to find them scattered everywhere. For example, you will be able to find a bunch of apples in certain areas, which will help you to restore your health up to a certain extent. You need to make sure that you are consuming them as you are proceeding with the game. Then you will be able to keep on boosting the health. This can also contribute a lot towards enhancing your survival skills within Fortnite game.

Final words

Now you have a clear understanding on how to play Fortnite and how to ensure your survival. Go ahead and follow these tips and tricks now. Then you will start loving all the experiences that you can secure in Fortnite game.
