Genshin Impact Characters
The Genshin Impact game is defined by its characters. In fact, you will notice how the characters of this game are acting as the centerpiece of combats that you take part in. There are 24 characters within the game. Every single character has its own weapons, unique skills as well as passive bonuses. If you are looking forward to play the game, it is important to have a clear understanding about those characteristics. Then you can end up with getting the best results out of what they deliver.

Venti is one of the most prominent characters that you can find in the game. That’s because Venti has two key abilities, where he is capable of fighting against a large number of enemies within a short period of time. Wind is the element of this character and bow is the weapon. You will be able to use this character practically in numerous situations that you will come across in the battles.

When you take a look at the DPS characters, you will figure out that Diluc is holding a prominent place. Diluc is capable of creating a massive damage. The attacks of Diluc are quite vicious as well. Pyro is the element of this character whereas Claymore is the weapon. When you are having Diluc in your party, you will get the opportunity to stun your enemies.

Fischl is using electric raven with the objective of attacking all the nearby enemies. Hence, she is a worthy character that you can think about including in your team. You will never be disappointed with including this character in the team. Fischl is on the S-tier of this game because of mobility and utility. You will also notice how Fischl character is fighting while keeping a safe distance at all times. The Element Burst of Fischl is one of the most useful skills that you will come across.

The most prominent feature that you can find in Qiqi is the ability to use Cyro as her element. Along with that, this character has the ability to bring in significant damage to everyone around. Even if Qiqi is attacked regularly, you will be able to see how this character is capable of healing herself. Attacking the enemies will be able to provide assistance to Qiqi with regenerating HP for the entire party. Hence, it is worthy to think about having Qiqi in your team as well.

Jean is another great character to have around. Wind is the element of this character and sword is the weapon. Even though Jean is a great character, you will often see how she is outpaced by Qiqi and Venti. The crowd of Jean is capable of controlling and healing. On the other hand, you can think about considering Jean as a fantastic character to have around. You just need to think about equipping Jean with numerous attack bosting items. Then she will be able to offer the job that you look forward to receive.

Electro is the element of Keqing whereas sword is the weapon. The most prominent characteristic that you can find in Keqing is the ability to throw orbs of electricity. Along with that, you can make sure that this character is capable of bringing in significant damages in the game. Another unique characteristic that you can find in Keqing is the ability to teleport to a different location. While doing that, the character will be able to offer an electro slashing attack as well.

Traveller is also known as Anemo. Wind is obviously the element of this character. Sword is the weapon. When you are aligned with Anemo, Traveller will become the main character in the game. In fact, you will have to start the game along with the capabilities that Traveller have. These characteristics are extremely useful and you will be able to end up with taking advantage over the game with minimum struggles. You can also get the character to proceed with outstanding damage combos.

You can consider Xiangling as an excellent Pyro DBS. The element burst of Xiangling will provide you with the chance to cover up the complete battlefield within flames. Hence, you can take as an advantage when you are trying to move forward with the game. On the other hand, you will fall in love with the rapid polearm attacks of Xiangling, which are quite vicious. Pyro is the element of this character, whereas Polearm is the weapon.

You can call Razor as a beast in the game. That’s because you will fall in love with the amazing capabilities of this character. To get the most out of Razor, you need to make sure that you are using the skills of this character in a wise manner. Then you will be able to use them accordingly and create damages to the opponent party. You will also be able to create the biggest damage with Razor, when you are having a single enemy target in the game.

Mobility of Xaio is another useful feature that you can think about using in this game to gain advantage while you proceed. Even though the mobility is outpaced with the remaining DPS characters, you can still think about calling Xaio as a beast. That’s because of the element burst of this character. If you are looking forward to get a healer to join your team, you should seek the assistance of Xaio.

Mona is a character that has received a lot of attention for her style. On the other hand, you will be able to discover some unique features in this character, which can help you to take advantage over the others. The elemental skills of the character are extremely useful. That’s because they are in a position to create considerable damage.

