Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Armor Sets | Raven Clan Armor | Magister's Armor
In this large-scale game, there are not so many types of weapons and armor, as in "The Witcher 3", but in "Valhalla" there is something to pay attention to.
There are three "Paths" in the game that determine not only the distribution of skills, but also the overall style of Eivor's combat:
- "The Raven's Way" - hidden fighting style;
- "The Way of the Wolf" - responsible for long-range attack, archery;
- "The Way of the Bear" - determines the power of Avor in close combat.
Each of the archetypes (paths) offers several sets of armor and below is information about the features of each and their location.
And we'll start with the "Way of the Raven", some sets of which can be collected at the beginning of the passage of Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
"The Raven's Way"
Raven Clan Armor

(partial / full set)
(2/5) Increase Armor the lower your health is (75%/50%/25%)
(5/5) Additional increase to Critical Chance
The full set is given in the first hours of the game when the warriors of your clan are released, and the last element is given to Eivor after defeating Kjotve the Cruel.
Magister's Armor

(partial/full set)
(2/5) Increase Melee Damage at night
(5/5) Additional increase to Ranged Damage
A unique approach to the distribution of bonuses with increased damage at night and in ranged combat. On the one hand, this is night stealth, on the other hand, archery is not so effective at stealth passage.
The rest is still the same image with a mask.
Where to find Magister's Armor
The Mask is in King’s Bury in East Anglia, on the shores of Amynnesmere River.

At the northern point of "East Anglia" on the island of the Serpent’s Landing, which you could visit during the task "What the Norwegians want".

North of the town of Oxeneforda in the «Leah Villa Garrison», where there is a small protected camp. The chest is located in a locked room. Go up to the terrace and move the barrier, behind it you will find a flammable vase. Take her to the blockage and destroy the barrier.
In the immediate vicinity-already in Oxeneford itself in a small church. Climb up on the beam and break the stained glass window.
Climb to the top, where you will find a chest with the Master's gloves waiting for you.
For the last element of the Master's set, you will need to go to Buckingham, which is located on the banks of the Great Ouse River.
The chest can be found in the church, and to get into it, mix with the crowd of monks and take the key on the bench next door.
Knock down the ladder mount and climb up.

Hidden Ones

(partial / fullset)
(2/5) Increase Assassinatoin Damage when crouched and undetected for 10s
(5/5) Additional increase to Headshot Damage
If we talk about the belonging of "Valhalla" to the history of the Brotherhood of Assassins, then Hidden Ones is the most suitable for the atmosphere and overall lifestyle and their credo.
It is not entirely clear what guided Ubisoft, adding masks to the game as an element of armor, not only in this set, but also in a number of other ways.
The usual hood would look more atmospheric and brutal here, and it doesn't matter that Eivor only puts it on when he enters the "red area".
Otherwise, for those who prefer a stealth walkthrough, this kit can be an excellent choice.
Where to find it Hidden Ones?
Go to the town of Lundene (Oxenfordshire region) and pay attention to the north-eastern part of the map, where the Assassin's Bureau is located.
Jump off the wall into the water and break the wooden barrier to get inside.
Jump on a wooden platform and find a convenient point from where you can accurately blow up vases with a combustible substance

To find the raincoat, you will need to walk to Colcestre in Essexe. Pay attention to the southern part of the city with Roman ruins.
Find the blocked passage and clear it with an explosion.
It remains to knock down the door lock and take the page of the Code and the plash.

The destination is South of the Jorvik
Using the "Vision of Odin", find the boarded-up passage and destroy it with an arrow shot.
Once in the hidden room, carefully reach the far right corner and push the barrier away.

The gloves can be found in Ledecestrein the north-eastern city ruins.
Shoot down the suspended load, opening a passage in the floor.

Head into the woods significantly west of Glowecestre and find a passage between two statues. Be careful when approaching the gas trap-remove it by throwing a torch.
Clear the blocked passage with an explosion and open the chest.
Mentor’s Armor

(partial / fullset)
(2/5) Increase Attack after Critical Hits
(5/5) Additional increase to Speed
An interesting set that is well suited for players who prefer fast attacks and evasion.
Where to find it Mentor’s Armor?
West of Snotingham in Sherwood Forest, you need to find a house that contains a chest with a mask, but under little protection from bandits.

