RDR2 - Dreamcatchers | Locations | Guide


Dreamcatchers are ancient Indian amulets. In some tribes they were also called "spiders". Talismans were made of wicker, which was covered with deer veins and harsh threads, forming a beautiful web. The main purpose of dream catchers is to “capture” bad dreams in your own chains, which evil spirits send to people, and to let in good dreams. The last of the beliefs of the Indians could be embodied in reality. Dream catchers traditionally hang over a berth as a guardian. They are universal, that is, they do not sharpen for any particular person. In Red dead redemption 2 they hang on trees in different locations. These are collectible items. They need to be collected if the player plans to complete the game 100%. Although many lovers of hunting for different things will be delighted just from the prospects to replenish their game collections. Purposefully go on a journey to collect catchers is not worth it, because it is a waste of time. They can be picked up on the road while traveling to perform other major and side missions. In the guide, we will tell you about where dream catchers are hidden in the open spaces of the game world, so that the player can easily navigate.

Little about Game Catchers

In the Wild West, clashes with Indians were commonplace. The new population of America was actively crowding out the natives, freeing themselves of space for life. In the game there are items that can be considered the heritage of Indians: bow and arrows, tomahawks and dream catchers. You can start searching for the latter immediately after the beginning of the second story chapter.

There are only 20 dream catchers in Red dead redemption 2. They can be found only on the branches of trees, so you need to look upward more often. They will differ from each other in size and design. One is easy to see with the naked eye among the bare branches, while others will successfully mask under the protective cover of foliage. Most plays and time of day. At night, without special skills to find the catcher, even knowing his approximate location, it is almost impossible.

If a player is afraid to miss a collection item, then you need to activate the "Dead eye", which will highlight the desired catcher in yellow. You can collect them in any order, which allows you to include this task in other missions and not spend too much time on consecutive searches. In order for the find to be counted, you need to get close to the tree on which branch the catcher hangs, and press "Y / triangle" (depending on the console). Collecting all catchers will add 2% to the game progress and will open the skill Ancient Arrowhead. Useful bun, which when using onions will reduce the endurance consumption by half. Here, the game developers made a nod to the native people of America, linking their traditional amulet and traditional weapons.

Location of catchers

It is time to start the hunt for hunters. Although below they will be designated as "first", "second", "third", this is done for convenience of listing. The order does not matter. You can first go for the "tenth", and then pick up the "fifth".

For the first catcher you need to go to the neighborhood of Annesburg. The sought is on the river bank. A small catcher will hang on the lower branch of a gigantic tree, which is no different from its neighbors. Landmark can only be a large boulder nearby.

Mark on the map where the first catcher is

The first catcher is on the river bank in the vicinity of Annesburg.

The second is located near the location of the first. To reach it, you need to move in the north-west direction. On the map the place is located next to the letter "o" in the name of the location "Ambarino". The catcher hangs on a thick branch of an old, withered tree. To see it, you have to raise your head.

The second catcher is in the northwest direction from the first

The catcher hangs on a thick branch of a tree

The third is also hidden near Anneseburg. To search you need to move to the south of the location. The catcher hangs low enough on one of the trees on the slope.

The third catcher is hidden near Anneseburg, he hangs on one of the trees

The third catcher is hidden not far from Anneseburg, he hangs on one a mark on the map where the third tree lover is located

The location of the fourth dream catcher is between Annesburg and New Hanover. On the card, you can navigate the inscription "New Hanower", the dream catcher will be hung on a tree near the letter "e". The player needs a fairly wide clearing, surrounded by a young forest. Among the thin trees will be allocated one with a spreading crown. On its lower branch and hangs the desired. Unlike previous catchers, this has a diamond shape.

Mark on the map where the fourth catcher is

The location of the fourth dreamcatcher is between Annesburg and New Hanover.

For the fifth one, you must again go north to Annesburg itself. The player needs one of the roads leading to the suburbs. The path lies through the hills on the slopes of which there is a rare forest. The catcher hangs on an old, withered tree. In color, it merges with the bark, so you can see the object only from a certain angle.

Location the fifth catcher

For the fifth one, you must again go north to Annesburg itself.

The sixth is also safely hidden near the location of New Hanover. For his search, it is easier to focus on the inscription on the map. Need a place located right in the center of the letter "o" in the inscription "New Hanower". There is a dreamcatcher in a rare forest that borders a rough road. It will hang on the bottom branch of a strong tree. The catcher can be seen with the naked eye, as there are bright yellow, blue and red garters on the circle. At night, it’s almost impossible to see what you are looking for without special skill.

