Assassin's Creed Odyssey tips | Armor | Weapons | Side Missions | xGamers


Assassin s Creed Odyssey tips

Do you want to get the most out of Assassin's Creed Odyssey? Then it is important for you to have a clear understanding about the Assassin's Creed Odyssey tips. These tips can provide much-needed support and assistance to you with proceeding through the game and achieving better results at the end of the day.

Here is a list of some of the most prominent Assassin's Creed Odyssey tips that you should be mindful about. All the Assassin's Creed Odyssey players are strongly encouraged to keep these tips in mind and go ahead with them. Then you will love the time that you are spending along with the game as well.

Dismantle weapons and armor that you aren’t using

While you are playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey, you will come across the need to upgrade your weapons and armor. This is where you are strongly encouraged to think about dismantling them while you are not using them. Then you will be able to reduce the overall time that is taken to go ahead with the upgrades.

Most of the Assassin's Creed Odyssey players feel afraid before they want to dismantle armor. You shouldn’t feel afraid like that. You are doing that for your own betterment. You just need to keep the benefit that you can receive by dismantling the weapons and armor and move forward with the game. Then you can secure a great overall experience with the game at all times.

When you are playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey, you have a clear understanding about the troubles that you have to experience when you are running around for deer and wolves in order to find lather. In the meantime, you will need to keep an eye on iron on the ground as well. Moreover, purchasing what you want from the blacksmith will cost you money as well. In all such instances, you will notice that dismantling armor and weapons can help you to save a lot of time.

In case if your heart rate has increased through destroyed armor, you need to go ahead and dismantle the items that aren’t worth.

Armor - Swap out and upgrade on a regular basis

Swap out and upgrade on a regular basis

This is an important Assassin's Creed Odyssey tip that al the beginners should keep in mind. Once you start playing this game, you will be able to find that you are equipped with ordinary grey colored armor. You should give some time for this armor. That’s because once you reach level 10, you will be provided with the chance to get hold of legendary equipment. This can provide a better experience to you at the end of the day.

The armor weapons that you can discover are pretty much similar to the weapons that you can find in the game called destiny 2. You are strongly encouraged to go ahead and swap them for the higher levels. It is a good habit that you can introduce for yourself while playing the Assassin's Creed Odyssey game. Then you will be able to increase the overall damage rating. However, there can be certain exceptions, which you need to be mindful about.

When you visit the blacksmith, you will be provided with the chance to upgrade weapons and armor. However, you need to make sure that you are having the right amount of resources needed to get the job done. In the meantime, it is also important to understand that legendary and epic gear will need you to be equipped with precious gems, which are quite difficult to find. The effort that you spend to get hold of them is quite worth when compared to the results that you can get at the end of the day.

When you visit the blacksmith, you will be provided with the chance to upgrade weapons and armor

It is also possible for you to engrave the weapons and armor that you have. You are encouraged to pay your attention towards this as well. You will be able to find the engravings at the blacksmith. You will be able to increase your chances of getting a critical hit by 5% and your chances of securing an Assassin damage by 4% with the engravings. Therefore, you should pay more attention towards the engravings and move forward along with time.

Most of the items that you can get in Assassin's Creed Odyssey game come along with engravings as well. You will not have the permission to change the engravings on those items. Therefore, you need to take a look at the items that you have without any engravings and proceed to the next stage of engraving only those items.

Never kill all the leaders or mercenary that you find

One of the biggest mistakes done by Assassin's Creed Odyssey players is that they go ahead and kill all the leaders and mercenary that they come across in the game. Instead of killing them, you have some better options available to consider. Recruiting them can be considered as a perfect example for such an option available for you to consider.

You will feel tempted to kill the leaders that you come across. However, it is better if you can put some effort in order to resist the urge that you are getting. This extra effort that you put can deliver worthy results to you at the end of the day and you will fall in love with what you are receiving.

Never kill all the leaders or mercenary that you find

In order to recruit, all you have to do is to get them to a level where they don’t have any health at all. Then you will be able to knock them out with the help of the spatial kick. This will assist you to cause non-lethal damage on them.