The cloak can be found at Loch Clunbre Hideout on the banks of the Maun River. Act alone or make a raid on the shelter and one of the robbers find the key to the house, where the chest lies.

Head to Guildford, in the northern part of Suthsexe.
Shoot down the suspended load on the SeintLewinna’s Church, closing the hole in the window. Once inside, destroy the dilapidated wooden floor with an arrow shot.
It remains to move the barrier in the next room.

Southwest of the "Santlaha Mine" in the Anderitum Hideout.
Find a vase with a flammable substance and move to the end of the corridor, where you will see a small boarded-up manhole. Install the vase and blow it up with a well-aimed shot.
You'll have to walk all the way to Wincestre to get your pants. The path is not close.
When you reach the fortress, pay attention to the building with red flags.
The door is locked. Find the point that allows you to shoot down the bolt (at the foot of the stone stairs).

Huldufolk Armor

(2/5) Increase Attack after an Assassination (up to 5 times)
(5/5) Additional increase to Speed and Armor
This is one of the kits that can only be purchased in the in-game store for 300 credits.
A very impressive appearance of the armor, with a mask characteristic of the archetype.
So, here are all the available sets of "The Way of the Raven", which are available in the game at the moment. Tell us which one you chose or maybe prefer "The Way of the Wolf" or "The Way of the Bear"?
Sets of «The Way of the Wolf»
In Valhalla, the ranged weapon-the bow-is rarely used, and only when (for the most part) it is necessary to give a respite to Eivor to restore health.
Still, melee weapons are a more effective option.
But those players who like the sound of the bowstring and the flight of the arrow should pay attention to the sets of armor "The Way of the Wolf", which open access to a number of useful and effective bonuses in battle.
Huntsman Armor

(2/5) Increase Ranged Damage when hitting enemies further than 20m away
(5/5) Additional increase to Speed
A colorful image that generally reflects the association of many with the Vikings.
Where to find it Huntsman Armor?
The helmet can be found by completing the "Exchange" task, when Eivor and Sigurd go to the gates of the fortress of Tonnastadirto talk to Tonna.
The key to the passage can be found on the table of the longhouse, and the passage itself and the chest are located closer to the far wall of the fortress.

To get the cloak, go to the Templebrought Fortress. Pay attention to the tower, located on a small island. Climb up and shoot down the suspended cargo to open the passage to the chest.

Southeast of the Wandrie in Ravensburg, in a small open house.

A little north of Raventhorpe, near the Bezunken Tower, use the raven to find the entrance to the cave, it will be hidden behind a waterfall.
The chest is located in the reservoir inside in its far part.

The pants are in a chest in a Soham Hideout, next to the Isle of Ely Monastery.
Galloglach Armor

(2/5) Increase Melee Resistance when hitting enemies with finishers
(5/5) Additional increase to Melee Damage
Where to find it Galloglach Armor?
Go to Halstead Outpost, east of the Walden.
At the top, find an iron grate, under which a chest lies in the room. Knock down the bolt with a shot from the bow and take the loot.

At the Brentwood Outpost in Essexe. The key to the house with the chest is next to the cage.

North-east of «Medeshamsted Abbey ». The key to the locked house can be found in one of the robbers.
Go to the capital of the region in the city of "Lincoln". The chest with the bracers and treasure is guarded only by a couple of soldiers and is located on the left side of the pier.

East of the Lincoln at Bolingbroc Castle. Take the key from the guard.

Draugr Armor

(partial / fullset)
(2/5) Attack when hitting a poisoned enemy
(5/5) Additional increase to Speed and Stun
The set is only available in the game's in-game store.
Setsof the «Way of the Bear»
Aggressive and bloody melee combat is a joy for the Viking. And here the armor of the "Way of the Bear"can be very useful.
Brigandine Armor

(partial / fullset)
(2/5) Increase Armor when surrounded by more than 2 enemies
(5/5) Additional increase to Melee Damage
One of the best sets in the game, which increases the Eivor’s defense and damage indicators, which will be useful more than once in mass battles.
Where to find it Brigandine Armor?
In a cave in the Wenlocan Outpost southwest of the «Wenlocan Abbey» in Shropshire
Move the barrier blocking the entrance to the cave and take the helmet.
In a cave near the town of Quatford.
In the cave, shoot a bow at the "explosive boat" and then you will only have to move the stone to pass to the chest.

