The Play's the Thing - Witcher 3. Walkthrough. Talk about the script. Advertising Company and Theater performance


Location: Novigrad/The Butcher's Yard theater

Type: Main quest

Suggested Level:11

Reward: 25 ОО

After completing the quests "Get Junior" and "Count Reuven's Treasure", where we met our old friend Sigismund Dijkstra and finally killed this crazy maniac Junior (if you did not consider it necessary to save his life), it's time to visit Priscilla again and try to implement Triss's plan to attract Doppler to rescue Dandelion.

The Play s the Thing - Witcher 3

Talk about the script

Dopplers are enough interesting creatures that try not to attract attention, which means that it will be extremely problematic to find them.

How do I get him to talk? After all, after the last meeting, Dudu tried to hide all his traces.

It is with these questions that Geralt goes to Priscilla, who lives in the Kingfisher Inn.

The scripts in quest Play s the Thing

Dopplers are enough interesting creatures that try not to attract attention

From the conversation with her, it becomes known that Dudu was seriously interested in theater and performances at the time, and what is important-he took an active part in several performances.

This interest can be used for your own purposes, which leads to the development of a plan, the main points of which are as follows:

Conversation Geralt and Priscilla

1. Play a performance that will reach every corner of Novigrad;

2. Encrypt a message for Dudu in the play's script;

3. Get him to cooperate.

The main points of the plan have been worked out, but there are still key nuances, here Geralt is faced with the choice of name and genre affiliation:

Geralt is developing a plan

1. When choosing a Comedy genre, the guests who came to the performance will not take seriously the events shown on the stage, so the performance will pass quietly.

2. When choosing a drama-some visitors are fans of the Eternal Flame, which will result in a fight at the end of the performance.

Priscilla will start developing the script, and in the meantime, Geralt can sleep.

Carefully read the text before delivering it to Irina Renarde, this will increase the fee for the performance, and Madame Irina will help with the production of the play.

Carefully read the text before delivering it to Irina Renarde

Advertising Company

The Madame Irene theatre can be found near the Hierarch's square in butchers ' lane. Passes to the theater are closed, and an usher who will charge the Witcher 50 kronor for a ticket guards the only available entrance.

Advertising Company in quest The Play s the Thing

If you do not want to pay, you can get to the theater through the courtyard of the banker de Jonkheer’s house, which is adjacent to the building we need.

The conversation with Madame Irina will be productive, and she will be happy to organize the performance, but Geralt needs to provide security and appropriate advertising.

The conversation Madame Irina with Geralt Irina will be happy to organize the performance

What to pay attention to first, you decide, if you go to the docks, you will find there a few strong guys from Mettina, which is the best fit as a guard.

In docks Geralt will meet a few strong guys from Mettina

It will not be so easy to attract them to work, since their life is reduced to one thing-fisticuffs.

Geralt need to attract them to work

Their love of excitement can be used-choose an option that will allow Geralt not to pay for their services, in the case of winning a match with two opponents at once level 12.

The fight geralt with strong guys in the docks

In battle, use evasion with counterattacks and quick attacks, because the strong ones can cause serious damage if you miss a couple of blows from them.

Further, the necessary interest in the production among the numerous residents of Novigrad will be able to provide the musical group "Puffins", who live in the center of Bits.

When talking with them, it will become known that they are under the serious influence of Tolstoy's bandits, which Geralt will have to deal with.

Residents of Novigrad says that they are under the serious influence of Tolstoy s bandits

Find robbers will not be difficult, they can be seen nearby, mocking another poor guy.

Robbers are located near, they mocking another poor guy.

In any case, you will have to fight with them, but a gang of three level 11 opponents will easily be scared off with only a few blows.

The Fight Geralt with robbers

In gratitude for getting rid of the "Puffins" will agree to advertise the performance and will do it at the highest level.

Gratitude will agree to advertise the performance and will do it at the highest level


Returning to the theater of Madame Irene, you will meet one of her actors - Maxim Boliere, who will clearly not be in the conditions required for a role in the play.

Finally meeting with Madame Irina, you will have to face a choice again, distributing the main roles to the actors:

  • The Witcher must be played by you (of course, by Geralt's hands), because Dudu must immediately understand that the Witcher is involved in the plan;

In theater of Madame Irene, you will meet one of her actors - Maxim Boliere

  • The Princess can be played by either Priscilla or Irina herself, the former has less practical skills, but more charm, and the latter will bring more stage experience to the play;

The Princess can be played by either Priscilla or Irina

  • For the role of Prince, it is better to offer Abelard Rizza, who will perfectly cope with his role and will not screw up like Boliere.

For the role of Prince, it is better to offer Abelard Rizza

When you are done with the preparation, you can start the presentation.

Start the presentation in quest: The Play s the Thing

If you forget your words, Geralt's lines look like this:

If you forget your words, Geralt s lines look like this

  • "To slay beasts most foul – ‘twas for this I was made, I kill as my calling, not just to get paid"
  • "Perhaps ‘midst the guest he hides, in fear?"
  • "Seems men’s hearts can love for changelings foster!"
  • "But a heart that is base, such as in this knave aches!"
  • "No monster is he whose shape can shift."

As soon as it got dark and numerous spectators gathered, the entertainer announced the beginning of the performance. Do not confuse your lines, choosing the above options at the right moments, and continue to look out for Dudu in the crowd.

As soon as it got dark and numerous spectators gathered, the entertainer announced the beginning of the performance

Geralt in quest: The Play s the Thing

Geralt plays a role in the theater

Keep on looking out for replicas - Dudu

Use words and cues correctly

In the planned scenario, there will be a place for the direct participation of the Doppler, who will be invited to the stage.

In the planned scenario, there will be a place for the direct participation of the Doppler

The performance itself will end with a loud ovation (if you chose a Comedy genre) and a long-awaited conversation with Doppler Dudu.

As you may remember from the plan, Triss - Dudu must play the role of Caleb Menge, giving orders to transfer Buttercup to Oxenfurt, where Geralt and company will ambush them on their way.

The performance itself will end with a loud ovation

A long-awaited conversation with Doppler Dudu

Only the optional dialogue points and the performance fee will remain.

Only the optional dialogue points and the performance fee will remain

On this quest "The Play's the Thing" when it's over, the task "A Poet Under Pressure" will begin.

P/S If in the quest "Count Reuven's Treasure" you were able to find out where Dijkstra Treasury is located, then in the conversation with Dudu there will be new replicas and a new task in the next quest.