The sixth is also securely hidden near the location of New Hanover. It hangs on the bottom branch of a strong tree

Location the sixth catcher

The seventh catcher is also hidden in the vicinity of Annesburg, or rather just south of the city. It can be found on a steep slope on one of the lower branches of an old tree, of which only a dried, rotten skeleton remains. This "pillar" is visible from afar.

Mark on the map where is the seventh catcher

The 7th catcher is on a steep slope on one of the lower branches of an old tree.

The eighth was lost between the swamps of Lemoyna and New Hanover. The player will have to get to the Aberdeen pig farm to find a wide clearing with a lonely tree. A large dream catcher is suspended on its green branches. If you walk under a tree, it’s impossible not to bang your head against it.

The eighth was lost between the swamps of Lemoyna and New Hanover.

Mark on the map where is the eighth catcher

The ninth quietly hangs on the branches of a dried, but not yet lost all branches, tree near the ranch Emerald. If a player happens to be in this location by accident, he will fail to notice the catcher.

The ninth quietly hangs on the branches of a dried-up tree near the ranch Emerald.

Mark on the map where is the ninth catcher

To search for the tenth you need to go to the location of Heartlands, which borders West Elizabeth, Cumberland Forest and Lemoyn. The catcher hangs on a lone tree that grows in the midst of a bare plain landscape. It has long dried up, so finding a catcher of labor will not make up even without a special skill.

The tenth is located in the Heartlands location, which borders West Elizabeth, Cumberland Forest and Lemoyn.

Mark on the map where is the tenth catcher

For the eleventh player will have to go just north of Heartlands. In this case, the easiest way to navigate the map. The desired tree, on which the triangular catcher will hang, is located in the gap between the letters "N" and "e" in the inscription "New Hanower".

The eleventh catcher is north of Heartlands.

Mark on the map where there is 11 catcher

To find the twelfth, you will have to move towards the Bluewater Marsh swamps. The place is located just north of the location. The player will have to find a rare thicket in which a noticeable old tree will grow. This dream catcher is also different from the rest. It is made very elegantly and resembles the interweaving of cobwebs with three colored feathers.

The twelfth catcher is near the Bluewater Marsh swamps - it resembles a cobweb weave

Mark on the map where the twelfth catcher is

The location of the thirteenth lies northeast of Valentine. A very perceptible colored dream catcher hangs on a branch of a tree that grows on a slope above the railway. There is a bridge nearby.

Thirteenth is in the Northeast of Valentine

Mark on the map where is the thirteenth catcher

The fourteenth dream catcher hid to the west of the Heartlands location. It can be seen with the naked eye on one of the trees on the rocky shore that frame the turbulent river.

The fourteenth catcher is located west of the Heartlands.

Mark on the map where the fourteenth catcher is

The fifteenth catcher can be found northwest of New Hanover. The tree with the desired object grows close to Caliban's Seat. The catcher is easily recognizable by its bright blue-green feathers.

Mark on the map where the fifteenth catcher is

The fifteenth catcher is in the northwest of New Hanover.

For the sixteenth player to go to the location of Lemoyne. The sought-after is hidden west of the Bluewater Marsh swamps in one of the numerous meadows. The catcher will hang on the lower branch of the dried tree.

The sixteenth catcher is located in Lemoyne, west of the Bluewater Marsh swamps

Mark on the map where is the sixteenth catcher

For the seventeenth you need to get to the mountains of the Grizzlies. A colorful catcher hangs on the lower branch of a dried tree trunk among the rocks on one of the slopes of the mountain range.

The seventeenth catcher is in the grizzly mountains, on the lower branch of a tree

Mark on the map where the seventeenth catcher

The eighteenth is located in the Ambarino location near Cotorra Springs. The player needs a wide clearing with a lonely old tree. It will be difficult to notice the dream catcher even in the daytime, so it is better to apply the skill in advance.

The eighteenth is located in the Ambarino location near Cotorra Springs.

Mark on the map where is the eighteenth catcher

For the nineteenth, you need to move in a westerly direction from Valentine. On the road, you need to turn to the side of the road and go deep into the thicket of forest. Finding this dream catcher is very difficult. It blends in color with the bark of the tree and only slightly stands out with a blue feather. The tree must be looked for dry, without leaves.

Nineteenth is to the west of Valentine

Mark on the map where the nineteenth catcher is

To search for the twentieth you need to go to the border of the Grizzly Mountains and the Cumberland Forest. Dreamcatcher hanging on a tree that grows on a steep rocky slope.

Mark on the map where the twentieth catcher is

The twentieth catcher is near the Grizzly Mountains and the Camberled Forest