Head to in the Cantebury Cathedral in Cent. Go up to the top and knock down the door lock with an arrow shot. Go around the building and enter the door that has already opened. Knock down the candelabra for the passage to the chest.

East of "Cent" in Beamasfield. Find two keys:
- In the sawmill
- In the house next door

In the Dover Fortress, southeast of Cent. To pass to the chest, take a vase and blow it up in the destruction zone to clear the passage.

Thor’s Armor

(partial / fullset)
(2/5) Increase Speed when stunning an enemy
(5/5) Additional increase to Stun
The Thunder God Armor set allows you to access not only the armor, but also the legendary hammer of Thor – Mjolnir.
Where to find it Thor’s Armor?
It is also important to pay attention to the fact that in this set it is important to observe the order of finding the elements of the armor.
To get pants, armor and gloves, you need to defeat the three daughters of Lerion – very dangerous witches, for defeating which Eivor will receive a dagger for each.
In the early stages of the game, this action will not be available, and trying to poke into the lair of witches with a power level of less than 90/110/340 (for each of the witches) does not make much sense.
The search for the Cloak of Thor begins immediately after Eivor arrival in England, with the beginning of the search for members of the Order of the Ancients. To get the cloak, you need to collect all 45 tokens and bring them to the Invisible office.
The first dagger can be obtained by killing Goneril, who lives a little north of the monastery of the Isle of Ely Monastery.
Goneril is a very formidable opponent, using poison attacks and being able to create clones.
Use the Eivor stamina wisely and try to get closer to the witch when she plans a powerful attack, deftly dodging her blow. After that, it will lose its stability and will be more vulnerable to attack.

Regan (Lerion's second daughter). Before going to the witch's place of residence – East Anglia-north-east of Thetford.
Regan is able to teleport and, following the example of her sister, can create clones, duplicating herself.
Constantly dodge, but keep an eye on the level of endurance, and use fast attacks at close range.
When Regan's stamina comes to the middle, she will start using a fire attack that cannot be completely evaded. Try to extinguish the fire as quickly as possible and here you will be helped by the already mentioned runes.
After receiving the second dagger, you can pump Eivor and prepare for a meeting with the third sister.

Cordelia lives - East Anglia-west of Elmenham

Eivor recommended power is 340.
The main thing is to avoid her "red attack", which, if it does not kill you immediately, will remove almost the entire health reserve.
The daggers obtained from killing witches are needed to open the chest with Thor's Helmet.
It is necessary to find the "Statue of Lerion", the father of those witches. It is located in the"East of England" south of the castle "Burg".
Go down to the ground and stick all three daggers in the back of the statue.
Thor’s Hammer is located in Hordafylke, in Norway.

Thegn Armor

(partial / fullset)
(2/5) Increase to Critical Chance when parrying
(5/5) Additional increase to Critical Damage
Where to find it Thegn Armor?
The helmet chest can be found in Wincestrein the central part of the city of Old Minster.
To open the chest, you will need three keys.

In the same cityWincestre in the Bishop’s Residence.
Climb to the second floor, move the barrier and knock down the bolt on the door.

At the Temple of Brigantiain South Yorkshire in the kingdom of Northumbria
Find a small pond on the map and dive into it, finding an underwater corridor.

In the Stenvege Camp, in one of the houses, the key to which can be found in the guard.

South-west of Glowecestrescirein a bandit camp.

Valkyrie Armor

(partial / fullset)
(2/5) Increased Speed after using the Dive of the Valkyries ability
(5/5) Increased Armor and Attack
Berserker Armor

(partial / fullset)
(2/5) Increased Speed when taking damage until you Heal yourself (can stack up to five times, and each stack lasts 40 seconds)
(5/5) Increased Attack and Armor
Armor of St. George

(2/5) Increase Attack after impaling an enemy. you can impale enemies with a Great-Sword heavy attack finisher or a Spear Special left-handed attack.
Duration: 10s
Bonus: +30.0 Attack
(5/5) Additional increase to Speed
Bonus: unknown (the text is bugged and the value is not readable)