If you are looking for a free healer in the game, Barbara would be the only character available for you to consider. You can easily get the assistance of this character while you are moving forward with the game as well. Cyro attacks would freeze this character. It is better if you can provide Barbara with some HP boost, because the health level of this character is not the best at all times.

If you are looking for a character who is in a position to create geo-damages, you should take a look at Traveller. You can get the most out of this character when its capabilities are mixed along with the other elements that you can find in the game. However, you will still be able to use the character and cause a significant damage to the other parties that you will come across.

When your team doesn’t have any good Pyro characters, you can think about getting in Klee. The regular attacks of this character are not the best. However, the capabilities of the character will be able to help you with causing a bigger damage to a large number of enemies. Hence, you will never regret about the decision that you are taking in order to welcome Klee to your party.

Chongyun is one of the best fighters that you can find in the game. In fact, if you wish to get a solid fighter into the team, you will be able to take a look at Chongyun. You will be able to get the best out of fighting skills of this character. However, the elemental burst of this character might not be the most useful. You will be able to create a massive damage with the help of this character by using combos. On the other hand, you can also get the help of Chongyun to freeze a large number of enemies with ease.

One of the most prominent support characters that you can find in this game is Bennett. You will be able to get the support delivered by this character to go ahead and set up a different DPS character. Along with that, you will be able to end up with causing some significant damage with ease. If you want to cause a lot of Pyro damage, Bennett would be a great character that you can think about having in your team as well.

Kaeya is another free character that you can get. Even though you can get Kaeya as a free character, it doesn’t mean that she is not a useful character. You will be able to find Cyro as the element of this character and sword as the weapon.

Lisa is a free character as well. After you get Lisa to your party, there is a high possibility for the character to be replaced within a short period of time. That’s because someone better would replace the Lisa character. The electro abilities that you can find within Lisa character are quite useful. However, this is one of the most vulnerable characters that you can find in the game. Hence, it is worthy to replace this character as soon as you get a chance.

When you take a look at Beidou, you will figure out that he is one of the coolest characters to have around. However, this character is not using the elemental skills in an effective manner. Hence, you are kept away from taking the maximum advantage out of the character. It is not possible to time the attacks correctly with the character. However, Beidou is offering a good defense.

Geo is the element of Ningguang. If you are trying to follow a defensive approach at the time of playing Ningguang, you will be able to consider Ningguang as a good character to be in the team. You will notice that the jade screen offered by Ningguang is quite useful to you while you are engaged in the battles. That’s because you will be able to use that character when there are archers targeting you. However, you will not be able to use this feature at all times.

Sucrose is not the most useful character that you will be able to discover in the Sucrose game. Some of the players even tend to call Sucrose as a dumb character. However, you can get the most out of Sucrose when you are trying to pull enemies towards you and cause more damage.

The offensive characteristics of Xingqiu are much better when compared to the defensive characters. However, the abilities of Xingqiu will remove a considerable percentage of the damage when he is engaged with fighting. Hence, you need to be mindful that it is not okay to get hit when you are having Xingqiu in your team.

Noelle is quite a boring character that you will be able to find in this game. That’s mainly because the shield of this character is not the most useful. Hence, you are encouraged to keep the shield away when you are using the character for the fights that you engage with. On the other hand, Noelle doesn’t have the ability to cause healing to the other characters as well. If you have Noelle in your party, you cannot get a lot of inputs. Hence, it is better to replace Noelle from any other character, who has better healing capabilities.

Amber is the most unfortunate character that you can find in the game. No player loves her. That’s the main reason why you can find the name of the character in the bottom of our list as well. You will not come across any situation where you can get the maximum benefits out of Amber for your battles.
Final words
Now you are aware about the characters that you can find in Genshin Impact game. Take a look at these characters and pick the best ones out of them to your fights.
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