You will then be able to hold down L3 and recruit them as well. In other words, you will be making it possible for them to go ahead and join your ship. They will be joining as Lieutenants. This can provide you with some special vessel perks as well. For example, you will be able to increase the overall health of the ship, you can enhance the rower stamina generation and you will be able to enhance the strength of the ship.

Once you get bored, you have all the freedom to go ahead and dismiss them as well. Therefore, you don’t need to think twice before you kill the leaders and mercenary that you come across within the game. You will love the additional benefits that they can deliver to you within the Assassin's Creed Odyssey game.

Keep an eye on the side missions

All the players who spend their time with Assassin's Creed Odyssey should be mindful about the side missions at all times. That’s because some of the side missions will disappear when you don’t go ahead and pick them. When you see a side mission in the Assassin's Creed Odyssey game, it is better if you can go ahead and pick it up. Then you will be able to go through the side mission and experience what it can deliver to you as well.

Most of the side missions that you can discover in Assassin's Creed Odyssey game are linked with the main missions. Therefore, you are strongly encouraged not to miss out the side missions that are available. You will be able to create the storyline and uncover it in front of you by taking part in these side missions. Otherwise, you will have many blank spaces in front of you to fill up. You never want to go ahead and fill up these blank spaces on your own. Therefore, you should pick the side missions and spend your time with them as soon as you see them within the game.

Do not miss side missions. You will be able to create the storyline and uncover it in front of you by taking part in these side missions

Exploration mode is easy to use than you think

From the recent studies, it has been identified that most of the Assassin's Creed Odyssey players don’t tend to take a look at the exploration mode. That’s because they assume that the exploration mode is something difficult to use. This fact is not true at all. The exploration mode is quite easy for you to use and you will be able to get a helping hand to proceed with the game through the exploration mode. Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to pay a lot of attention towards it.

When you are booting up Assassin's Creed Odyssey game for the very first time, you are provided with two different options to move forward with. Out of these two options, you can pick either the Exploration Mode or the Guided Mode. The choice out of these two seem to be obvious. That’s because most of the players feel better when they are guided. However, this fact is not true for a game such as Assassin's Creed Odyssey. You will be able to find a unique exploration mode in the game and you will fall in love with what it can deliver to you. Hence, you will not regret about the decision that you take in order to proceed with the exploration mode at all times.

In the Exploration Mode, you will not be able to find a waypoint, which tells you on here to go. However, you will be able to collect all the information that you need to proceed with the game as you go ahead. This can make the life easy for you while spending time with Assassin's Creed Odyssey.

While you are proceeding with the exploration mode, you need to take a look at the NPC that you can find on the top left-hand corner of the screen. This will help you to get a better understanding about the direction that you should head to. Then you will be able to follow the directions and get the most out of the game. It will never be a challenging experience to you.

Become an expert in parrying

All the Assassin's Creed Odyssey players should acquire some skills to become better in the game. Parrying can be considered as a perfect example for such a skill. As a Assassin's Creed Odyssey player, you are strongly encouraged to become a master in parrying as soon as possible. Then you will be able to get a bunch of memories that you can be proud about.

Spartan kick along with the high place can help you kill anyone

In order to proceed with parrying, you will need to tap on L1 and R1 simultaneously. You should be doing this when an enemy in the game is about to hit you. Parrying can provide you with the chance to secure a perfect hit in such a situation. In other words, parrying will help you to make everything go in slow motion. During this time period, you have the freedom to secure a handful number of attacks. You can do that without giving any chance for the enemy in Assassin's Creed Odyssey game to recover.

During the parrying stage, most of the players are tempted to go ahead with the dodge attacks. However, it is important to keep in mind that dodge attacks is not the most reliable option available for you to consider. That’s because dodge attacks cannot guarantee a complete escape to you.

When you are engaged in a conquest fight, you will notice that you have to deal with two or more enemies at a time. In such a situation, the dodge attacks will not be able to deliver any fruitful results to you. Therefore, you need to think twice before you stick to them and move forward in this game. If you try to stick to dodge attacks in such a situation, there is a high possibility for you to get overwhelmed in the game. Therefore, you need to take a look at the other strategies available to go ahead and attack as well. This will help you to get the most out of Assassin's Creed Odyssey game at the end of the day.

