«The Sims 4»: Write Song | How create a piece of Music | How to Sell song


Writing your own music became possible with the release of the fourth part of the game "The Sims". This unique opportunity allows you not only to realize the musical potential of the game character, but also to earn money for the family budget by creating a work.

«The Sims 4»: Write song

To create a piece of music, you will need to increase your character's musical instrument playing skills to the eighth level. After that the function will appear in the menu of the musical instrument «write song».

How create a piece of Music in Sims 4

Appear function (Write Song) in menu

In order for the writing process to be productive, you need to take care of the needs of the SIM, since the process of writing a work is 12 Sim hours. But if, despite all the preparation, the physical fatigue of the character does not allow him to finish the work at a time, you can postpone the writing process and continue after a rest.

Process writing song is 12 Sim hours

When a work is created, it is displayed in the baggage as notes. Music written by SIM can be played and sold using the mailbox (this option becomes available when you reach 9 skills of playing the selected musical instrument). You can sell songs once a week, and after the sale, the funds from the use of the melody will go to the family's Luggage.

When a work is created, it is displayed in the baggage as notes

 Music written by SIM can be played and sold using the mailbox

Just playing your own tunes on the instrument (with the exception of a piano that may be missing from the game lot), the character receives money from grateful listeners.

In this simple way, any character can have a passive income for "pocket" needs, in addition to the main job.

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