Assassin’s Creed Valhalla romance Guide | How to start a romance?


The romantic component, especially when there is content of a certain nature, always causes increased attention among players.

In AC Valhalla, the developers did not complicate or implement a multi-level system for developing romantic relationships with characters.

For the most part, the search for the "second half" is reduced to a few simple actions related to the passage of the main or secondary tasks.

As part of this guide, we will tell you about who Eivor can have a romantic relationship with and what you need to do to do this.

How to start a romance?

The developers have introduced one significant limitation – the ability to meet only one character at a time. That is, Eivor must first break up and only then get closer to another character.

Note: In practice, this restriction does not always work, perhaps the episodic appearance of a potential partner in the game plays a role here.

If you simplify the system presented, then all players need to do is follow the dialogue marked with a "heart", which (logically) means flirting.

Otherwise, everything is as simple as possible, namely:


How to have an affair Bil

This cute girl lives in Norway in Rygjafylke north-west of the settlement of Fornburg. You might also be in this area if you were looking for one of Ragnar Lothbrok's forgotten drengs – Erik the Faithful.

Bil is busy watching several young men dive into the waterfall in search of her crest.

Talk to her and find the comb with the help of "Odin's Vision", having received a promise to spend time in the company of the girl if successful.

After finding a comb, go for a walk together and agree to Bil's offer to comb your hair…


How to have an affair Petra

To go on a romantic date with the huntress Petra, you must complete the secondary tasks associated with her, as well as develop the Ravensthorpe settlement to at least level 2.

Complete two quests:

1. "Huntress" - help Petra get rid of a pack of wolves terrorizing the outskirts of the settlement, and at the same time save one of the residents of Ravensthorpe.

2. "Have you seen this person?" - this is quite an interesting and unusual quest, nothing complicated, but to avoid spoilers, we advise you to pass it in person.

After passing them, go back to the "Hunter's House" and talk to the girl, choosing the phrase with a heart "Shall we spend some time together".


How to have an affair Broder

During the passage of the chain of tasks "The Saga of Ten Oswald", where Eivor will help a young guy to become a worthy ruler of East Anglia, you will meet two brothers Broder and Brothir.

At the end of this chain, in the "Roar of Horns before the Wedding" quest, Eivor will attend the wedding of Oswald and Valdis, where Broder will offer to participate in a drinking contest during the celebration. But behind this offer lies a romantic interest, as the guy will receive several direct and rather vulgar hints to continue the evening in a more private setting-choose the phrase "Do you want to lay with me?" if you plan to develop this fleeting relationship.


How to have an affair Randvi

Perhaps it is Randvi, despite the fact that she is the wife of Sigurd until the end of the main storyline – this is the most logical and emotionally understandable choice of a life partner for Eivor.

Their mutual feelings for each other become clear to us at the beginning of the game, when Eivor meets Randvi at the door to the jarl's longhouse.

for an important romantic alliance for the entire "Raven Clan", it is necessary to conclude three alliances, that is, to complete three chains of tasks.

After that, the task "Taken for Granted" will be available, where Eivor and Randvi will go on a joint walk to the top of one of the destroyed towers, where they will finally find a piece of happiness in each other's arms.

In addition, Eivor and Randvi will be able to talk about their future after completing the main chain of tasks, during the celebration of the wedding of Gunnar and Brigit in Ravensthorpe in the quest "Forge and Flame".

Randvi will suggest that Eivor walk to a small waterfall nearby. Randvi, like Sigurd, will also talk about their breakup and her feelings for Eivor…


How to have an affair Stowe

Stow and his loyal friend Erke will meet in the city of Lundene during the passage of the chain of tasks "City of War".

Strong and principled Stowe probably makes many girls admire him and want a romantic relationship with him, including for those who play for the Eivor woman. But, apart from a little flirtation at the beginning of their acquaintance with the phrase "You're not stupid to fight", it will not work to get reciprocity from Stowe, since he does not look at anyone but Erke.

Stigr the Amorous

This is one of the fans of fluting in Snottinghamshire, with whom Eivor will have to measure his skills with a sharp word.

Beat him in fluting, and we talked about how to do it in this guide, and agree to spend time with him.


How to have an affair Gunlodr

Gunnled is the daughter of Suttung, the legendary ruler of Utgard, the city that we will visit in the quest chain "The Saga of the Snows" (The Saga of Jotunheim).

In order to unlock the romance with Gunnled, you need to find the appropriate gift for her – this is the "Marriage Hoop of Thor".

Next, you will only have to choose the phrases "I have a gift for you" and "I wanted to see you".


With Estrid Eivor meets in Essex, saving her and Eldorman Birstan from the bonds of a failed marriage, in the chain of tasks "Breviary of Broken Hearts".

About a small affair between Eivor and Estrid, we told in the description of the passage of the task "Kidnapping".


How to have an affair Tewdwr

The chain of tasks "The Saga of the Wicker Man" in Gloucestershire, during which Eivor and Tewdwr, against the background of a not very successful first acquaintance, spend time drinking, celebrating the "First Night of Samhain".

After a long cutscene and a hefty dose of alcohol and an exchange of friendly compliments, Tewdwr will make a few hints of romantic interest, and Eivor can respond with the phrase «Oh yes»…


How to have an affair Vili

We meet Vili Hemmingson, an old friend of the Raven Clan, in Snottinghamshire in the Saga of the Two Jarls quest chain.

In the quest "What's Inside", Eivor and Vili will find themselves around a campfire, remembering the old days of their turbulent youth.

Vili in this conversation will ask about whether there could be something more between them, answer positively if you plan to develop a relationship between Eivor and Vili.


Well, if we are not mistaken, then in AC Valhalla you can flirt and / or have a romantic relationship with ten characters in the game, who are either active participants in the entire main plot or appear only sporadically.

If you find a bug or can add to this guide, be sure to let us know in any way you like!