Spartan kick along with the high place can help you kill anyone

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a massive open game. Due to the same reason, you will come across areas where the enemies are located at a higher level when compared to you. It is possible for you to settle for a battle in such a situation. However, it will not always help you to end up with excellent results. That’s because you will need to chip away the health of them and make sure that you are in a position to see the results. This is where you can practice the Spartan kick. It will increase your chances of killing the enemies, who are even positioned at a higher level than you.

Figure out how to play Mercenaries

In the Assassin's Creed Odyssey game, you should learn how to play the Mercenaries. Once you get that understanding, you will be able to go ahead and use them for your own advantage. This is a great feature, which you will fall in love with.

Figure out how to play Mercenaries

In order to learn about Mercenaries, you need to pay attention towards few important facts. For example, you will need to take a look at the origins of them. When you annoy more people in the game by stealing or killing, you will notice that a higher number of bruisers will be sent to you.

When you keep on causing more trouble in the game, you will notice that stronger mercenaries are sent on your way. They are dispatched with the objective of getting you. However, there are few changes that you should be mindful about in here as well.

In the Assassin's Creed Odyssey game, you will sometimes notice that the mercenaries are wandering around the world peacefully. They are not looking forward to get hold of you in such instances. You will only become a target when you are having a bounty on top of your head. You will be able to get a better understanding about this by taking a look at the helmet icon that you can find on top of their head. If the icon is a red colored one, they are looking after you and they are looking forward to capture you. However, if the icon is in grey color, the mercenaries are just minding their own business.

You can approach the mercenaries that are minding their own business and get them for your advantage. While you are doing that, you should also understand that there are numerous tiers of mercenaries as well. The difficulty of getting hold of them would increase along with the tier.

If you are interested in looking for a piece of kit, you need to think about targeting on a mercenary who is at a higher level. This will provide you with the chance to enhance the overall energy level of the gear as well. In addition to that, you need to think about recruiting them. Then you will be able to strengthen the overall power of the crew that you have under your ship in a convenient manner.

Once you spot a synchronization point, make sure to use it

As a player who is roaming through the Assassin’s Creed Odyssey game, you should think about getting the most out of synchronization points that you will come across. This will provide a helping hand for you to proceed through the game as well. You will find these synchronization points handy as well.

The map that you can find in the Assassin's Creed Odyssey game is massive. Therefore, you will have to travel a long distance when you are following the main missions that you can see in it. In such situations, the ability that you have to zip in between the synchronization points would provide a helping hand to you.

Once you spot a synchronization point, make sure to use it

You will come across synchronization points when you are moving forward with the Assassin's Creed Odyssey game map. Once you spot a point, you need to go ahead and use it. Then you will be able to get a helping hand to move forward with the game and receive the most out of it.

Never be afraid to camp

Most of the Assassin's Creed Odyssey players who go ahead with killing sneakily are quite afraid to camp. You shouldn’t be afraid to camp. Then you will be able to make sure that you are not missing out the opportunities that are available to grab within the game.

When you kill a character in the game and hide the body, you will often notice how another person comes to occupy his position. Due to the same reason, you will be able to hide in the same bush and keep on killing more people as much as possible. In order to take that to the next level, you should go ahead with camping. Then you will be able to achieve your game objectives in a convenient manner as well.

Purchase the second wind immediately

Last but not least, all the Assassin's Creed Odyssey are encouraged to think about purchasing the second wind in the game immediately. Most of the players prefer to stick to the shadows and proceed with the game. If you do this, you will rarely discover you being at the end of the spear. This is where you will come across the need to get hold of Second Wind capability. That’s because of conquests.

When you are engaged with massive battles in the game, you will come across the need to hide from the enemies or kill them. This is where you should rely on the warrior weapons. In order to remain safe from grief, you need to make sure that you are buying the second wind capability as soon as possible. Then it will provide you with the chance to regenerate your health up to 25%. When you are battling alone, it will provide a great help to you with marching towards the victory. You will love the helping hand that it can provide to you in the game.

Final words

Keep all these tips in mind when you are playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey game. Then you can make your gameplay experience more enjoyable.
